In the early morning, Aokiji stepped into the campus again and felt the difference in his surroundings.

Different from the pure fear, disgust, and curiosity in the past, Aokiji actually felt respect.

Can a bad boy also gain respect from others? Aokiji smiled dumbly, feeling that this was all his illusion.

As usual, he came to the seat in the most photographed row in the class. Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief, lay down on the table, closed his eyes and rested.

"Aoki-kun?" Teruhashi Xinmei's voice suddenly came to his ears.

Aokiji blinked, looked at Kokoro Teruhashi sleepily, and nodded to her: "What's wrong?"

Teruhashi Shinmei seemed to have put on light makeup, and her already good-looking face became more elegant and refined. She had blue hair shawl, and her big eyes seemed a little tired, but now she looked at Aokiji with a cheerful smile. He handed over the medicine bottle in his hand with a concerned look on his face: "This is the spray and bruise medicine I have at home. It seems to be a gift my mother received from a friend in China. I heard it is very effective for trauma."

Aokiji looked at her and smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter. The injuries on my body are not a problem, but thank you anyway, Teruhashi-san."

Teruhashi Shinmei looked at Aokiji smiling at her, and her heart started to beat loudly. She put the potion on the table, put her hands behind her hands nervously, and unconsciously stood on tiptoes and said, "Mr. It’s better than nothing. If the wounds on your body don’t heal, it will be very painful.”

Aokiji touched his bald head that seemed to have no sign of growing hair for some reason, and waved his hand in embarrassment: "That."

Teruhashi Shinmei didn't give Aokiji a chance to refuse, and interrupted him with a smile: "That's it, I'm going to review my homework."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his seat, his jumping steps seemed to be very exciting.

Aokiji sighed, but put away the spray bottle. Looking at the slightly jealous eyes of the male classmates around him, he felt as if he had attracted hatred again.

"Boss!" Maeda Tora's voice was always so full of vigor. Aokiji turned to look. Maeda Tora with a scarred face came from the door with a big smile and sat down on the seat next to Aokiji, with dark circles on his eyes. Clearly scary.

"Hey, was your black circle hit by someone?" Aokiji raised his eyebrows.

Maeda Tora touched his head and laughed: "No, no, I was so excited when I went home yesterday. The TV series "The Ultimate Storm" happened to be played, so I watched the TV series and then watched the movie again. I couldn't stop watching it. Down."

Aokiji covered his face speechlessly: "What's the point of a TV series that is completely unrealistic?"

Maeda Tora was a little excited: "How can it be meaningless! The protagonist Tiger in it is indomitable and never gives in when encountering any danger. I don't know how many people he has inspired to muster up the courage to face difficulties bravely!"

"And he's so cool!" When Tora Maeda said this, he smiled shyly: "He's just a little worse than the boss, but he's handsome enough!"

He actually sighed like a little fanboy: "How great it would be if I could become a man as powerful as Brother Tiger or Boss!"

When he said this, he was excited and spitting: "Yesterday, I was lying on the ground and watched the boss punch one after another surrounded by more than a dozen people. The people he beat were crying for their fathers and mothers. It was really cool!"

Maeda Tiger even performed a naked choke gesture, gesticulating with his teeth and claws: "Especially that Ueno Yang, it is so miserable! To be honest, at that time, I even believed the boss really wanted to kill him. Sure enough, , The boss is the boss, I will never be able to imitate that kind of momentum in my life."

Aokiji was silent and smiled slightly.

At that time, he really wanted to kill Ueno Yang

Thinking of this, Aokiji sighed. He was really blinded at that time, and he didn't even know whether he was in reality or in the dream practice room. If Maeda Tora hadn't called him, something big might have happened! Fortunately, I have woken up now, and I will definitely not risk my life with those relatives of Kotaro in my dream next time.

He took out a can of hot coffee from his bag and took a sip. Aokiji felt a lot more energetic: "Okay, don't talk about those things. It's not something worth showing off."

Maeda Tora stopped reluctantly, but still looked at Aoki with a beaming look: "Yesterday, I received a lot of messages on my phone from people who wanted to follow Big Brother. Big Brother, what do you think?"

"It's better to be lacking than to be lazy." Aokiji took a sip of coffee, and the sweet and bitter taste made him couldn't help but squint his eyes: "Anyway, as long as you follow me, they will follow the Five Rings. .”

It is said that there is such a thing that is quite easy to use, at least you don’t have to explain it for a long time.

"Oh, by the way, brother." Maeda Tora chuckled, raised an eyebrow at Aokiji, and handed a thick wad of money to Aokiji.

Aokiji looked at him in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Protection money!" Maeda Tora said matter-of-factly: "Now that we are the talkers of Wuyang High School, it is natural for us to collect protection money? These are all handed over to me by those people in the morning. I pay them about once a week. Go back."

"Return all the money!" Aokiji said righteously and in a stern voice: "When did I say I wanted to collect protection money? What did I tell you then? I never bully the weak! No one is allowed to collect it in the future. Protection fees!"

"Uh" Maeda Tora frowned and actually retorted: "Boss, this is a rule. If we don't collect it, those who pay the protection fee will not feel at ease."

Aokiji was a little angry: "Fart! Who still likes to take the initiative to hand over their money?"

"Uh" Maeda Tora was speechless for a moment.

But soon, he explained: "But."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's wrong to collect protection money." Aoki looked at Tora Maeda with a cold expression: "Do you think this is the right move?"

Seeing Aokiji's sullen face and categorical words, Maeda Tiger didn't dare to talk back to him anymore. He just sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll give it back. But, I guess they will come to find you again."

Aokiji glanced at him and didn't want to talk to him: "None of you are allowed to bully people in school. It's not allowed to hit people, and it's not allowed to collect money. You can also tell other bad students who are not under my control for me, whoever bullies others , or do something bad, just wait for me to find him."

Maeda Tora shook his head and didn't say much. He felt that the facts would make Aokiji understand why he did what he did.

In the neon society, the hierarchy should be the most obvious in the world.

Not to mention the hierarchy of juniors and seniors, there are also very obvious hierarchy differences among students in school alone.

Needless to say, delinquents are naturally the most feared type and are the top of the hierarchy pyramid.

In the second level, there are students who are more outstanding in arts and physical abilities.

The third level is the followers of the above students, or members of the student club.

The fourth level is those who are lonely, have poor athletic ability and no special skills, or are just plain weird people.

And at the lowest end of this level pyramid, there are some of the most common types of people seen in anime or novels - people who are bullied and excluded. This group of people were so pitiful that they even hid in the toilet to eat to avoid being bullied, and they couldn't even eat lunch.

If these people at the bottom want to stop being bullied, bullied, and isolated, what should they do?

change yourself? No kidding, if they had such ability, how could they end up in this situation? Resist? If they had the courage to raise their heads and resist, how could they be bullied all the time?

If these people want to avoid being bullied, they have only one way - or they can get into some small group and find some friends who are willing to speak for them. Otherwise, the only choice is to cling to bad boys.

Paying protection fees is naturally the easiest way. Taking the initiative to hand over money to those bad students, preferring to be exploited in exchange for a stable school life, this is the easiest way for them to get out of their current predicament.

Maeda Tora understands these principles, but it seems that Aokiji does not.

Even if Aokiji makes all the bad students in the school stop bullying their classmates, what's the use?

Delinquents are not the only ones who bully others.

Maeda Tora sighed, glanced at Aokiji, who was obviously angry with him, and turned his head away from him, unwilling to talk to him, and decided to let Aokiji figure it out on his own.

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