What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 16 Do you want to meet Yianqiong?

As the ambulance hurriedly arrived and left in a hurry, Aokiji squatted at the entrance of the kendo department with a stinky face, turned to look at Busujima Saeko, who had a calm face, and said in a depressed tone: "Bujima Gakushu Sister, I will pay you back the money for the ambulance as soon as possible."

"No need." Busujima Saeko smiled softly, her purple hair shining in the sun: "Not abiding by the rules of kendo is a lesson for his arrogance. I will let him pay for this money himself, no need Worried. And as the director of the Kendo Club and the referee, I agreed that he would participate in the competition without wearing protective gear, which was also my dereliction of duty."

"Oh." After hearing this, Aokiji felt much more at ease. He was not afraid of Ishihara's revenge in the future, but was afraid that he would ask him for money.

If Kasugano Anzu hadn't helped prepare a bento for lunch today, I would have been hungry again. He really didn't have a dime on him, and he didn't want to ask for Kasugano Masao's money.

When Busujima Saeko saw Aokiji standing up and wanting to leave, he suddenly called out to Aokiji: "Aoki-san, is this the second day of sword practice?"

"Ah? Yeah." Aokiji nodded, and suddenly remembered something, waved the wooden sword in his hand at Busujima Saeko and said: "I want to practice sword practice at home, can I take the wooden sword back yesterday? I didn’t even say hello to Busujima-senpai when I took the wooden sword back.”

This is also the reason why Aokiji brought the wooden sword to school again today, because he wanted to formally obtain consent.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a wooden sword." Busujima Saeko crossed her chest with both hands at this time. Her plump upper body under the uniform was outlined by her and became more and more erect. However, she was completely unaware and just tilted her head and stared at Aoki with interest. Tsukasa: "Aoki-san's progress in kendo is really fast. With such a talent, I believe that I will be able to participate in various competitions by the time I am a sophomore in high school. I believe that maybe Aoki-san will become the second best after me." A swordsman who has been the master swordsman since he was a sophomore in high school. If you are interested in kendo, you can come to the kendo club to practice every day after school, and I will guide you carefully."

"Ah, if there is nothing special, I should go." Aokiji scratched his head. There was still no hair on his bare forehead, which made him feel unhappy at the same time, but he suddenly asked: " Senior sister, do you know of any part-time jobs with a high salary?"

Busujima Saeko was stunned when he heard this. Maybe he didn't expect that the bad boy in front of him would have a part-time job. After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "I'm sorry, I don't know much about this aspect. If Aoki-san needs a part-time job If so, I can ask my classmates."

"Ah, no need, I'll look for it myself." Aokiji waved his hand and laughed: "I won't bother Busujima-senpai. Then, that's it for today, Busujima-senpai should go home early. I'll take a moment. It’s getting dark soon, and it’s still very dangerous for a girl to go home alone.”

Busujima Saeko couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this: "Don't worry, I carry a wooden sword with me every day. There will be no danger."

This guy is quite interesting. It has been a long time since anyone has worried about things like me. Busujima Saeko looked at this guy in front of him who seemed to be more interesting than he looked on the surface, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "However, thank you Aoki-san for your concern. "

"Okay, bye." Aokiji flipped the shoulder bag on his shoulder carelessly, waved to Busujima Saeko, and left.

"Aoki-kun, thank you!" Suddenly, the voice behind him made Aokiji stop and turn his head to look. It was Qiu Mu who bowed to him with a grateful look on his face: "Thank you!"

After saying that, Qi Mu trotted away without looking back, like a little girl who had handed over a love letter.

Aokiji's lips curled up, knowing that he was thanking himself because he beat Kita Ishihara so hard that he vented his anger. He didn't think much about it, so he thought about where to get a part-time job while aimlessly talking. I wandered around school and home.

He is like a blind cat looking for death, doing his best and obeying fate.

However, he always had a dark face. When it was completely dark and he returned home, he could not find a part-time job that paid an hourly salary of 5,000 yuan. There are some part-time jobs that pay very well, such as 3,000 yuan a day, but they are all skilled workers. Aokiji was willing to bite the bullet and waste a skill point to learn bartending and cooking to make money. However, when those people saw Aokiji's appearance and understood his identity as a high school student, they did not consider hiring him at all and just prevaricate him. wait for news.

Why. What is this system trying to do?

Aokiji felt like he had sighed more recently than he had in his previous life, and he was worried to death.

When they got home, Kasugano and his wife had already prepared the meal and asked him why he came home so late. Aokiji explained that they started eating together after practicing in the kendo club.

"That." Kasugano Masao was eating, and suddenly he looked at Aokiji with some embarrassment: "Aoki-kun."

"Ah?" Aokiji, who was eating heavily, raised his head and looked at the Kasugano couple looking at each other with a somewhat melancholy expression. He asked with concern: "Are uncle and aunt encountering any problems?"

"Yes." Kasugano and his wife nodded. Kasugano Masao sighed: "My father has been recuperating in his hometown, but the news coming from there recently is not good. It seems that he will not last long. I want your Aunt Xing to go back. Take care of one or two, and I happen to have a business trip here that I have to do. So for at least the next week, neither of us will be here." Kasugano Masao took a sip of tea, with a sad face: "Qiong's health is not good. Well, after your aunt asked her what she meant, she didn't really want to go back to the countryside."

"Can you take care of Qiong for us? I can be back from my business trip in a week at the earliest, just a week. I can just cook for her." Kasugano Masao looked embarrassed. If it weren't for Aokiji's behavior in recent days, He is very good, and he will not make up his mind to let Aoki Si take care of Qiong, but he feels a little uneasy in his heart. After all, he has heard about Aoki Si's previous misdeeds. Can a bad boy really take care of Qiong?

Kasugano Xing put down the chopsticks in her hand: "If you can't cook, aunt will leave the money to you. You can buy some food for Qiong every day. Besides, Qiong doesn't really need anyone. Something to worry about.”

Hearing this, Aokiji nodded without any difficulty, but he was a little embarrassed: "The meals in the morning and afternoon are okay. I'm usually at school at noon, but I'm afraid I don't have enough time to go back and forth."

"It's okay." Seeing Aokiji agree, the Kasugano couple felt relieved and their tone became much more relaxed: "She can order takeout for lunch. We just don't want her to rely on takeout for three meals a day. After all, it's food now Safety is also an issue, and the quality of those delivering food varies."

"Of course there is no problem." Aokiji said with a soft smile: "I can cook. Uncle and aunt just leave some money to buy food. I will take care of the rest."

"Okay, thank you, Aoki-kun." Although Masao Kasugano is still a little worried, after all, Aoki-san will have to live with them for close to three years. Even if he is not at ease, he still has to try to trust this young man who seems to be much more mature. If it turns out that Aokiji can't take good care of Qiong, they can also inquire about the situation over the phone and ask acquaintances for help at any time.

"Then, do you want to let Qiong and Aoki-kun meet first?" Kasugano Anzu made a proposal that Aoki-san was very interested in.

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