What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 5 Takiya Genji Experience Card

Maeda Tora never expected that he just came to the classroom late for a class according to his own habit, and saw a scene that shocked and angered him.

A bald man, a bald man who looked much more fierce than him, was actually approached and chatted up by his goddess, Shinmei-chan! And he actually avoided it! And he actually sat in his seat!

Almost instinctively, he shouted those words.

"That bald man over there, are you tired of living?" As soon as Maeda said this, he suddenly calmed down, because the bald man in front of him also looked at him.

What kind of look is this? Even if he had seen the real Yakuza in the game arcade by chance before, the sense of intimidation brought to him by those real Yakuza was not as shocking as this time.

This bald man just turned his head and stared at me, making him feel a sense of pressure?

Maeda Tora's expression turned cold, he was a tough guy!

At this time, Aokiji was hit by a bald sound that exposed the veins on his forehead. He turned around and saw a tall and sturdy young man, about 1.8 meters tall, looking at him with a cold face. Moreover, this guy's hair is still red and slicked back. He is full of arrogance and also tells Aokiji his identity, a delinquent boy in the true sense.

"Who are you calling a bald man?" Aokiji stood up, his body barely over 1.75 meters tall and a head lower than that of the sturdy young man.

Of course, just after he answered, Aokiji felt that he might be impulsive, and he would probably get cold. Just by visual inspection, he felt that the strong man in front of him could beat two of him. I just don’t know why, but when someone called him bald, he couldn’t hold back his anger at all: “I’m bald, bald!”

[Trigger mission: The debut battle of bad boys]

[The Debut Battle of a Delinquent: If you don’t have a sufficiently impressive record, how can you make others surrender to you? End this trivial battle with perfect performance and provide random attribute rewards based on performance. 】

[Friendly reminder, you also have a bad boy instant experience card X1, which can be used at any time! The effective time is up to half an hour, what are you waiting for? 】

"Hey, bald man, are you tired of living?" Maeda Tora looked back, and sure enough, because it was recess time, many of his friends were chasing each other in the corridor, and several familiar figures were among them. .

"Hey! Dawu, go and call all the brothers!" Maeda Tora turned around and shouted, looking at the bald head in front of him, he smiled ferociously: No matter how fierce you look, there's no use. No matter how good you are at fighting, you're only one person.

At this time, Aokiji was busy communicating with the system and did not react at all to his grinning and calling behavior.

【Do you want to use this random card? 】

Use use! Aokiji felt that if he was late, he would be beaten into a piece of cake by this strong man based on his current level. No matter how he recalled it, except for the memory of his predecessor ‘Aoki Tsukasa’ who had no sense of empathy, he had only had one fight since he was a child. He had a conflict with a female classmate in elementary school, and in the end he lost the fight.

"After all, it was you who asked me to be a bad boy. You can't let me reach my peak when I debut and stay at this moment." Aokiji placed his hope on the system.

[The bad boy’s instant experience card was successfully used. 】

[The target person has arrived immediately: Genji Takiya, and the experience time is half an hour. 】

In just an instant, Aokiji felt that he had become a different person.

No, he was indeed a changed person.

In his mind, the memories of countless fights flashed like a fast-forward movie: a scene of fighting in the rain with a surprisingly strong dwarf. A scene where a person rushes into a crowd of people and kills them all, one punch at a time. Countless younger brothers stood behind him, as he launched a charge against an enemy that was far superior to his own.

These scenes flashed quickly through his mind. When everything settled and his brain regained consciousness, everything was as fresh in his memory as if he had experienced it personally.

When he opened his eyes again, he had become a man named Takitani Genji, a powerful man with a cold appearance but as hot as a flame inside.

"Hey, Hongmao." Aokiji raised his head, and the coldness in his eyes made everyone who looked at him tremble: "Don't you think your people came a little too slowly?"

Maeda Tora's eyelids twitched, and he felt that the guy in front of him seemed more terrifying, but he still smiled arrogantly on the surface: "Oh, if it weren't for the bad effects of fighting in the class, do you think you are still here?" Can you stand till now? Boy, do you have the guts to go to the rooftop with me?"

Aokiji tilted his head slightly, and reached out with his left hand as a habit, but found nothing, and did not touch the big back that should be there. He made a secret sound in an unhappy voice, and his cold voice was hoarse and magnetic: "I'll give you five dollars." Minutes, don’t keep me waiting too long.”

After saying that, Aokiji walked straight towards Maeda Tora. Maeda Tora clenched his fists subconsciously, but when he saw the bald man in front of him, he just looked at him with an indifferent look that was close to contempt, and then bumped his shoulder away. Walked out the back door.

While going out, Maeda Tora watched this bald man casually grab a passerby's collar, ask for the location of the rooftop, then put his hands in his pockets and walked toward the rooftop with his back turned, not paying attention to him at all. !

Damn Maeda Tora's clenched fists creaked, his expression became more ferocious, he turned to look at the classmate beside him, grabbed his collar, and made him look up into his eyes: "Who is he?"

Classmate A, who was trembling with fright at the scene in front of him, replied with a trembling voice: "Transfer student. Aoki Tsukasa."

"Very good." Maeda Tora turned his head, and his brother Dawu was walking towards him with eight or nine young people who looked like they were not good students at first glance. He waved his hand and said through gritted teeth: "Follow me to the rooftop! "

Damn it. When he knocked my shoulder away, I didn’t even have the courage to do it? No, how could I, Tora Maeda, the man who aspires to be the strongest high school student, fall down here?

No matter how strong you are, I will defeat you!


Maeda Tora and others disappeared into the corridor, while Teruhashi Komimi narrowed her eyes. The female classmates beside her were chattering around her at this time: "What should I do, Kotomi-chan, that bald guy is going to be raped by Maeda?" It’s a disastrous attack by a tiger!”

Teruhashi Komimi instinctively showed a worried expression and said hurriedly: "Yes, we can't just watch Maeda Tora and the others bully the new classmates. I'm going to find the teacher!"

Oh, when you were beaten until you were lying on the ground, I would bring the teacher to you like a lifesaver. Such a perfect appearance, even the heroines in anime can only be like this! How could you not be moved by a perfect girl like me who saved you from danger in such a situation?

Teruhashi Shinmei clenched her fists: Aokiji? I must make you say "Oh!" to me!

"Xinmei-chan, it's too dangerous, don't go!" The shouts from the female classmates behind her did not affect Teruhashi Xinmei's steps at all.

The female classmate looked at the back of Shinmei Teruhashi with longing and murmured: "How can I become a perfect girl like Shinmei-chan? Not only is she so gentle and kind, but she also has such outstanding courage."


If Aokiji were here, he would definitely sigh from the bottom of his heart: Tsk, how terrible.

Teruhashi Shinmei gritted her teeth, her face full of reluctance: "How could this happen? Didn't this book make you roar? There are no recommendation votes or collections."

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