"Oh! One Punch Man's fierce whip completely destroyed the White Devil!" On the commentary stage, the commentator roared crazily.

In the octagonal cage, Aokiji fiercely hit the white opponent in front of him who was taller than himself. He looked at him limping with blood on his face and still looked at him full of fighting spirit, breathing. rapid.

Strictly speaking, the primary training opponents simulated by the system are probably much weaker than Aokiji. At least the guy in front of him called the White Devil, apart from his height and length, his standing skills are not outstanding. And ground skills? This white devil can't get close at all. No matter whether he punches or kicks, Aokiji can quickly dodge and counterattack.

Now, as Aokiji's whip kick hit his right leg many times, his right leg was visibly bruised and swollen, and he was walking with a slight limp.

"Come on!"

"kill him!"

"Destroy him!"

The cheers from the audience and commentators made Aokiji feel extra excited.

Aokiji gritted his teeth, his expression ferocious.

He felt that maybe there was another bloodthirsty version of himself hidden in his body. Anyway, ever since Zuoye killed dozens of people with his sword in the dream training room, he felt that he was becoming more and more comfortable in facing such situations. , just like when he competed with Ueno Yang for the top of Wuyang, he could feel a strange sense of satisfaction every time he hit the enemy with a punch.

I'm so weird! Originally I was extremely resistant to such things, but now I actually enjoy it.

Aokiji looked at the enemy in front of him and continued to attack with an expressionless face. He kept moving quickly around the leg that he had crippled, taking advantage of his physical disadvantage of being unable to turn around and punching and kicking without leaving any strength behind. Bombing the opponent in front of him.

"He's down!" the narrator yelled.

Aokiji's very sudden line-changing kick bypassed the white devil's defensive hands. The leg that was originally kicking towards the waist suddenly changed in the air and hit the side of the white devil's face.

The next moment, the white devil fell to the ground with a snap like a fallen dead tree, twitching all over.

Aokiji spit out his braces, looked at the referee who was about to announce his victory, and said in a calm tone: "Quit training."

Everything in front of him was once again distorted like an abstract oil painting, turning into pure white.

Sitting in an empty space with only white flowers, Aokiji slowly lay down and took a deep breath.

He felt that he had changed. Once upon a time, he was content with being a little rich. Even if he had a system, he just wanted to have the life he wanted freely and had no ambition to be praised by others. But for some reason, he felt that he wanted more and more things now.

Stretching out his hands, his originally clean, white and tender hands could still see the calluses on the joints in the dream training room at this time. Aokiji remained silent, slowly closed his eyes, and pondered deeply.

"System, do you also feel that I have changed a lot?" Aokiji sounded a little frustrated.

Qiong's appearance today made him a little frightened, and also made him realize that he had really changed. When he punched his opponent, the feeling of joy that came from his heart made him feel fear.

【Have you ever known your true self? 】

The system no longer pretended to be deaf and mute, and what it said made Aokiji fall into deep thought.

Your true self? In Aokiji's mind, his two different life experiences flashed rapidly.

I once studied hard in China, burned the midnight oil countless times, worked hard for the hopes of others, but in the end I was reduced to a social beast. While others were laughing and enjoying their youth, he was worrying about what to eat tomorrow. He never argued with others because he knew that in the end, he would gain nothing.

I thought that by being patient and working hard, I would be able to gain freedom and happiness sooner or later, but in the end I just chose to bow my head in the face of heavy pressure and became the person I hated most.

From nine to five, I would accompany my boss with a smiling face, laugh out loud with my beer belly at the banquet, and pour alcohol into my stomach, and then in a corner where no one knew, I would vomit until I was dizzy, with tears streaming down my face due to stomach problems. .

Aokiji once had a girl he liked, but he repeatedly comforted himself, restrained, and endured. In his current situation, it was difficult for him to take care of himself, let alone his partner. In the end, I watched the girl I liked marry and become a wife, and most of my friends around me formed families. I was the only one who comforted myself that my current life was happy enough. In the end, I got used to loneliness and the things in front of me. Life.

Is this your true self? Aokiji remained silent.

In my memory, my other self who grew up in Neon was never happy either. It is his greatest luck that a drunken relative can provide him with food and clothing. In his memory, Aokiji could clearly recall that in elementary school, many ignorant children teased him for being a motherless child.

But the Aokiji of this world did not choose to endure. Instead, he raised his fist and struck anyone who dared to laugh at him. Is he strong? No, the original Aokiji in this world was not strong. In his memory, there were countless times when he was beaten down hard and lay on the ground gritting his teeth without making a sound.

Until the death of his father-in-law, Aokiji, who was already scarred by this world, was unwilling to fight against this sad reality and chose to commit suicide.

Is this Aoki Tsukasa's true self?

Is Aoki Tsukasa, who knocks down each enemy to the ground with his fists and feels an incomparable sense of accomplishment in his heart while winning, his true self?

Aokiji covered his heart. The strong muscles gave him a sense of security that he had never felt in his two lives.

It hasn't been long since he came to this world, but every scene and every person is extremely vivid in his memory.

Qiong, who is full of tears but smiles brightly, Maeda Tora, who is carefree but brave, Matsuyama Iwa, who looks ferocious but very kind, Komimi Teruhashi, who looks perfect but is always weird, is heroic with a wooden sword and has a gentle smile. Busujima Saeko, the red-haired boss Ahu in the TV series, and even the submissive Panasonic male teacher

All these images jumped and flashed in my mind, and finally turned into myself leaning on the sink, covered in wounds and with a cold face in the mirror.

Aokiji slowly opened his eyes, and there was still a pure white space in front of him.

"As expected, it's hard to understand myself." Aokiji sighed and sat up.

The sudden increase in power gave Aokiji the ability to easily dominate other people for the first time in his life, and also allowed him to experience what it felt like to be a powerful man for the first time. The sudden expansion of ambition before was just a desire that gradually increased because he tasted the taste of power and enjoyed the power above ordinary people.

Stretching out his hands and clenching them tightly in front of his eyes, Aokiji's eyes were extremely firm: "I am still me, I just live the way I want in this life. Power has brought me an experience I have never had before, but I will never indulge in it.”

"Even if I want to be the strongest delinquent, I have never thought of acting like a real delinquent. That's enough!"

"Come on, system, let's start another actual combat training! I'm going to beat all the mixed martial arts enemies in your primary training ground to pieces!" Aokiji's smile was full of confidence.

After all, the person I am now is no longer the person I used to be. That's right, now I am standing at the top of Wuyang, destined to become the strongest bad boy, Aokiji!

I like this power and the sense of security this power can bring me! I like the respect and admiration of others that I have never felt before. I like what this power brings me, the ability to protect my family and friends!

That's enough!

That’s also what I, Aoki Tsukasa, look like!

That's the life I want too!

Standing in the octagonal cage with shining lights again, Aokiji's eyes were cold, eagerly waiting for the next opponent to appear.


(PS: Nowadays, it is said that it is a thankless thing to use pen and ink to depict the psychological growth of the protagonist. Readers don’t like it. It is also difficult for me to write, so I am also hesitant, but I always feel that if I don’t write these changes, It’s hard to explain why the protagonist becomes so passionate during a fight. After all, he originally has a very salty personality.

In addition, some friends in the readership group should know that some bad things happened in the village chief's reality in the past few days. The updates you see in the past few days were written during that period, and the quality may indeed have declined. But I have already made a lot of adjustments to the subsequent plot, so please be patient.

The village chief has been under a lot of pressure recently. It is not easy to keep updated. I hope everyone can be tolerant. Reading the book reviews these past two days has been really heartbreaking.

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