What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 6 Sorry to bother you!

The cold wind was blowing on the rooftop. Si Aoki stood on the edge of the rooftop with one foot on the rooftop fence, looking down at the noisy campus in front of him. His eyes were cold, his temperament was like that of a lonely wild wolf, his movements and posture were a little lazy, but he was like a tiger picking its prey.

"Aokiji!" A shout came from behind, causing Aokiji to turn his head at just the right angle. His body was slightly tilted, and his eyes were full of disdain and contempt as he looked at the visitor.

Maeda Tiger filed out of the rooftop entrance with his little brother behind him. In addition to Maeda Tiger's red hair, he also had various types of hair, such as an airplane head, a hedgehog head, yellow hair, green hair, and rainbow hair. From Aokiji's point of view, even if they were carrying cement to the entrance of the village to have a disco, there would be no sense of disobedience.

Maeda Tora looked at the guy in front of him who was obviously shorter and thinner than himself. For some reason, he felt tremendous pressure from his contemptuous eyes, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"If you are willing to bow your head and apologize now, and follow me in the future, I will not care about your mistakes." Maeda Tora grinned pretending to be evil. The bad boys behind him were laughing and took out their cigarettes and started to smoke. , a delinquent boy with an exaggerated airplane head walked up to Maeda Tora, holding a freshly lit cigarette in his mouth, and said with disdain: "Boss, why are you talking so much nonsense to him? What's the point? Let's talk after we finish." .”

Having said that, when the bad boy looked at Aokiji in front of him seriously for the first time, his eyes became serious: This man looks so fierce!

Aokiji put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly from the edge of the rooftop in the direction of Maeda Hu: "I very much agree with this statement."

(Due to force majeure, they fell. Aokiji tried to help them up, but he only raised a bloody hand. It was a pity.)

Teruhashi Komimi and three or four tall and strong teachers pushed open the rooftop door and saw Aokiji wiping the back of his hands with the clothes of a bloody guy lying on the ground. He choked on the lines he had prepared. in stomach. Looking around again, except for Aokiji, there were only a group of poor eggs lying on the ground, moaning in pain, on the entire rooftop.

Tora Maeda is also among them.

is that a lie!

Teruhashi Komimi looked at Tsukasa Aoki whose face was stained with blood and stains of unknown origin, and her heart was full of disbelief.

The Matsushita man who was hiding timidly behind Kotomi Teruhashi, the moment Aokiji looked at him, said loudly with an efficiency that exceeded the reaction speed of ordinary people: "Sorry for disturbing you!"

The Matsushita man said in a trembling voice: "If you don't give me a recommendation ticket if you don't give me a recommendation ticket, I will die, I will die!"

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