Holding the wooden sword in hand, Aokiji mechanically repeated basic chopping moves in the air, his concentration already devoted to the skill interface.

[Kendo LV1: Not an entry-level kendo. Now you only know how to hold a wooden sword tightly. Additional bonuses: Strength +1, Agility +1, Charisma +1. (Experience 11/100)】

Seeing the charm that had reached the terrifying 16 o'clock, Aokiji felt like crying.

This is already half the level of a normal adult! If this charm is used to its advantage, he feels that he can debut as an idol now.

But in fact, these sixteen points of charm were of no use except making Saiki-san tremble in front of Aokiji.

"Um, Tsukasa Aoki mastered it very quickly. It took me a full week to master the most basic way of swinging a sword." Saiki-san pushed up his glasses with trembling fingers.

Aokiji turned to look at him, and saw that this very thin classmate with glasses was as stiff as a log because of this look. He turned around helplessly, looked at the wooden knife in his hand, and asked while slashing: "Can I take this wooden sword home to practice with?"

"That...that" Qi Mu broke out in cold sweat, unable to say a single word.

"Is that okay?" Aokiji thought his tone was quite gentle, but in Qimu's ears, it had a completely different meaning.

I saw Qi Mu standing straight like a soldier in the army who was called to stand by his superiors, and replied without hesitation: "Okay."

Glancing at him, he saw that Qi Mu seemed to be scared to faint if he said a few words to him. Aokiji sighed and stopped the wooden sword in his hand. Anyway, for him, after mastering the skill, As long as you mechanically chop, you can gain experience points, and you will have more basic kendo knowledge in your head, so you plan to practice at home in the future and rarely come to the kendo club.

After moving his shoulders that were a little sore from practice, Aokiji patted Saiki's shoulders and said in a gentle enough tone: "Then I will go back today. If you are not allowed to take wooden swords home, or if you need money, If you want to buy it, come to me in Class 1, Class 3. Oh, the application form for joining the club that Busujima-senpai mentioned just now."

"I know! I'll write it for you! You are Aokiji from Class 1, Grade 3, right? Just take the wooden sword home and use it, I will communicate with the minister! It doesn't matter if you don't return it, I will solve it Yes!" Qi Mu's body stood stiffly on the spot because of this shot, and it took him almost only a tenth of a second to think before he said this series of words.

No! I didn’t mean that at all! Aokiji was dumbfounded by his miraculous brain-feeding ability. Finally, he retracted his hand and decided to talk as little as possible in the future.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." What else could Aokiji say? Looking at the friendly classmate Saiki in front of him, Aokiji sighed. While thinking about whether to buy a mask or something to cover his face, he took off his protective gear and swung his wooden knife towards him. Walking outside the gym.

Not far away, Busujima Saeko, who was holding a wooden sword, looked at this scene and found it quite interesting. She chuckled slightly, but didn't say much. She just looked at the man sitting there as if he had escaped from death. Saiki-san, who was breathing hard on the ground, silently apologized in his heart.

I didn’t expect that there are such interesting people like Aoki-san in this world. Busujima Saeko thoughtfully waved the wooden sword in his hand a few times, thinking: "Before Saiki-san taught him, he didn't even know how to hold the sword. But after two cuts, he finalized the movement. . Although the movements are still not lethal and only have a standard framework, it can be regarded as an incredible learning ability."

"Bujima-san, do you want another round?" The sturdy young man walked over with a smile.

A hint of impatience flashed across Busushima Saeko's expression, but she didn't say anything more. She just raised the knife and responded calmly: "Okay."

At this time, Aokiji was waving the wooden knife in his hand like a child who got a new toy, and walked towards home with his shoulder bag on his back.

On the way back, I suddenly remembered something serious.

"I seem to have to find a part-time job." Aokiji stopped the wooden sword in his hand and fell into troubled contemplation. If I just find a job like a convenience store or handing out flyers, I'm afraid I won't be able to save much money in one semester.

The private Wuyang High School he attended was definitely not a cheap place, as you could tell just by looking at the kendo club's gym. It seems a bit too difficult to reduce Uncle Kasugano's burden with such a simple task.

Moreover, Aokiji really wants to buy a computer - the technological development of this world is almost the same as that of the previous life, almost on the same timeline of 2016, except that almost all the famous people have been changed, and even the history is quite different from that of the previous life. Variety.

This also means that there are many completely different masterpieces in those animation movies and games. Aokiji didn't play much in his previous life, and now, he just wants to make up for all his past regrets.

"I learned a lot of professional knowledge before I started working in my previous life, but after I started working, I mostly used methods to communicate with people and socialize." Thinking of his face that everyone feared now, Aokiji felt unhappy. He let out a breath: "If I can use this charm in a positive way, I can do a lot more things."

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't come up with any reliable answer.

[Trigger task: Extraordinary part-time job]

Aokiji's face stiffened, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

[Extraordinary part-time job: As a man destined to become the strongest bad boy, the part-time job you do must also be completely different. If you want to work part-time, the hourly wage of the part-time job must be higher than (equal to) 5,000 yuan to prove that you are unique, otherwise part-time activities are prohibited. Mission reward: random attribute bonus. Depending on the level of completion, there may be additional props as rewards. 】

Five thousand an hour?

Aokiji quickly converted in his head and came up with a figure that made him extremely desperate: "In RMB, three hundred yuan an hour? I can't sell blood with this efficiency! How can anyone in Japan be like this? Good part-time job?”

[According to the memory in the host’s mind, Japanese Cowherd Shop.]

roll! Aokiji almost cursed.

Even if I want to be a cowherd, my damn charm doesn’t agree with me, okay?

No, even if I starve to death, jump from here, and be wiped out by your broken system because I can't complete the task, I won't be able to be a cowherd.

【True xia】

Shut up!

Aokiji interrupted the dog system angrily, and the wooden sword in his hand shook again and again in frustration.

If you don't hand over your recommendations or anything else, the author will have to go to Cowherd's shop! ! ! !

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