What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 12 This is a bad boy!

"Stand still!" The corner of Aokiji's mouth twitched, causing the guy in front of him who was a head taller than himself to take his hand back, sighing rather unhappily, and then said seriously: "It's not impossible to be my little brother. "

"Then listen carefully." Aokiji's outstanding brain power started to work quickly.

Maeda Tora looked excited and looked at Aoki Tsukasa very seriously.

"The first point is, don't bully the weak. I won't offend anyone unless they offend me." After Aokiji said this, his eyes lit up when he saw Maeda Tiger in front of him, and he murmured to himself: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone." Ah, wonderful, these eight words sum it up really well."

Looking at his slightly crazy look, it seems as if he regards these eight words as magical skills. Is it possible that this sentence has never appeared in this world?

"Second point, dye your red hair back for me. A gangster with colorful hair will look like a low-class gangster at first glance." Aokiji looked at his thick red hair and showed an evil smile: "There is a saying that goes well , I’ve become bald, and I’ve become stronger. I just don’t know if you can understand the true meaning of this sentence.”

Maeda Tora's expression was a little resistant at this time, but he soon became determined: If this is the price of becoming stronger, it is not unacceptable. Maybe Aokiji is so strong because he is bald? Thinking of this, Maeda Tiger nodded decisively.

Yo, you are quite determined! Aokiji, who was originally just planning to let him quit before the difficulties, suddenly became more serious, coughed and said seriously: "The third point is, you can't arrive late and leave early casually, and your exam results can't be too bad. The final exam of each semester, the results It must be at least the average level of the class.”

This is a bit difficult. Maeda Tora looked a little struggling and said hesitantly: "Boss, I actually want to get good grades in the exam, but it's really difficult."

Aokiji thought about it for a moment. This group of people didn't have his golden finger. If they grew up, it would not be easy to make up for the lessons they had missed.

But, Aokiji didn't want these hot-blooded teenagers to worship him as their eldest brother, and only have hot-blooded hormones in their heads. After three years of high school, they wouldn't even be able to go to college, and they would have to do simple hard work for the rest of their lives without success. If Aokiji really accepted his younger brother, he also wanted these little brats who followed him to have a good future.

"Anyway, you can fail in your grades, but you can't have flaws in your efforts. If you can't do it, just give up." Aokiji said there was no room for bargaining.

Maeda Tora was breathing heavily at this time. You can imagine how entangled he was in his heart now, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, although I am stupid, I may not be able to learn You have to know how to do it, but I will work hard to learn it.”

Only then did Aokiji smile with satisfaction: "Okay, I'll tell you the rest."

"When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. If you see someone bullying the weak, go and help if you can. If you can't fight, you have to call the police. Isn't that difficult?" Seeing Maeda Tora nod, Aokiji added: "I want to be a kind-hearted person. When I see an old lady crossing the road, I should take the initiative to help him. When I see a homeless man who is hungry, I should use the money I can afford to help him. Can I do it?"

Maeda Tora had a strange look on his face, opened his mouth, and still asked in question: "But. But in that case, are we still considered bad boys?"

"That's a good question." Aokiji said with a serious face, his bald head shining brightly in the sun: "What is a bad boy? Many people think that to do things that violate the law, to do things that violate morality, to get something from the weak A sense of accomplishment and being feared by others are what delinquents are. But in my eyes, these people are just a group of losers, just a group of losers who use the banner of delinquents to name their failures as freedom. "

"A real bad boy is a thoughtful person who resists in his beliefs, does not stick to the rules and conforms to the trend, and is a person who does things that others cannot understand but are right. In the eyes of others, we violate the rules of their lives. The point of view is that of a bad boy, but in my eyes, what we do should be correct and just."

"They think we are bad just because we took a step they didn't dare to take and did something they didn't dare to do. Everyone will be angry about injustice, but how many people will Take action for this and help us out of justice!?"

At this time, Aokiji looked like a religious boss who was being brainwashed. He was eloquent, and his extremely high charm made him look like Jack Ma standing on the podium. Everyone knew what he said, "I don't know." "I love money" and "I have no concept of money" are all nonsense, but at the same time I have to start thinking whether this is real and whether this is just because I am not mature enough to understand.

Therefore, although I don't agree with his views, I don't dare to object casually. I even feel that this person is really awesome.

Maeda Tora was like this at this time. The words spoken by Aokiji in front of him shattered the delinquent boy he originally defined in his heart, but a shiny, new sculpture of a 'delinquent boy' emerged from his heart -—— That was exactly what the bald man in front of me looked like.

"Let me ask you, what am I in the eyes of others?" Aokiji launched his ultimate move, his eyes full of bewildering, and he placed a familiar hand on Maeda Tora's shoulder.

Maeda Tora's eyes were blurred, and he murmured to himself as if he was hypnotized: "Bad boy. Even I, when I see you, can only see the appearance of a bad boy."

"That's right, but what about me in reality?" Aokiji raised his head with a resolute look on his face, just like the one he wore when he took the oath while wearing a red scarf: "Even the fight with you yesterday was because you wanted to bully me. Fight back in anger. But what about other than that?"

Aokiji looked righteous: "Apart from that, what else have I done? No, I was not late for class like you, and I didn't even go to sleep in class. Instead, I studied hard and listened to the class attentively."

"But even so, in the eyes of others, I am still a bad boy. Why? Just because I am a truly free person, and I never care about their opinions." Aokiji gritted his teeth, bragging to this point , he couldn't stop, and simply said with a fearless and sacrificial expression: "My bald head, in their eyes, is a symbol of badness. But in my eyes, it is a challenge to secular rules and a challenge to normality. The rebuttal of sight.”

"Yes, I am a bad boy, because I am different from them, I have done different things from them, and I have a different appearance from them, but I am who I am, a firework of different colors."

After saying that, suppressing the feeling of vomiting in his stomach, Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder, looked at his confused but extremely admiring eyes, and said calmly: "Have you realized it? This is it. My powerful methods and reasons.”

"Working in the darkness, but serving the light, this is what a bad boy should be like! And when your high school career finally ends and your bad boy identity finally fades away, you will also become a true - ——Man!" Tsukasa Aoki patted Maeda Tora's shoulder again, turned around and left with an inscrutable look on his face, but his stomach almost burst with laughter.

In Maeda Tora's eyes, Aokiji's back at this time was as high as a mountain or the sea, and even once had a double resemblance to his father's generous back when he was a child.

"I understand! I understand!" Maeda Tora knelt down on the ground with his legs weak, looking at Aokiji who was still slowly leaving at a leisurely pace with extremely reverent eyes, and choked up with tears. He said in an affectionate tone: "It turns out that this is the real bad boy, this is the real strong man. Dad, no, boss! I understand!"

You understand what a hammer! Aokiji covered his mouth and quickened his pace.

No, no, no, if I don't find a place to laugh out loud, I will suffocate myself to death!

It has high charm points and smells great!

[Task: Partner has completed. 】

[Completion: perfect. 】

[Reward Charm Points +1. Skill bar +1. 】

Yesterday, there were suddenly dozens of recommendations. I was very happy. I will update another chapter today! Let’s start at midnight! Recommended collection No matter how hard you try, as long as the price rises quickly, updating three times a day is no longer a dream! Rush the duck!

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