What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 7 It’s all because of charm

Because Aokiji, who was originally on the provoked side and fought back in self-defense, did not receive any punishment. He was only given a verbal education and returned to the classroom.

As for the unlucky ones like Maeda Tora, although they were the instigators, they were beaten so badly that the teacher could not punish them and had to let them go to the health room to treat their injuries first.

Aokiji is not too worried. He was in the experience card process just now and he is very sure about the severity of his attacks. Those guys just looked miserable. They would be almost better if they don't go to the hospital for a few days. Of course, the pain is still there. It will hurt for at least a week.

When he returned to the classroom, he saw that the classmates around him didn't even dare to look at him, and he felt desperate: Now, no one really thinks that I am a good person.

But this also has the advantage that no one will bother him. Including the teacher who was in class at this time, he pretended to turn a blind eye and let him lie on the table.

Sitting in the last row, Aokiji touched his somewhat swollen fist. He grimaced in pain and complained to the system in his heart.

"During the experience card process just now, I felt like I was no longer myself. This feeling was so bad!"

[The purpose of the experience card is to let you experience the feeling of being a real bad boy. How about it? Don’t you feel that this state of being the strongest in a row is very addictive? 】

Aokiji's expression turned slightly cold when he heard this, and he responded in his heart: "No. Not at all."

"I believe that violence is only a means to protect oneself, and should not be used to bully the weak."

【.Your idea is beyond my expectation. However, in the experience card, the character of Genji Takiya is not a bad guy. 】

"Yes, that feeling is indeed very good." Aokiji smiled bitterly and lay on the table, looking at his broken fist and thinking blankly: "I have never experienced such a powerful feeling. I got by. But..."

"During the process of experiencing the card, I only felt boredom." Aokiji turned his head, and the students who were taking physical education classes outside the window were playing in twos and threes, responding to the system: "Although I don't know who Genji Takiya is, but after experiencing the card I could feel it in the process. He was shaking his fists, not for himself."

"It may be a bit metaphysical to say this, but I really feel it. He was not happy when he was waving his fists."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Anyway, it's impossible for me to take the initiative to bully others. If others don't bully me, I usually won't get angry." Aokiji couldn't understand what he was thinking at the moment, so he simply He stopped here and stopped talking about this topic, but turned to ask another question that made him confused: "Why are they so afraid of me? No, or in other words, why do I become so scary? Even if I take care of myself Even in the mirror, I think I'm pretty cruel. This shouldn't just be because of my bald head."

[This is related to the charm attribute. 】

A question mark almost popped up on Aokiji's head: "Don't my charm make people like me? If everyone dislikes me like this, shouldn't my charm be negative? Forget it, open my attribute panel and see for myself look."

[Host: Aokiji]

[Strength: 8 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 9 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 14 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Charm: 15 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth at 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

"Eh? How come my attributes have increased so much?" Aokiji looked at the attribute panel in surprise.

[The mission "The Debut Battle of the Delinquent Boy" has been completed. Reward strength attribute +1, agility attribute +1. Charm attribute +1]

[Skill learning provides an additional attribute of brainpower +1. 】

[Becoming a bald head provides the additional attribute of Charm +3. 】

Wait a minute, why does a bald head add three points of charm attribute? Aokiji's eyes widened. He suddenly had a strong hunch that this damn charm attribute might be a big trap!

[Since this system specializes in the cultivation of bad boys, the bonus direction of charm attributes is mainly based on temperament aspects such as deterrence and momentum suppression. At the same time, the way in which charm is expressed is closely related to the person. In other words, if you wear a girl's wig, your charm points will make you look much prettier than a girl. 】

[Moreover, even if you are bald, if you smile a lot and behave like a sunny boy, they will not feel such a big deterrent. Of course, the additional charm attributes brought by a bald head are almost always reflected in the deterrent effect. 】

Aokiji's face became a little ugly: "In other words, if I keep my bald head, even if my charm is as high as thirty points, as long as I keep a straight face, they will be scared to death by me? I also want to be right. They are nice and friendly, but in this situation, if I smile at someone, he will have nightmares when he goes home at night, right?"

[Charm attribute itself is a reflection of personal temperament. Just like an actor in a movie, he may just change his hairstyle or his personality, which brings about a completely different sensory experience. And while your appearance does not change, your charm attributes will only continue to amplify your advantages. 】

Aokiji looked at the sky with a look of despair: "If you want your hair to grow, it will take at least half a year."

"And in your eyes, does the advantage of my appearance mean that I am fierce?"

[The more vicious the bad boy is and the more bad temperament he has, the better. Isn’t this the right idea? 】

Aokiji suddenly felt as if his wonderful high school life had just begun and was already over.

Looking out the window, he saw the boys and girls in the physical education class laughing and playing. Then he turned around and saw that his classmates were trembling just because they were stared at by him.

What kind of unattractive attribute is this? ! ! ! !

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