When talking about Neon High School, one topic can never be avoided: clubs.

Whether in anime or in reality, a variety of clubs are an essential part of normal high school students. Whether it's basketball, baseball, swimming, or music, you can find the clubs you need in school.

Aokiji is no exception.

According to the original plan, Aokiji actually wanted to join a club such as the Homecoming Club, which, as the name suggests, means going home after school.

But now that the charm is as high as fifteen points, Aokiji has other thoughts - if he continues to be like this, the trouble caused by his damn charm may make him miserable.

For ordinary people, if you look fierce, he may be afraid of you.

But for some overly lively delinquents, Aokiji's face is equivalent to a natural ridicule. It's like seeing a wild mysterious BOSS while playing a game. Most players won't do it casually, but there will always be those who are mentally retarded and want to take a look.

This time, the 'Takiya Genji Experience Card' helped him to use his power to fight ten, allowing him to experience the feeling of Ip Man, but if he did it again, Aokiji would probably have to crawl home.

What's more, just the restless system in his head makes Aokiji a little restless. Who knows when the system will suddenly issue a mission, forcing him to conflict with others.

If you don't have some craftsmanship by then, the picture is so beautiful that Aokiji decided not to think about it for now.

So Aokiji decided to learn a skill that could help him become stronger. Finally, with a trembling answer from a passerby, Aokiji arrived at the door of the gymnasium of the kendo club, which is known as the strongest in the school.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw many men wearing protective gear and sweating while wielding wooden swords. There are many certificates hanging high on the wall not far away. In the center of the gym, there were two other people sparring.

Just look at the two people, one of whom is tall and muscular at first glance, and the other is slender and delicate. Judging from the long purple hair exposed behind the head protection, she is actually a girl.

What surprised Aokiji was that the purple-haired girl was holding a wooden sword, and the sword was as fierce as lightning. The strong young man in front of her looked like he could only parry. After several crackling sounds of the wooden sword, he , the wooden knife in the purple-haired girl's hand stopped in front of the young man's face.

"Face!" Following the referee's command, the two men retracted their wooden knives, returned to their original positions, and bowed.

Aokiji applauded instinctively.

"Bah, bang, bang!" As the applause sounded, the rest of the people inevitably cast their eyes towards Aokiji. However, with just this glance, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

This guy is here to play football! The rest of the people thought of this almost instinctively.

In fact, I don't blame them, because at this time, Aokiji looked serious because he was watching intently, and he was snapping his hands in a very rhythmic manner. In conjunction with his damn charm, it was a complete scene of a villain appearing in a show-off.

Seeing the glances from those people, Aokiji understood what had probably happened. He felt bitter in his heart, but on the surface he put down his hand very calmly.

Not far away, the purple-haired girl took off the protective gear on her head, revealing her long flowing purple hair. The pupils under her eyebrows looked calm and clear, and her strong nose and small lips complemented each other. She was really a very beautiful girl. Beautiful big beauty.

Even Aokiji was stunned for a moment.

Different from the squad leader Teruhashi Kokomo, the beauty of the purple-haired girl is more of a kind of strange and strange surprise, like a blooming mandala, which makes people fear but admire its beauty. Just one glance, Then I had the idea that I could only watch from a distance but not dare to play with it.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" The purple-haired girl broke through the crowd and approached Aoki Si. Only then did Aoki Si realize that the girl in front of him also had an excellent figure. She was nearly 1.75 meters tall and wore a loose kendo uniform. It also cannot cover up its convex and concave curves.

"Uh." Aokiji looked at the alert faces around him, then looked at the clear pupils of the purple-haired girl in front of him that were rare and emotionless. He organized his words before saying, "I want to join the Kendo Club."

The purple-haired girl's indifferent expression was slightly startled, and then the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "That's right. There are very few people who started to join the club in the second half of the semester. Have you had any corresponding training before?"

"I just transferred to this school today." Aokiji looked at the people around him, whose expressions were either wary or fearful and softened a little, and smiled for the first time today: "This is my first time contacting Kendo. Can I join you? ?”

"Of course." The purple-haired girl smiled softly. Her smile was soft but somehow gave people a sense of distance: "I am second-year Busujima Saeko, the head of the Kendo Club. Please give me your advice."

"I am Aokiji, a first-year student. Please give me your advice." After answering, Aokiji raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Did Busujima-senpai become a minister in the second year? It's really amazing."

"It's because of the love from my classmates." Busujima Saeko's words were very polite, but behind her, the tone of the sturdy young man who was sparring with her just now was a bit unkind: "Bujima-san was so kind in the selection meeting at the beginning of the year. It is natural for him who takes the first place as a commander to serve as a minister."

"But classmate, since you have no foundation in kendo, why did you think of joining the kendo club?" The young man took two steps forward, took off his head protection, and saw that his long black hair was still tied into a braid. , with an unkind look on his face, Aokiji subconsciously understood that this guy in front of him was probably another bad boy.

Do I have a constitution of hatred? Aokiji was very depressed in his heart, but on the surface he took back the smile he showed to Busujima Saeko and said coldly: "I learn kendo to strengthen my body."

"Heh." The man narrowed his eyes, as if he was about to say something else, but Busujima Saeko interrupted him: "That's it for now, Saiki-kun, go and take Aoki-san to change his protective gear and find a wooden sword. Let’s teach him the basic moves first. I’ll find someone to hand over the application for joining the club to Aoki-kun later.”

Not far away, a young man who looked at Aokiji with a slightly fearful look hurriedly stood up straight and said loudly: "Yes, Minister." At this time, even the glasses on Saiki's nose were rising due to the sudden sweat. A little mist.

Afterwards, Busujima Saeko smiled and said, "I'll excuse you for now. Aoki-san can learn some basic moves first. If there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

Aokiji nodded, and the classmate named Saiki walked up to Aokiji timidly: "Aokiji, please follow me."

"Oh." Aokiji responded, feeling quite helpless as he looked at Busujima Saeko's leaving figure and the warning look in his eyes as the burly man followed him away.

Why do you seem to have provoked another one?

Busujima Saeko narrowed his eyes with interest: "Why don't you collect them? If you don't hand over the recommendation votes?"

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