"Knock knock knock." There was a knock on the door. Qiong opened his eyes dimly and took out the mobile phone at hand. It was still early, just seven o'clock. She put down her phone impatiently and covered her head with the quilt, trying to block out the annoying knocking on the door.

"Qiong, I've made breakfast and put it on the dining table downstairs. You wake up and wash your face before eating. I'm going to school. Oh, I made egg soup. I put it in the pot to avoid it getting cold. It’s in. If it’s cold when you eat it, reheat it. If the fried egg is cold, don’t eat it. I think there is instant ham in the kitchen. You can heat it in the microwave for about two and a half minutes and then you can eat it.”

Some strange sounds outside the door made Qiong poke his head out from under the covers. His big eyes were half-open and staring at the ceiling. He thought about it for a long time with some sluggish thoughts before he remembered that his parents should have been in the car at five o'clock this morning. gone. Who is that outside the door?

Oh, it’s that one, Tsukasa Aoki. Qiong pulled the quilt up again to cover his face.

But... I don't know why, even though I only slept for less than five hours, Qiong felt like I couldn't sleep.

With the sound of the door opening and closing at home, the room returned to silence again.

After a while, she threw the quilt away irritably, letting out a distracted grunt, and reluctantly sat up from the bed. She didn't bother to take care of her silver hair, opened the door with bare feet, and walked downstairs while breathing heavily. .

On the dining table, toasted golden toast and steaming fried eggs were placed on the table, and there was unopened instant ham on the table next to it.

Qiong stared blankly at the dinner table for a while. This was completely different from the tragic scene she had expected.

"He looks like a bad boy who only knows how to fight, but his cooking is surprisingly delicious." Qiong opened the chair, and his small body seemed to be struggling to sit on the chair, and picked up the spit. Si took a bite.

It tastes pretty good. Qiong put down the bread, picked up the empty bowl on the table, walked to the kitchen and opened the lid of the pot. There was a strange and elegant aroma in the steaming egg soup: "Egg soup? It seems to taste pretty good."

Qiong took a sip and nodded expressionlessly. It seems like I don’t have to rely on snacks to fill my stomach these days.

She had long forgotten what Aokiji had told her about washing her hands before eating, and sat at the empty dining table with soup.

"I'm starting." She clasped her hands together, spoke softly to the empty dining table, and started eating with her eyes lowered.

At this time, Aokiji didn't know that his sister, whom he had only met once, had a bad opinion of his breakfast. Now he was facing a difficult choice.

In front of him, a boy with yellow curly hair was hiding behind a trash can with a ferocious expression. On the road on the other side of the corner, a dozen guys who could be seen as delinquents at first sight were shouting and looking for him. What are you wearing?

"Hey, bald man over there!"

The bad boys on the road over there seemed to have something to say. One of them, a taller guy, took the lead and walked towards Aokiji.

Aoki glanced at the yellow-haired boy next to him, hiding by the trash can, holding his breath until his face turned red. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he whispered: "Hey, are you delinquents so full of energy? There’s going to be a fight before eight o’clock in the morning?”

Huang Mao lowered his voice and said hurriedly: "Hey, brother, please, don't expose me!"

Aokiji glanced at him and didn't answer. He just watched the group of bad boys approaching and took two steps forward. In this way, when those bad boys walked in front of Aokiji, they were already there. The figure of Huang Mao hiding in the corner of the trash can is no longer visible.

"Hey, bald man, did you see a yellow-haired guy passing by here?" The tall young man in the lead is a rare delinquent with a hair style that is not exaggerated. His hair is just a little longer, and he wears earrings. There is no messy hair style. .

Of course, he also looks very ordinary.

Aokiji looked at him with a cold face and said in a very calm tone: "I am not bald."

The leading young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to get angry, but saw that the younger brother beside him suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly pulled his sleeve, and whispered a few words into his ear.

"Humph, let's go!" After hearing this, the leading young man's expression changed several times, and then he stopped right there and turned around and left without saying a word.

Aokiji watched with some confusion as he walked further and further away, disappearing at a not-too-distant intersection, then stretched out his foot and kicked the trash can on the side: "Hey, he's out."

Huang Mao struggled out from behind the trash can, smelled the smell on his body, and screamed in annoyance: "Damn, damn, these bastards actually forced me, Uncle Sanqiao, to hide in such a place. I must smash their heads!"

"Oh." Aokiji felt like he shouldn't save him, but that was the end of the matter, so he didn't say anything more, simply stopped looking at Huang Mao and walked towards the school.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Huang Mao hurriedly walked to Aokiji, his exaggerated body movements were like Chaplin's mime performance, and he also made a sudden braking action: "I am a private soft The boss of Ye High School, the strongest man in the world, Mihashi Takashi! I remember what happened today. If you need help in the future, just come to me."

Hehe, you think I can't tell that that group of people are wearing exactly the same school uniforms as yours, right? The school boss was so chased by people from the same school that he almost jumped into the trash can. Do you think I believe it?

Aokiji's expression truly revealed his thoughts.

Mihashi Takashi looked at him with a dull but perfunctory expression, gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Hey! Don't underestimate Mr. Mihashi, it's just that I didn't eat this morning and didn't want to fight with them. Just wait until the rumors about Mr. Mihashi spread throughout Yachiyo City!"

"Oh." Aokiji nodded, took out his mobile phone with a tired look, and looked at the time: "I'm going to be late, can you please let me go?"

Mihashi looked at him in disbelief: "You, as a bad boy, do you actually arrive at school on time every day?"

Aokiji didn't bother to refute his words, but simply said: "Studying makes me happy."

Mihashi looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. He couldn't say anything for a long time. Finally, he suddenly extended a thumbs up: "As expected of the bald boss of Wuyang High School, I won't say any more, I'll run away first. ! I will definitely repay this kindness when I have time in the future! Goodbye!"

Bald guy? The veins on Aokiji's forehead were exposed, but Mihashi had already disappeared. He took a deep breath, but his expression was lost in thought.

It seems like something is slowly brewing that I don't know about.

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