What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 19 The Matsushita man who has both joy and sorrow

When Aokiji arrived in class, Maeda Tora immediately trotted up to Aokiji and said respectfully: "Brother!"

Huh? Got a haircut?

Aokiji looked at Maeda Tora's hairstyle at this time and was surprised. His once fluttering red hair was a thing of the past, and now he actually had a bald head exactly like Aokiji!

If Manager Aoki had a bald head, he would look super fierce. At this time, Tora Maeda lost his dazzling red hair and became bald. Instead, he unexpectedly looked much more honest.

He looks more like a monk!

Aokiji scratched his head, put his schoolbag aside, sat on his seat, supported his chin with one hand, and asked with some confusion: "How come you have a bald haircut too?"

"Here, isn't this what you said, big brother, that you want me to get rid of my red hair?" Tora Maeda touched his bald head in surprise and showed an admiring smile: "I thought about what big brother said last time for a long time, and I feel more and more I think what you said is very reasonable. In order to follow the footsteps of my elder brother, of course I have to hold myself to the standards that my elder brother has for me and become a real bad boy!"

"Uh." Aokiji laughed awkwardly. He just asked him to dye his hair back. But he felt that if he told Maeda Tora the truth now, it would be troublesome if he collapsed, so he simply nodded with pretending satisfaction: " That’s right, how do you feel about being bald now?”

Maeda Tora touched his head with a satisfied look on his face: "I feel that without the obstruction of my hair, my whole body is more flexible. I feel that I must have become stronger!"

"That's right!" Aokiji suppressed a smile and changed the subject: "Are there any rumors about me recently? I met a group of people on the road today, and they seemed to turn away immediately when they saw me."

Maeda Tora thought for a while and replied: "Well, maybe it's because the eldest brother's record of playing ten games was spread a few days ago. It's no wonder that the eldest brother is such a strong man and looks so courageous. There are rumors. Going out is inevitable.”

Speaking of this, he became excited: "By the way, brother, my friends who used to hang out with me now want to hang out with me. Brother, can you accept them too?"

Aokiji licked his lips, thought for a moment, and nodded: "If they can accept the conditions I give you, it doesn't matter. Of course, you have to help me keep an eye on it. If they hit me If you use your name to bully people, or collect protection fees, then teach them a lesson and warn them, and don't let them follow me in the future."

"Yes! Brother!" Maeda Tora looked a little embarrassed. Aokiji's conditions were actually quite harsh for people like them, and he could not necessarily guarantee that his friends would accept them. But Big Brother's rules must be reasonable and meaningful. Maeda Tora was not willing to make any more changes to them. He just felt that he did not understand the profound meaning. He nodded and returned to his seat.

Aokiji bit his finger and connected his phone to the Internet - Kasugano and his wife gave him a lot of money before they left. It was nominally enough to cover their food for the week, but in fact it was far beyond normal life. The fee is presumably for him to buy something he likes.

There was no way. Although Aokiji kept waving his hands and saying that he didn't need it, Kasugano and his wife resolutely let him take it. Considering that they were really broke now and their part-time job was far away, they could only accept it temporarily and wait until the legendary fifth... I found a part-time job that pays 1,000 yuan an hour, and I'm trying to figure out how to make up for it.

He has never forgotten the care and help the Kasugano couple gave him, a delinquent boy who was not related to him.

Now, with this money, he can finally connect his mobile phone with data!

With his fingers tapping, Aokiji browsed the webpage about part-time jobs attentively.

"The part-time salary at the fried chicken restaurant is only 1,300 yuan per hour, waiter, 1,100 yuan, and dishwasher."

The more he looked at Aoki Si, the more he felt a headache.

Only those with very high technical requirements, such as bartenders, can earn around 3,000 an hour, which is far from 5,000.

"It's so annoying." While browsing the news about part-time jobs carefully, Aokiji lowered his lips and frowned.

The more he looked at Aokiji, the angrier he became. Finally, he locked his cell phone angrily and threw it into the desk pit. He picked up the textbook on the desk and read it carefully, his brows slowly relaxing.

Reading makes people happy!

Seeing the experience value increasing bit by bit, Aokiji smiled with a smile on his face.

And Matsushita Man, who was giving a lecture on the podium, looked at Aokiji staring at the textbook and smiling, and suddenly felt a huge sense of accomplishment in his heart: Who can say that my teaching ability is not strong enough! Even students like Aoki Tsukasa are concentrating on studying. I am indeed a leader in the profession of teacher!

Oh, when I get back to the office, I must impress those guys who were gloating about my misfortune last time!

Thinking back to the last time when he was laughed at by other teachers for a long time when he returned to the office because he didn't dare to express his anger in front of Aokiji, Matsushita was so moved that he almost shed tears! ! He immediately read the text aloud with passion and louder, startling the students who were still listening to the class.

However, before Matsushita was happy for a long time, Aokiji sighed, put the book flat, and took out his mobile phone.

The Matsushita male paused slightly in his lecture movements, turned his head, and felt extremely miserable: Let's forget it. Sure enough, I am not suitable to be a teacher like Aoki Tsukasa. Sure enough, it is not something I can handle. Give up, give up.

As a result, those students who had just been surprised by Matsushita Man's passionate reading of the text were once again surprised to find that Matsushita Man's voice began to get smaller and smaller again.

Finally, the Matsushita man put down his textbook, turned his back to the students, and said with a hint of sobs in his voice: "Today, you should study in self-study for today's Chinese class! I leave it to you, Xinmei!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully covered his crying face and trotted out of the classroom. The moment he walked out of the classroom, he shed tears unsatisfactorily. He was in agony, and once again began to regret his career choice.

Aokiji then raised his head belatedly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Huh? Why are you doing self-study again? I still want to listen to the class. Really, I should have known that I would check for part-time jobs later. I might have listened carefully to this text. I still have some experience to gain.”

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