Looking around, the dimly lit room was filled with messy snack bags, clothes scattered everywhere, and a fluorescent computer.

Because the thick curtains were drawn, there was only dim light in front of the computer in the room at this time.

In front of the computer is a thin girl. She has long cream-like light silver hair tied into two ponytails, big eyes and a small bridge of nose, plus her pale pink lips, wearing a comfortable white dress, and her white skin is colorfully displayed on the computer Under the illumination of the light, it is clean and transparent, as if you can see the fragile blood vessels inside, and it is not as beautiful as it should be in the human world.

At this time, she was leaning on a huge teddy bear, and her whole body was trapped in the big bear's arms. She looked like a thin and cute elf.

"Knock knock knock."

A knock on the door interrupted the girl's concentration on the screen. She took off her headphones impatiently, but did not speak.

"Well, Qiong. Aoki-kun has been at home for two days. Can you come out and see him?" It was my mother's voice.

Kasugano Qiong bit her lower lip slightly and frowned, but did not make a sound.

Is he that outsider who dad said looks fierce but is actually a nice person? Really. Why do you let strangers live in your home?

Qiong couldn't help but feel hesitant. Although there was no sound outside the door for the moment, she knew that her mother was waiting for her answer.

It's better to refuse, those boys are very annoying.

Qiong opened his mouth, his voice soft but with a hint of dissatisfaction: "Can I refuse?"

The Kasugano couple and Aokiji looked at each other outside the door. Kasugano Masao hesitated and signaled the two to wait a moment. He knocked on the door alone and walked in.

The two people outside the door stood awkwardly, and the sound of two people talking could be heard from inside the door.

After talking for a while, Kasugano Masao opened the door with a wry smile: "Qiong agreed."

In fact, without him having to say anything, Aokiji saw the thin figure behind him. At this time, Qiong was standing behind Kasugano Masao, but he just turned his head, revealing a pair of cold eyes that rejected others: "Hello, my name is Kasugano Qiong."

Aoki Si was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile: "Hello, Qiong, my name is Aoki Si. Please give me your advice in the future."

Perhaps because she saw the appearance of his former brother in her cold expression, Aokiji's smile was extraordinarily gentle, and even his face, which was extra fierce because of his bald head, became sunny at this time.

Maybe the system theory does have some truth. When Aokiji expresses his feelings sincerely, the expansion of the charm attribute becomes somewhat different. At least in Qiong's eyes, the bald man in front of him seemed to have a decent smile, not as fierce as the first thing he saw when he opened the door.

Then there was no more.

Qiong fell into silence again. Hiding behind Kasugano Masao, she was like a little rabbit peeking out from behind a tree. She would hide in her nest if anything went wrong.

"Well, starting from tomorrow, I will temporarily take care of you on behalf of my uncle and aunt for a period of time. If you have anything you want to do, you can tell me and I will help you. I will take care of you like a real brother, and so will you. You can treat me as your biological brother." Aokiji took the initiative to bend down and match her gaze. Although Aokiji feels like he has begun to grow again recently, he is still only about 1.76 meters tall, while Qiong is only about 1.5 meters tall and looks like a little girl who is still in junior high school.

Oh, if she hadn't skipped a grade, she would indeed be in her third year of junior high school.

"Oh." Qiong looked at Kasugano Xing's embarrassed look, and reluctantly answered again: "I know."

After saying that, she simply hid behind Kasugano Masao without saying a word, and pushed Kasugano Masao with her hand to indicate that her chat was over.

Masao Kasugano sighed, showed a helpless expression, and took the initiative to leave Qiong's room, said good night, and closed the door.

"I'm really sorry, Aoki-kun, she didn't mean to do this." Kasugano Masao defended her, but Aokiji just smiled softly, nodded, and said in a very inexplicable nostalgic tone: "It's okay. My time with Qiong is still short, and I believe she actually wants to have a few more friends."

"Haha, okay, as her brother, you have to take good care of Qiong! Your aunt and I will take a car back to our hometown early tomorrow morning. I'll leave breakfast to you. If you don't care about making breakfast, there is something in the refrigerator. There's also toast and milk." Masao Kasugano smiled and patted Aokiji on the shoulder, and Aokiji just nodded with a very confident expression. The so-called long-term illness makes him a doctor. He has worked hard for his brother for so many years in his previous life. No matter how powerful he is, at least he should be able to communicate with such people normally. Of course, he must not mess up his charming attributes. As for cooking, it's not difficult. Although Aokiji doesn't know how to cook Japanese food, Aoki has lived alone for many years, so it's not difficult to make an above-average breakfast.

At this time, Kasugano Qiong sat in front of the computer again, staring at the paused anime on the screen without moving for a long time. After a long time, he lazily walked back and lay on the big bear. He didn't know what he was thinking about. After a long time, he finally One sentence popped out: "Brother?"

"It doesn't look like a lie."

Qiong looked at the ceiling, hugging the big bear tightly in the dark room, and heard a vague murmur: "But it should be the same as them."

"It won't be long before he leaves."

In the dim room, she leaned against the toy bear's arms with dull eyes, her frail body curled up together, her expression full of depression.

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