What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 14 Aroused hatred again

Arriving at the kendo club with a familiar face, Aokiji immediately saw Saiki wearing glasses still practicing conscientiously in the corner. Busujima Yako and the sturdy young man still occupied the center of the venue, but today they did not sparring, but were guiding the members to practice.

Seeing Aokiji's arrival, Saiki's body stiffened subconsciously, and his originally smooth practice became intermittent. Of course, in fact, he was not the only one who was like this. Many members of the training club also became a little timid after taking a look at Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji knew in his heart that this was the cause of his increased charm. He felt helpless, but on the surface, he waved to Qimu as usual.

Qi Mu immediately stopped what he was doing and came to the side of Aokiji: "Aoki-san, please, what can I do? I have handed over the application for admission to the department to the minister, um, about the wooden sword."

"Ah, I want you to spar with me." Aokiji smiled, making his fierce face look much softer, but a person's first impression is very important, especially Aokiji and Maeda yesterday Rumors about Tiger's fight on the rooftop gradually began to spread in the school. Many people knew that a very cruel bald delinquent had transferred to the school.

"Yes, did I do something wrong?" Qi Mu's eyes widened when he heard this, and the glasses on his nose slipped a lot because of his trembling body.

Aokiji sighed: "I have no intention of using sparring to fix you, I just think that maybe if I sparring with others, my skills might be improved. If you are not happy, forget it, it's okay."

"It's okay." Qi Mu showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Then let's go put on the protective gear."

".Sure." Aokiji just wanted to see if sparring would give him more experience points. Seeing that he reluctantly agreed, he didn't want to explain any more. Anyway, Qi Mu should let go after two gestures. The heart is here.

The two of them went to put the protective gear in the box and put it on. Saiki was very skillful. Aoki Shimo spent a long time to put it on in order. The armor was put on. The headscarf and mask were put on with Saiki's help. superior.

Looking out from inside the mask, the field of vision is greatly restricted, but it makes Aokiji feel more focused. The two of them were posing in a remote area. Aokiji could only see Qi Mu, and he excitedly waved the bamboo sword in his hand. It felt very different from the wooden sword he used during practice.

The shape of the bamboo sword is actually closer to a sword, and it also looks like an unopened umbrella, but it is actually quite easy to swing and has more weight than the wooden sword I used for practice before.

"That's it." Seeing Qi Mu Momo chirping and not daring to move, Aoki Si touched the bamboo sword with his bamboo sword excitedly, then shouted, and made a powerful and heavy chop that almost Without giving Qi Mu any time to react, he stopped at his visor: "Drink!"

The loud voice made the people around him look sideways. In kendo competitions, the sound you shout every time you attack is also crucial. Only with loud sounds and fierce movements can you get effective points. This is all the knowledge given by Aokiji's kendo skills.

Fortunately, Aokiji had temporarily restrained his strength, otherwise Qimu would have been knocked down by his sword with his sluggish look.

"Saiki-kun, be serious." Aokiji's tone was very gentle, but that knife brought Saiki's spirit back. He answered dully under his mask, then distanced himself again, and it was officially started. .

Damn it, since you want to compete with me, then I won’t hold back! The expression under Qi Mu's mask was a little annoyed. He felt that he had been tolerant enough, but the bald man in front of him was unyielding. He simply decided to use all his strength to tell this bald man that he was not only good at fighting, but also very strong in kendo. of.

However, to Saiki's surprise, even though he had started to seriously fight the enemy, he still couldn't defeat him!

At this time, Aokiji's facial expression became much brighter, although his only second-level swordsmanship skills were nothing. However, his outstanding physical fitness gives him an advantage everywhere. Whether it is a first attack or a backhand defensive counterattack, he can always achieve results before Saiki's movements.

If he had followed the way the kendo competition was scored in his mind, Aokiji would have already won three games.

Busujima Saeko was attracted by Aokiji's excited voice here. After looking carefully for a few times, he identified one of them as his own member Saiki. What surprised her was that although Qi Mu's movements were standard and his blocking and attacking were very organized, his opponent was more fierce. Although his movements were a bit stiff, he was powerful and heavy, and his reaction speed was amazing. Whenever Qi Mu wanted to When it comes to attacking, Saiki's opponents can complete the attack one step faster or retreat to defend. But when Saiki was defending, he was repeatedly broken by the opponent's power, either a step too late, or simply broken with his parry, scoring consecutive points.

At this time, Qi Mu only felt that his eyes were dark. No matter how he avoided the defense, he would always be chopped by Aokiji in front of him. After the attack, he found that he was so timid that he could only dodge along the field, and he didn't even have the strength to parry the bamboo sword.

Aokiji saw that Qi Mu had been beaten unconscious at this time, and stopped with some displeasure, waving the wooden sword in his hand at Qi Mu, meaning that this was the end.

After taking off the visor on his head, Aokiji's breathing became slightly faster, but Saiki was already sweating profusely.

"Aoki-kun, have you really never practiced kendo before?" Qi Mu gasped and sat down on the ground. He just felt that he would never want to spar with the monster in front of him in the next life. He rubbed his hand guard. Qi Mu felt that the knife's mouth was aching. He lowered his head with a bitter look on his face and said, "You won."

Aokiji's breathing has calmed down, and he chuckled and stretched out his hand: "Saiki-san's swordsmanship is actually not bad, it's just that I'm stronger. Get up, do some exercise, and then sit down and rest."

Qi Mu unexpectedly grabbed the hand extended by Aokiji and stood up. Looking at the fierce-looking guy in front of him, he was not so afraid anymore. For the first time, he praised with sincere words: "Kendo." It is a sport in itself, and the strength of your physical fitness is also a kind of strength. At the beginning yesterday, Aoki-san had just mastered the basic movements, but today he was able to use them skillfully. Although he was still a little stiff, he This is already amazing.”

"Indeed." Busujima Saeko's voice suddenly came from behind Saiki. Saiki quickly turned around and bowed to her: "Busijima Minister."

Busujima Saeko smiled and waved her hand, beckoning him to get up. She looked at Aoki Tsukasa with some admiration and surprise: "Aoki-san's progress is really amazing."

"Thank you." Aokiji smiled lightly and wanted to put down the protective gear.

"Let's take off the armor later. Since Saiki-kun is not strong enough, let me come and practice with you." A male voice with contempt in his tone came from not far away. The man who had been sparring with Busujima Saeko yesterday The burly man was looking at Aokiji walking over with a mocking look on his face.


Sorry, I missed a section when I copied and pasted the document. When I checked it later, I found that it had been corrected.

The third update is over today, please hand over your collection and recommendation tickets as soon as possible! ! ! ! If SOSOSO has a lot more collections and recommendations tomorrow, it will be the third update! ! ! !

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