What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 13 Learning makes me happy

In class, Tsukasa Aoki listened to the class attentively.

As the knowledge points narrated by the teacher are introduced into the ears, the learning experience value also slowly grows bit by bit. Although the teacher always shook his hands and dropped the chalk on the ground because of his fiery eyes, and almost fell from the podium to the desk due to weak legs, this still could not shake Aokiji's desire for knowledge.

You have to ask Aokiji, a lazy person like him, why he is so serious all of a sudden?

That's all thanks to the mock exam that's coming in more than half a month. Private Wuyang High School is a very famous private high school. On the one hand, Wuyang High School has invested very good resources in arts and sports. Both music students and dance students have excellent teacher resources and teaching resources. On the other hand, There is also a quite abundant scholarship system for study.

Every semester, the top ten students in the school are free of tuition, and the top three students in the school are given generous scholarships. Even the mock exams at the school-wide level have a scholarship system allocated by class.

In other words, if Aokiji can get first place in the class in the mock exam more than half a month later, he will receive a scholarship of 10,000 yuan.

This is ten thousand yuan! This is a high reward of nearly 600 yuan. If he can get it, Aokiji will not only be able to get rid of the pitiful situation of not being able to eat, but he can even connect his mobile phone to the Internet and live an extremely happy life.

Aokiji has already had a preliminary understanding of this world, and can conclude that this world is not only a parallel world from his previous life, but has also undergone many changes in history.

Those famous animations, movies, and novels have all changed.

That is to say

There are countless good-looking movies, anime, novels, and games waiting for Tsukasa Aoki!

In his last life, when others were discussing whether League of Legends or Dota was more fun, he self-hypnotized and said that studying was the most fun. When others were enjoying eating chicken, he worked part-time in the school cafeteria selling chicken legs to others. While others were working, buying various game consoles, and staying at home watching various movies and animations, Aokiji was drinking with his boss, and most of the money he earned was given to his younger brother for medical expenses.

But in this life, Aokiji is determined to make up for these wonderful things that were once too late.

Of course, this requires money.

I don’t even have 100 yuan in my pocket. Not to mention connecting to the Internet for my mobile phone, I may not even be able to pay for the mobile phone bill next month. At home, Aokiji really wanted to use the home wifi, but Kasugano Masao was very embarrassed and said that Kasugano Qiong has the power of life and death over the wifi, and Aokiji has never seen Kasugano Qiong.

Therefore, being first in the class is inevitable!

Tsukasa Aoki is extremely eager for knowledge, and Tora Maeda, who is sitting not far from him, is even more convinced by his previous words: Even Mr. Aoki listens to the class so seriously, how can I be lazy when I am far inferior to him!

Ever since, Maeda Toraya stared at the teacher with great longing.

Finally, when the teacher on the podium dropped the thirteenth piece of chalk on the ground and smashed it to pieces, the bell rang as scheduled. The gentle English teacher wearing glasses was finally relieved. He didn't even leave his homework and flew away. He also left a goodbye and ran away from the class.

Aokiji sighed, turned over a few more pages of the English book in front of him with a reluctant look, and then started to pack his backpack.

"That Aoki-san?" A somewhat familiar female voice reached his ears. Aokiji looked up, and sure enough, Teruhashi Sumimi was looking at him with a sweet and crooked smile: "After school, Aoki-san is Did you go home directly? Do you want to go back with us on the way?"

Following the path of a chicken, Teruhashi Shinmei roared loudly in her heart: Why, why has this guy not said "Oh!" to me even once for two days! Today, I deliberately asked my family not to drive to pick me up, just to create the opportunity for Oho. Oh, Aokiji, you can't escape!

Aokiji scratched his head and pointed to the wooden sword standing beside the desk: "Sorry, I have to go to the kendo club to practice."

Kendo club? Teruhashi Shinmei's smile froze slightly: Damn it, why did he start so quickly? I just transferred to another school yesterday and joined the kendo club today?

After a second thought, Teruhashi Shinmei smiled again and said: "Kendo, Aoki-kun must be very handsome when he wields a wooden sword. But..."

Teruhashi Shinmei pretended to be weak, lowered her head and looked at her toes: "No one in my family came to pick me up today. If I walk home alone, what if there are bad guys? I heard that there are people nearby. There are a lot of bad boys in that college. Aoki-kun, can you give me a ride?"

"Ah" Aokiji looked at her with a weak look on her face. Although he didn't know what she wanted after pestering him, he was not narcissistic enough to think that this girl really had thoughts about him and would just throw the blame away if there was any trouble. With the right idea, he waved his hand: "Tora Maeda."

"Hey! Brother!" Maeda Tora, whose face was still bruised and swollen, stood upright with an extremely serious face, like a soldier waiting for a general's order.

"It might be a bit dangerous for Summi Teruhashi to go home alone. I have something else to do. Can you send her home?" Aokiji packed up his things, picked up his shoulder bag, picked up the wooden knife, and twisted his neck.

At this time, Maeda Tora looked at Teruhashi Shinmei pretending to be weak, and felt that her big watery eyes were full of uneasiness. He immediately patted his chest: "No problem! Brother! Please don't worry and leave it to me! Unless I Die, otherwise no one can harm classmate Xinmei!"

"Eh?" Teruhashi Shinmei looked at the scene that was completely out of her control. She was stunned for a moment and turned around to see the bruised and swollen Maeda Tiger facing her with a bright smile - in her eyes, This bright smile is terrifying.

"That... that" Teruhashi Komimi was at a loss as she thought about what to say.

"Then leave it to you, Maeda Tora!" Aokiji stood up, patted Maeda Tora's strong chest muscles, and grinned at Teruhashi Kotomi: "Don't worry, Maeda Tora is very strong. If there is any danger, , Maeda Tora asked for my phone number before, and I will call the police for you."

So strong! The bruises on his face haven't even faded yet! Also, he didn’t ask for your phone number to help you call the police! Teruhashi Shinmei felt huge waves in her heart at this moment, and the super-perfect beautiful girl's smile on her face couldn't hold back any longer. She could only nod her head numbly: "Well, okay, Aoki-kun wants to work hard in the kendo club. .”

"Maeda Tora-kun, then I'll leave it to you." Teruhashi Komimi looked at Maeda Tora, and her smile that she always thought was absolutely perfect was no longer smiling.

But Maeda Tora followed her and turned to smile at him, and said softly and naturally like hiccups from the heart: "Oh, no problem! Leave it to me!"

Teruhashi Shinmei looked at this scene and felt a little comfort in her heart: It seems that there is something wrong with the world. Normal people will still roar when they see me.

Damn it, Aokiji! Teruhashi Shinmei bit her lower lip and narrowed her eyes: "Is it because he has a woman he likes?"

"Ah? Are you talking to me?" Maeda Tora woke up from the state where he was almost drooling, and smiled innocently at the goddess in front of him.

"No, then please trouble Maeda Tora-san." Teruhashi Shinmei tilted her head and smiled brightly.

Maeda Tora, who seemed to see a sea of ​​flowers blooming in front of his eyes, couldn't hold it back and said "Oh ho." again. At the same time, he admired Aokiji even more in his heart: Meise is still able to act according to her own plan and gave me such a good opportunity. Could it be that he knows that I like Xinmei-chan! This is the boss!

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