What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 98 Write the name of the summit on the rooftop

During the lunch break, Aokiji came to the rooftop with Tora Maeda, Daitake Matsusaka and Miao Fujiwara.

Perhaps in some light love comedies, this is the perfect place for the hero and heroine to promote their relationship. But it is a pity that in the eyes of delinquents, this place is a symbol of power and a private place that proves their strength. Want to eat lunch on the rooftop and fall in love? Impossible, go to an aristocratic school full of good students and look for opportunities!

Being able to stand here means that I am at the top of the school, the top among the bad boys in the school.

In the past, there was no one here because Wuyang School had never had anyone who could truly stand at the top. But now, Aokiji has done this.

On the rooftop, Aokiji watched as Maeda Tora and others happily moved in old sofas and old coffee tables. They happily decorated the rooftop as if decorating a new home. He even took out spray paint and sprayed it on the wall. He couldn't help but wince. He raised his eyebrows and said, "If you do this, won't the school cause trouble for you?"

Fujiwara Miao excitedly took the spray paint and wrote the words "Aoki Legion" on the wall with red spray paint, while replying: "Boss, since the principal of Suzuran High School wanted to rebuild the wall a few years ago and was broken by a student, it seems like Places like the rooftop have long been designated for delinquent teenagers like us by default."

"Even if the school is not happy, so what." Fujiwara Miao finished painting, looked at the highest position on the wall, took out another black spray paint from his pocket and handed it to Aokiji: "At most, I will give you a written explanation. It’s just a warning, they don’t dare to mess with us.”

"This is a saying that has been circulating in Wuyang High School for a long time. Only those who can write their names on the rooftop are the ones who truly dominate Wuyang High School. This seems to be a common understanding among most delinquent high schools. Only the strongest Only bad boys can occupy the rooftop."

Fujiwara Miao smiled and said: "Boss, write your name on it!"

Aokiji frowned and sprayed paint. He didn't like to do such a thing very much, but seeing Tora Maeda and the others as excited as if they had won a big prize, it didn't disappoint him. After thinking about it, it was nothing. It was a big deal, so he just sighed and said: "From now on, I have to respect the teachers and the school more. If the school holds the responsibility, blame it on me."

Miao Fujiwara smiled nonchalantly: "Definitely not. I heard they said someone spray-painted it here last year, and the school didn't say anything in the end."

"Then why are there no traces of spray paint on this wall?" Aokiji turned around and asked in confusion.

"Well, it seems that not long after that person was spray-painted, he was besieged by other delinquents, and he was almost beaten and failed to graduate." Fujiwara Miao said disdainfully: "If you want to occupy the top of Wuyang High School, you can't just say it yourself. Yes, others have to be convinced."

"As for this wall, it seems that other delinquents repainted the wall white. It has become a consensus that no one can paint this wall until no one can stand at the top."

"Boss! Go and spray-paint your name on it!" Tora Maeda was sweating profusely and placed a tattered sofa in the center of the rooftop. He wiped the sweat and looked at the wall with an unbearable expression.

Aoki Sui sighed, shook the spray paint can in his hand a few times, stepped on the small ladder brought by Miao Fujiwara, reached out and spray-painted his name on the highest point of the wall.

"It's my turn, it's my turn." Maeda Tora watched Aokiji come down, took the spray paint can in his hand, laughed and spray-painted his own name under Aokiji's name.

Next came Matsusaka Daitake, and then Fujiwara Miao.

Only the four of them spray-painted their names on it. The other members of the 'Aoki Legion', according to them, are not qualified to spray paint without outstanding achievements or contributions.

"Speaking of which, the name Aoki Legion is really a good one." Aoki Si smiled bitterly as he watched the beautiful wall painted colorfully by his group, which gave him a street style. And at the top, his name, Aoki Si, was impressive. While I felt a little bit sorry for the school, I also felt a little bit excited.

Does this mean that I am standing on the so-called pinnacle?

Aokiji looked at the mediocre ordinary students under the rooftop, and a feeling of pride quietly grew in his heart.

"Boss! Let's eat!" Maeda Tora moved the coffee table and placed it in front of Aokiji. He also sat on the small sofa and put the lunch box on the table.

Aokiji smiled and asked: "Where did you get so many things?"

Only the corners of this coffee table look a bit old. The glass on the table top looks like new. I don’t know where they found the case.

Maeda Tora just chuckled: "There are a lot of these things in the school warehouse. Our sofa and coffee table were probably replaced by the school leadership office."

"Uh, did you take it after getting confirmation?" Aokiji stared at him and narrowed his eyes.

Maeda Tora was stared at by Tsukasa Aoki with unkind eyes, and he quickly explained in a panic: "Of course, I communicated with the teacher who manages the warehouse, and I took it only when he said it was okay."

Well, of course we communicate using your name, boss. Maeda Tora swallowed the rest of the words in his stomach.

Aokiji nodded: "That's right. I think you can make some money by selling this thing second-hand. The teacher really gave it to you."

Matsuzaka Daitake was so busy that he was sweating. He finally wiped the last small sofa clean, sat down on it, and said with a smile: "Okay, our stronghold is complete!"

Aoki took a look and saw that Matsusaka Daitake and the three of them were on small sofas that could only accommodate one person. The one under his butt was a large sofa that was more than enough for lying on. He felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "To be honest, I am now It still feels a bit unreal.”

Hearing this, Matsusaka Daitake pretended to cry and pointed to the swollen area on his face and said: "I'm very real. I went home last night and it hurt so much that I couldn't sleep at night."

Maeda Tora slapped him on the shoulder fiercely: "Tsk, why can't a man even bear this little pain?"

"It hurts, it hurts!" Matsusaka Daitake slapped his hand away in disgust: "You think I'm Ahu from the TV series!"

"Hey, did you guys watch it yesterday?" Miao Fujiwara slapped her thigh excitedly: "The scene where Ahu was fighting in the classroom yesterday was so cool!"

"Yes, yes!" Tora Maeda, as the biggest fan of the TV series, immediately echoed: "I'm telling you."

"Don't talk about TV series while eating!" Aokiji slapped the lunch box with his chopsticks and said with a serious expression: "Especially the one you are talking about!!"

The three people from Tianhu and Tianhu looked at each other with regretful expressions.

"Boss, you might as well go and have a look." Maeda Tora wanted to say something else, but Aokiji's attitude was extremely determined: "I refuse!"

Maeda Tiger clicked his tongue regretfully, as if he truly felt sorry that his boss could not appreciate such a legendary work.

Fujiwara Miao's cell phone suddenly dinged. He looked at the sender on the phone, suddenly stood up with a flushed face, and hurriedly said to Aokiji and others: "I, I'm going to the toilet, and I'll come back later for lunch. !”

Aokiji and the three looked at each other, and Maeda Tora showed a somewhat obscene smile and whispered: "I saw it, the sender is Xianyujiang."

"There is also a little red heart!" Tora Maeda chuckled, and Daitake Matsuzaka suddenly raised his eyebrows and slapped the table with an indignant look: "The boss didn't even find a girlfriend, how could he do this! No, We have to go and see! Let’s go, Ahu!”

"Don't call me Ahu, it will make me appear in the TV series!" Tora Maeda stood up with a gossipy smile: "Boss, he did something wrong indeed. The boss doesn't have a girlfriend, how can he do it? What about such a thing! Do you want to go and see it together?"

Aokiji looked confused. This had something to do with him not having a girlfriend! Is he, Aokiji, the kind of person who doesn't like other people's kindness? Are you the kind of person who doesn’t let his friends have girlfriends because he doesn’t have one?

So, he immediately stood up with a serious expression on his face: "You can't say that. It doesn't matter whether I have a girlfriend or not, but falling in love early is not good. Let's wait until he is an adult."

"Let's go and have a look!"

Maeda Tora and Matsusaka Daitake looked at each other and smiled.

The three of them tiptoed towards Miao Fujiwara, who was happily walking down the rooftop stairs while holding his mobile phone. Without him even realizing it, they got closer and closer.


ps: Miao Fujiwara is about to have a girlfriend, don’t I even have a recommendation vote? QAQ

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