What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 95 TV Series and Fighting Practice Room

Aoki Si sat at the desk in his room, flipping through the Chinese medicine teaching books with one hand and stuffing food into his mouth.

"Have you finished your meal, Mr. Aoki?" A message from Shinmei Teruhashi popped up on the phone again. Aokiji sighed and unlocked the screen: "Well, I'm going to take a shower."

"Oh, okay, let's talk after Aoki-kun takes a shower." Teruhashi Shinmei's message was a little disappointed.

Aokiji casually locked his phone again and continued to study medical books. Many professional terms made his mind full of confusion, and many places were even convoluted and difficult to understand, which made him very irritated, but he still endured and read carefully, so as to gain higher skill experience points.

After holding back and watching for about half an hour, Aokiji felt his eyelids were heavy and he was breathless.

No wonder, he didn't sleep well that day, and he was fighting with others, so it would be strange if he wasn't tired.

Looking at the time, it was just early eight o'clock, but Aokiji felt that if he looked at it any longer, he would really be unable to hold on.

But what to do? Do you want to play games with Qiong? But she seems to be still sleeping. Play alone? It’s not interesting.

Aokiji put down his medical book and decided to watch TV to change his mood and relax his body.

After tidying up the fast food garbage after eating and taking it downstairs, Aokiji lay lazily on the sofa in the living room for the first time and turned on the TV a little unfamiliarly.

"Call hotline 0122!"

"Ah! R-chan, get out of the way"

"Today's news is..."

Aokiji switched TV stations casually, but felt that nothing attracted him. Suddenly, a picture made his eyelids jump, and he stopped switching channels.

In the picture, a man with red hair and a domineering face was sitting on a chair in the class. In front of him, he was surrounded by a large number of delinquents who looked like thirty or forty people at first glance.

"Ahu, today is the anniversary of your death!" A man with a sinister face who looked like he was forty years old at first glance was wearing a school uniform, holding an iron rod in his hand, looking at the red-haired man Ahu and grinning ferociously.

The man named Ahu leisurely took out a lollipop from his trouser pocket and held it in his mouth with a disdainful expression: "Is it just you?"

"Looking for death!" The man with the iron stick hit Ah Hu on the head without saying a word. All the close-ups in the picture showed that Ah Hu's head was suddenly covered with blood. He was holding a lollipop in his mouth but was extremely calm. Yixiao: "Is it only to this extent?"

The next moment, Ahu raised his foot and kicked the iron rod man out of the class, smashed the window, and fell downstairs screaming.

Aokiji took a breath of air. At first glance, he looked at the scenery outside and compared the height. It was at least the third or fourth floor!

Ah Hu is so terrifying!

Next, the class full of delinquent boys screamed and rushed towards Ah Hu. Ah Hu was so calm that he didn't move even if he was hit on the head with a steel pipe, hit in the face with a baseball bat, or hit with a desk. Like a mountain, with every punch and kick, a bad boy was knocked out by him, smashed the window and fell downstairs.

Hiss. Aokiji was dumbfounded.

After the beating, Ahu just touched his face and miraculously stopped the bleeding. He stood by the window and looked at the energetic delinquents rolling on the ground and wailing under the teaching building with a disdainful smile. He bit the lollipop into pieces and threw the stick away, leaving a handsome figure behind him for the camera: "I am a bad boy, Ah Hu, and you guys can't defeat me!"

Immediately afterwards, the words "Stay tuned" came out, and the scene transitioned to the ending song.

Aokiji swallowed his saliva and looked at the title of the TV series "The Rise of the Yakuza: The Bad Boy A-Tora" on the TV. He picked up the remote control with a trembling voice, stood up from the sofa, and murmured to himself with a look of ruined outlook on life. : "After being thrown from the height of the third or fourth floor, you can still roll on the ground and scream in agony. Does anyone watch this kind of TV series? It's too ridiculous. What is the meaning of this TV series!"

I pressed the channel change button and a variety talk show appeared on the TV.

The female host on the TV was talking smoothly while looking at the camera.

"We just finished talking about the ratings of Winter Hate and Spring Love. Next, let's talk about the new TV series that is booming, "The Rise of the Yakuza: The Delinquent Boy Ahu"."

"The TV series aroused heated discussions as soon as it was aired, and its ratings have continued to rise. Currently, it has reached the number one rating in its time period."

Aokiji turned off the TV and stood up from the sofa, his eyes dull: "It's still number one in the ratings. I really don't want to watch TV anymore."

Coincidentally, the phone dinged again. When I opened it, it was another message from Teruhashi Xinmei.

"Have you finished taking a shower, Aoki-kun? What are you doing?"

Aokiji replied casually: "I'm done washing, I'm a little tired, I'm going to bed."

"Oh. Remember to drink more hot water after taking a bath. It's been cold recently, so wear more clothes. Also, go to bed early and have a good night."

Looking at the series of messages from Teruhashi Shinmei, Aokiji thought for a while and simply typed two words: "Good night."

Well, no punctuation yet.

Because he was injured, Aokiji simply took a shower, then returned to the house, lay down on the comfortable big bed, and got into bed.

After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

[Whether to enter the dream training ground. 】

"Yes." Looking at the familiar white space, Aokiji stretched. Here, he is always in top condition, the soreness of muscles and pain in injuries have long gone, and his head is very clear.

[The Dreamland Training Ground has been opened and currently available for training: Kendo and Mixed Martial Arts. Please select your practice time and sleep time. 】

"Practice mixed martial arts, and you can stop training and go to sleep at any time in the dream world!" Aokiji gritted his teeth at the thought: "Did you intentionally let me be hacked to death in there yesterday?"

[Mixed Martial Arts Training: Please select ‘Technical’ or ‘Actual Combat’. 】

Seeing that the system did not reply to him, Aokiji snorted: "Actual combat!"

[Actual combat - the primary training ground has been opened. Number of enemies - 1. 】

What can be faster than playing a long game of experience? Aokiji was gearing up and getting ready, his expression a bit fierce - to be honest, Qiong's angry and sad look was still lingering in his mind, and he said in his heart that it was impossible not to have any feelings. Ever since, Aokiji decided to vent these irritable and depressed emotions in the dream training ground.

kendo? Well, let's wait a few days before talking.

The scene in front of him changed again. When he came back to his senses, a huge sound suddenly erupted in Aokiji's ears. He was so frightened that he hurriedly covered his ears, feeling that his hearing was about to be damaged.

Turning his head to look, he was already in an octagonal cage, surrounded by thousands of spectators cheering him on. This is actually the venue for a professional MMA fighting event that I have only seen on TV! And this posture must be the top competition!

"Click!" The headlight switch sounded, and the surrounding lights dimmed. All the lighting was focused on the octagonal cage. The host in a suit stood in the center of the stage, holding a microphone, and was very excited.

"The long-awaited fight of the century! The battle for the MMA lightweight world championship belt! 'One Punch Man' Tsukasa Aoki versus 'The White Devil' Stephen Seth!"

"Start now!"

Cheers suddenly sounded, and Aokiji looked up to see his opponent, a tall and strong white man standing diagonally from him, smiling provocatively at him.


ps: Just spray me lightly and let’s take our time. If you have any opinions, I’ll see them. Give me some time. I will work hard to conceive the subsequent plot and strive to give everyone a better story.

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