What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 11 Meet several of my conditions

Early the next morning, Aokiji moved his sore shoulders and breathed while walking on the way to school.

Zuo Ye worked very hard to upgrade his learning and kendo skills to LV2.

[Kendo LV2: At this time, you are already very proficient in mastering the basic movements, but that's the limit. Please don't compete to the death with others. Additional bonuses: Strength +1, Agility +1, Charisma +1. (Experience 0/200)】

From the beginning, every ten simple slashes can only bring a little experience increase, but now it requires a complete set of blocking, slashing and other basic movements to gain a little experience. Aokiji estimates that he wants to upgrade his kendo to LV2 will take almost two or three days.

Of course, this is still based on the fact that he practices until his arms are sore every day. You must know that at the age of seventeen, he already has the standard physical fitness of a healthy adult. Compared with his peers, his daily activity standards are not low.

(The so-called adult standard refers to the average value of a healthy adult man when his body is at its peak. For example, many people’s muscles are strongest when they are 25 years old, so take the physical fitness at the age of 25 as a reference. , expressed as 10 points and reflected in the system as a standard. Many people’s brains are most flexible when they are 17 or 18 years old, so take the value at that time as the standard.)

And learning skills is also quite distressing.

[Learning LV2: You have initially mastered the basic knowledge up to junior high school, and are limited to the learning areas involved in normal junior high school courses. Additional bonus: Brain power +1. (Experience value 30/200)]

Gone are the days when you could get high amounts of experience by flipping through high school textbooks. Today, if Aokiji wants to gain experience points, he must provide experience points based on the amount of knowledge contained in his books. That is to say, it is not much different from actually studying.

If you read the book in a hurry, it will actually give you very little experience. Only by studying it carefully will you gain a lot of experience points. And if it is a book that is completely incomprehensible, there will be no experience value at all. As for those comic books and the like, it is even less likely to be effective.

Alas, there is still a long way to go.

"Sir over there, can you give me someone who stutters?" The sudden voice in his ear made Aokiji stop and turn his head to look. An old man with gray hair and ragged clothes was sitting in the corner. In the dark alley, there was a trash can that had just been turned over.

Seeing that he was sallow, skinny, and disheveled, Aokiji sighed, touched the wallet in his hand, took out the only thousand yuan he had, and handed it to the old man: "Go buy some triangular rice dumplings to eat. In the direction I came from, the 24-hour supermarket is selling items at a discount of 250 yuan each."

"Thank you, thank you." The old man stretched out his hand tremblingly and took the thousand yuan: "Thank you very much, sir."

Aokiji waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that I don't have much money anymore. It's so cold in autumn this year, so it must be very hard."

"It's okay. Cough cough cough." The old man only said a few words and then started coughing.

Looking at his old face, Aokiji shook his head and said nothing more. He just opened his backpack, took out a still warm coffee can, and handed it to the old man: "Just eat this, I'll leave first."

"Thank you, sir, you are really a good man." The old man almost shed tears. He didn't even dare to raise his head and look directly at Aokiji. He just lowered his head and repeated the word "thank you".

"Yes." Aokiji turned away and put his hands in his pockets, looking very free and easy. Although the money and coffee just now are already his entire net worth.

Oh, if it weren't for the barber who killed a thousand cuts and lost the money he paid for a normal haircut, and made a fortune every time he went in and out, Aokiji would probably not have a dime at this time. However, Aokiji didn't think it was a pity. He looked so fierce now, everyone was afraid of him, and a homeless man and an old man dared to ask him for help. He must have reached the end of his rope. Aokiji didn't feel reluctant to help others at this time.

"Ah, what should we do for lunch?" Aokiji, who was worried, staggered towards the school, but did not see the old man behind him, who was already choking silently.

Who knows how many times this old man was rejected?

In the increasingly cold autumn day, how long can this old man in ragged clothes hold on?

Aokiji stopped and looked back, only to see the old man's hunched back slowly walking towards the convenience store. He sighed silently, but felt melancholy about the part-time job again: "Where can I find a part-time job with an hourly salary of 5,000 yuan? It will really kill me."

"Brother!" The sudden loud voice behind him startled Aoki Si. He almost jumped out of his way before looking back, and saw a pig-head wearing a hat bowing to him with great respect.

"You are." Aokiji's eyes widened, and he saw the pig head in front of him straightened up, took off his hat, revealing a head of messy red hair, pointed at himself and said, "It's me, Tora Maeda!"

From the still swollen, blue and red face, Aokiji remembered that this was Tora Maeda who was beaten badly by him yesterday.

"Uh, what's the matter?" Aokiji scratched the side of his face in embarrassment. He was actually quite worried whether the man in front of him would suddenly get angry. His physical fitness had improved at this time, but his fighting skills were still basically lacking. He has become quite proficient in kendo skills, and is also able to do chopping and other movements, but even the skill description advises him not to seek death, and that it is better to keep a low profile and wait until he develops to become more active.

Maeda Tora looked very excited at this time: "After being educated by my elder brother yesterday, I thought seriously about what to do at home."

"Ah" Aoki's wary expression looked like disgust to Maeda Tora. He bowed quickly and said loudly and seriously: "I want to become a powerful man like big brother. Please accept me as your little brother, big brother Aoki." !”

Aokiji scratched his cheek again. Just when he was about to refuse, the system jumped out again.

[Trigger mission: Partner]

[Partner: As a strong person, you must have a broad mind. Former enemies may not be today's partners. Taking the man in front of you into your employ is a new beginning for your career as a bad boy. Of course, you can also give him an appropriate amount of testing. Anyone who cannot meet your requirements is naturally not worthy of being your partner. Mission reward: Skill bar +1.

If he gives up voluntarily, the task is transferred to the next trigger. Friendly reminder: If you refuse the task in disguise by proposing conditions that are too difficult to complete, it will be considered a task failure. Additional rewards will be given based on task completion. 】

Aokiji was silent for a while, and the last words that seemed so threatening made him feel quite uncomfortable, but this was the condition for him to exchange for a new life, and he couldn't blame anyone. Finally, he simply raised his head: "If It’s not impossible for you to want to be my little brother.”

Maeda Tiger raised his head with a very happy expression: "Is it true? Brother?"

"However, you have to meet a few of my conditions." Aokiji tilted his head, with an unfriendly smile on his lips.

Maeda Tiger subconsciously covered his butt.

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