"I'm back." Pushing open the door, Aokiji put away his shoes listlessly and walked towards the living room on the first floor.

Kasugano Masao was sitting at the dining table watching TV. There was steaming but untouched food on the dining table.

"Oh, Aoki-kun is back." Kasugano Masao smiled and put down the tea cup in his hand. Since he was canceled a bottle of beer for dinner every day, he could only drink the remaining tea at home.

"Yeah." Aokiji rubbed his face and made his expression a little more friendly in the entrance hall before walking into the house with a smile. Sure enough, even so, Kasugano Masao was still shocked by his appearance. He awkwardly raised his tea cup to cover his expression before saying: "Go put down your schoolbag, wash your hands, and eat."

"Okay." Aokiji responded, walked up to the second floor and returned to his room, but suddenly found that opposite his room, there was movement from the room that originally belonged to Masao Kasugano's daughter. He listened carefully, It turned out to be the same monster scream made when playing games.

Could it be that Kasugano Qiong is back? Aokiji tilted his head, remembering that Kasugano Masao said yesterday that it would take two or three days before she would be discharged from the hospital.

After putting down his schoolbag, he washed his hands and came to the dining table. He asked Kasugano Masao with some confusion: "Um, is Qiong back?"

"Oh? Have you seen her?" Kasugano Masao's eyes widened and he said eagerly: "You didn't scare her, did you? Uh."

Don't say your true words casually! The corner of Aokiji's mouth twitched and he said calmly: "No, I just heard some movement in the room."

"Uh" Masao Kasugano scratched his head in embarrassment. Fortunately, after getting along with him for more than a day, he also knew that the boy in front of him just looked a little more fierce, and his personality was unexpectedly good. He laughed twice and said : "Well, Qiong said she really didn't want to stay in the hospital anymore, so he took her back."

"Well, if I'm not rude, do you know what's wrong with Qiong's body?" Aokiji raised the cup on the table and took a sip of warm water.

Kasugano Anzu took off her apron and brought the last bowl of miso soup to the table. She said with some melancholy: "Qiong. She has not been in good health since she was a child. She has congenital heart disease. And then she followed me. hair color."

Speaking of this, Kasugano Anzu also touched her long silver hair and sighed: "Qiong has had silver hair since she was a child. There are always some ignorant children who bully her because of this, which makes her suffer from social phobia. In addition, Being alone for a long time has led to severe depression. Now I can only stay at home every day and can no longer participate in normal social activities."

"Then, where is the school?" Aokiji's expression became serious. In his previous life, his younger brother was the same way. He knew deeply how difficult life was for such a person, and he secretly felt pity for him.

"Haha, fortunately, the Qiong head is very easy to use, and you can get great results by studying at home. After communicating with the school, it is enough to just take part in the important exams every year. Strictly speaking, she and you still have They can be regarded as classmates. But she is one year younger than you." Kasugano Masao smiled softly and narrowed his eyes.

"Did you skip a grade?" Aokiji looked at Kasugano Masao's proud smile and couldn't help but smile empathetically: "She must be a strong child."

"Yes." Kasugano Xing picked up the chopsticks: "Let's start eating! Qiong has already eaten. I originally wanted her to meet you, but the child didn't want to say anything."

"It's okay." Aokiji shook his head gently: "It's not easy for a child like her to accept me coming to live with my uncle and aunt."

I still remember that my former younger brother was sensitive and fragile, and often had sudden emotional breakdowns. He was unwilling to see even his biological brother who he grew up with. Aokiji understood Kasugano Qiong's psychology very well.

Kasugano Kyou and his wife looked at each other, very surprised at Aoki Tsukasa's thoughts, and nodded with a smile: "Thank you Aoki-kun for understanding. It will be a long time in the future. Qiong is a good child, and she will definitely accept you."

"I hope Aoki-kun can treat her as his biological sister." Kasugano Masao said, his eyes full of hope. They really hope that Aokiji can treat Kasugano Qiong better. If it can improve her mental illness, that would be even better.

"Yeah." Aokiji felt a little uncomfortable looking at the forced smiles on the two people's faces.

In my previous life, I donated my heart to my younger brother.

In this life, there is another sister who is exactly the same.

Aokiji sighed, feeling for the first time that maybe such a thing as fate really existed.

"System, if I learn skills like medicine, is it possible to cure congenital heart disease?" Suddenly, Aokiji's eyes lit up.

[Each skill has no maximum skill limit. It can be said that medical skills have no limits in theory. As long as the level is high enough, there is a full possibility of cure. 】

Aokiji showed a bright smile that came from the heart: "That's right."

If it weren't for Kasugano and his wife, maybe I would have no relatives and friends now, and I wouldn't even be able to afford food.

If you can, try to see if you can save Kasugano Qiong from the desperate hell where he will suddenly die without knowing when.

Thinking of his brother's desperate and helpless expression in his mind, almost subconsciously, Aokiji once again felt a heavy sense of responsibility on his shoulders.

Then think of a way to learn medical skills.

What you couldn't do in your previous life, if you have the ability in this life, just give it a try!

Aokiji set a small goal. But soon, his face became sad again, and he feebly asked Masao Kasugano: "Uncle Masao, can I ask if there may be any part-time job with an hourly salary of more than 5,000?"

"Huh?" Kasugano Masao coughed twice and widened his eyes: "Ah, did you know that I can only earn 400,000 yuan a month? I am still a section chief! I have to work ten hours a day! At least ten hours! "

Tsukasa Aoki looked very melancholy: "Oh, does your company have any part-time jobs like a director or president that I can do?"

"Huh?" Kasugano and his wife said in unison.

"Haha. I'm kidding. Ha. Ha." Aokiji put down the bowls and chopsticks like a zombie: "I'm full."

Damn the system, get out of here!

[So, if you go to Cowherd’s shop to sell drinks for one night, if you are strong enough, it is not difficult to earn hundreds of thousands or millions.]

Shut up! Shut up!

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