"Forgot to introduce myself, I am Kita Ishihara, a second-year student." Ishihara Kita unceremoniously snatched the bamboo sword from Saiki's hand, pushed him away and stood in front of Aokiji: "Lian Du Shima-san has praised your talent, so you don’t even have the courage to spar with me, right?”

Aoki glanced at Kita Ishihara with some dissatisfaction. Before he could speak, Busujima Saeko frowned slightly and looked at Kita Ishihara with cold eyes: "Ishihara-san, Aoki-san is just getting started with kendo, and You are already an elite member of the Kendo Club, and this kind of fight is not a fair fight."

Kita Ishihara raised his head and looked at Aoki Tsukasa almost as if he was looking through his nostrils: "Of course, I will let Aoki-san do it. Let's do this, I won't wear protective gear. As long as Aoki-san can get out of my body If I get one point, I lose.”

".Ishihara-san." Busujima Saeko narrowed her eyes and spoke in a bad tone. She knew why Kita Ishihara would do this, so she was particularly disgusted. It's not that he is biased against Aoki Tsukasa, but he is simply tired of Ishihara Kita's behavior of bullying the younger ones.

Aokiji said expressionlessly: "Okay."

Hey, idiot, I can give you a rib discount without wearing protective gear. Aokiji knows that there is still a lot of gap between his and Ishihara Keita's kendo strength, but he is very confident in his physical fitness. Many of his attributes are not only far superior to those of his peers, but also more powerful than the average adult man. Although he doesn't know any skills, it is not difficult to deal with this guy who is just stronger than his peers. Kendo skills are, after all, only the technical level of kendo, and do not refer to Aokiji's actual combat effectiveness.

Especially since the guy in front of me was talking arrogantly and not wearing any protective gear.

You must know that in a kendo competition, even if you wear protective gear, if you take a full blow from the opponent, you will still feel internal injuries. If you don't wear protective gear, with Aokiji's strength, one blow, no matter where it hits, can instantly make people lose their combat effectiveness.

"Aoki-san, are you sure?" Busujima Saeko originally wanted to refuse on behalf of Aokiji, but when he saw that Aokiji had agreed, he turned around and looked at him with calm eyes: "Ishihara-san's kendo strength is second to none. The department is enough to be ranked at the forefront, and you have only been in the department for two days."

"Hahahaha, since I agreed, let's stop talking nonsense." Kita Ishihara was afraid that Aokiji would change his mind, so he immediately made a kendo starting move.

"Ishihara-san, please put on your armor." Seeing that the two of them had no intention of stopping, Busujima Saeko simply stopped trying to dissuade him.

Ishihara Kita originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Busujima Saeko staring at him with cold eyes, he curled his lips, put away the knife, and went to put on protective gear.

But he was still arrogant and did not choose to put on a mask, but just put on the armor and that was it.

"Don't worry, Busujima-san. Saiki-san will have to practice for another year or two if he wants to hit me in the face." Although Ishihara Kita didn't see what Aokiji was doing just now, he was staring at it yesterday. Aokiji looked at it for a long time. He knew that Aokiji had just come into contact with kendo for the first time yesterday, so he was naturally fearless.

Busujima Saeko originally reminded Ishihara to put on protective gear because he didn't want him to get too hurt. But seeing that he was still arrogant, he no longer had any intention of admonishing him. He just said calmly: "It's over, I will act as the referee." , Aoki-san, please put on your mask."

Aokiji put on the mask honestly. He was not so confident that he thought that the guy in front of him who had been practicing kendo for many years would be crushed by him. If you don't wear protective gear, it would be fun if you get hit on your face and neck.

Busujima Saeko sighed, glanced at Kita Ishihara with an angry look, then took out the red and white flag used by the referee, and said calmly: "Aoki-san, white side. Ishihara-san, red side. Both sides. salute."

Aokiji and Ishihara Kita bowed in accordance with the rules of the competition and got into their stances.

"3, 2, 1, start!" As soon as Busujima Saeko finished speaking, Ishihara Kita suddenly waved the bamboo sword in his hand and shouted: "Mian" with a powerful and heavy chop from top to bottom. Come.

Although Aokiji's swordsmanship is mediocre, his superior brain power brings about a very fast reaction speed. The moment Kita Ishihara raised his hand, he understood what he was thinking. He just took a step back and let Kita Ishihara's sword fall into the air. Then, Aoki Si slashed horizontally with his wooden sword and shouted: "Cut!"

The bamboo knife hit Ishihara Kita's armor hard. Ishihara Kita was furious and raised his sword again to fight back. Aokiji nimbly took two steps back and slipped to a safe position. Ishihara Kita still wanted to pursue, but Busujima Saeko raised the white flag in time: "White, the body, the score is valid."

"Original position!" Busujima Saeko said to let the two return to their original positions to continue the game.

Ishihara Kita's eyes widened in anger, and without a mask, his expression was very ferocious: "Very good, your speed is very fast, beyond my expectation, but kendo is not a simple physical game. This One point is your last point."

"Start 3.2.1!" Busujima Saeko didn't bother to give him a warning. While feeling more and more disappointed with him, he just continued the game.

This time, it was Aokiji who raised the sword first, and it was a powerful and heavy blow.

Ishihara Kita is very experienced. He judged Aokiji's thoughts from Aokiji's skilled but still somewhat stiff movements. With a sarcastic smile on his lips, he raised the bamboo sword and thought in his mind: Next, as long as he blocks it, , change from blocking to cutting, chop his small hand when he recovers to raise the knife in the middle, and then hit him on the face when he can't hold the knife. Boy, you are still very young in the art of swordsmanship!

However, at the moment when the wooden swords of the two sides came into contact, Ishihara Kita was shocked. He only had time to look up and found that the bamboo swords he raised with both hands were chopped crooked by the sword, and could not stop Aokiji's chop in time. It only made it a little less powerful, but it was still unstoppable.

Oops! Before the thoughts that arose in Kita Ishihara's mind could be turned into action, the bamboo knife fell on his unprotected face.

"Bang!" A clear and loud voice resounded throughout the entire kendo club.

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