What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 94 Qiong’s Tangle (Additional update on New Year’s Day)

"Aoki-kun? How are you?"

"Aoki-kun, please reply to me quickly when you see it."

"I asked Kasugano-san. Haven't you gone home yet?"

"Maeda Tora-san can't be reached either. Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry that I spilled the beans to Kasugano-san in a hurry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make her worry."

"Aren't you home yet?"

Looking at the dense words sent by Shinmei Teruhashi on his phone, Aokiji couldn't find anything to blame.

Sighing, Aokiji let Qiong hold his hand to sleep, and replied awkwardly with the other hand: "I'm home, nothing happened, don't worry."

"That's great!" The message that came back in seconds surprised Aokiji.

"I'm really worried about Aoki-kun. How is Kasugano-san? I just asked about Aoki-kun's situation and I accidentally let it slip. It must have caused you a lot of trouble."

Teruhashi Komimi was lying on her big pink bed, crossing her legs and looking at the screen of her phone with red cheeks. She tapped the screen with her fingers, waiting for Tsukasa Aoki's reply.

Aokiji replied slowly with one hand: "It's okay. Anyway, when I went home, I should have known what happened when I saw the look on my body."

Teruhashi Komimi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the screen with a silly smile. She had been worried that Aokiji would be angry because she said the wrong thing to Qiong. Now that she saw that he didn't seem angry, she just felt that The big boulder finally fell. She typed quickly on her phone, deleting, subtracting, and typing back and forth several times, not knowing what to say.

Do you want to continue asking about Aoki-kun’s physical condition? He said it was nothing. If I asked again, would he bother me?

How should I continue talking to him?

Teruhashi Shinmei bit her lip tightly, her eyes lit up again, and she clicked her fingers.

"How is Kasugano-san?"

No matter if he replies that Kasugano-san is angry or that she doesn't care anymore, he can follow the topic and chat with Aoki Tsuka for a while! Teruhashi Shinmei smiled brightly.

Aokiji glanced at Qiong, who was sleeping soundly with his leg resting on his head and one of his hands still holding one of his hands under his cheek, and replied slowly.

"She fell asleep."

Teruhashi Shinmei looked at the words sent in the text message and suddenly felt something was wrong in her heart, but she didn't expect what was wrong specifically, so she continued to reply cheerfully: "Have you had dinner, Mr. Aoki?"

Seeing this, Aokiji suddenly remembered that he didn't eat the lunch box today and had to fight a hard battle. He suddenly felt a soreness in his stomach and a sense of hunger welled up in his heart. In his nose, he heard something that was placed not far away. aroma of fast food.

"I'm about to eat." He simply replied. Aoki looked at Qiong in his arms tangledly, and then at the fried chicken, pizza, and hamburgers that were clearly not far from the door but couldn't get up to get them. I feel like my mouth is watering.

Seeing Qiong sleeping in his arms as if he was dead, Aokiji couldn't hold it back in the end and gently removed his hand. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qiong's little head on his lap but didn't wake up. , gently picked up her little head, held her leg with the other hand, put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then tiptoed towards the door.

When he touched the fast food bag, there was an unavoidable clattering sound of the plastic bag. Aokiji held his breath and looked at Qiong while trying his best to make small movements.

By the time he took out his portion, Aokiji was already sweating profusely.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Aokiji looked at Qiong who was still sleeping soundly, smiled softly at her, and whispered: "Idiot! Sweet dreams."

Then he carefully closed the door.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Qiong opened his eyes with a flushed face, looked at the ceiling, and murmured for a long time: "You are the idiot!"

She hugged the quilt tightly, but the heat on her face would not dissipate.

Just when Aokiji tried to take his hand away, Qiong woke up. He just realized that he was lying on Aoki Si's lap and was holding Aoki Si's hand. He was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to open his eyes.

"Really." She sighed lowly, stretched out her hands with complicated eyes, looked at her two white and tender little hands, and said in a somewhat unwilling tone, "Idiot."

I don't know if I'm talking about myself or Aokiji.

"Si" Qiong hugged the black rabbit doll beside the bed tightly, lowered his head sadly, and covered his heart. His heart was full of mixed feelings, and he actually wanted to cry again: "What should I do?"

"Si, I hate you." Qiong buried his face in the doll and didn't look up for a long time.

But I hate myself even more.

I hate that I know clearly that the deeper my relationship with you is, the more hurt I will be to each other, but I still can't stop. I don't even want to stop.

Si. is also worried about me just as I am worried about him, right?

Tsukasa will feel sad just like me, right?

If I.

Qiong clenched her heart, raised her head from the doll, breathed heavily, and tears quietly fell from the corners of her eyes.

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