What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 4 Bald man, are you tired of living?

‘Oh ho’ is an onomatopoeia. When people see someone of the opposite sex that cannot be described in words, they utter exclamations like "Oh, hoo", just like a person who has never drank a drink will utter an exclamation when he takes the first sip of ice-cold Coke in his life in the dog days of summer. It is completely The uncontrollable human instinct is the deepest reaction of human beings, just like the truth of the world that people will die if they are killed.

Although this truth is not known to many people, Teruhashi Komimi believes that the truth is in the hands of a few people, and she is the goddess under this truth.

Ever since she was a child, ever since she truly understood her own charm, no man could see her without exclaiming, "Oh!"

After all, she is a super perfect girl who is rare in neon's five thousand years!

The bald man in front of me must be short-sighted and couldn't see my face clearly! Teruhashi Shinmei was so firm in her inner belief, stirring her hands and fingers, and secretly looking at Aokiji from time to time, but she saw that he was looking at the textbook seriously, as if there was some treasure in it.

Teruhashi Shinmei's eyes suddenly lit up: Could it be... could it be because he saw me and was so shocked that he couldn't say anything? How could a delinquent boy read so seriously? That must be the case. Then, just wait until the self-study class is over, talk to him again, and give him a chance to roar!

Thinking of this, Teruhashi Shinmei couldn't help but look at Aoki Tsukasa and showed a confident smile.

The male classmate who was secretly looking at her couldn't help but let out a slight roar, which scared him so much that he quickly covered his mouth.

At this time, Tsukasa Aoki didn't know the tortuous psychological journey of Teruhashi Sumimi. He was looking at the skill interface in front of him and was lost in thought.

[Learning LV.1: You have mastered the basic knowledge up to elementary school. Additional bonus: Brainpower +1 (Experience: 62/100.)]

Judging from the experience of gaining 62 points as soon as he mastered this skill, Aokiji can be sure that his own knowledge played a certain role.


What is basic knowledge up to elementary school? After all, I was a top student in my previous life! ! Aokiji called out the system in his head angrily.

[Excuse me, do you still remember what was tested in mathematics in the college entrance examination? 】

Aokiji's face froze. After graduating and entering the workplace, he was struggling. Now, let alone mathematics, even the most confident Chinese language could not remember two texts.

Well, that's not just elementary school level, right? Before Aokiji finished complaining in his heart, he decisively closed his mouth, oh, he closed his mouth in his heart.

[66x+17Y=396725x+y=1200, find the XY value. It comes from the exercises you did in junior high school in your deep memory. 】

How did I graduate from junior high school in my previous life? Aokiji fell into deep self-doubt.

And as he flipped through the Chinese textbook in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, the experience value of learning began to rise slowly but surely. Aokiji's eyes lit up, he returned to the first page, and began to read the text in front of him seriously.

With the memory foundation in my mind, it is not impossible to understand the Chinese textbook written in Japanese in front of me. Although many profound meanings are difficult to understand, it is still possible to just read it.

One page, two pages, three pages.

I almost finished reading this Chinese textbook at the speed of reading a novel, and when I looked at it again, my experience value had risen by twenty points, reaching as much as eighty-two points.

Aokiji tried to look back, but found that the experience points were increasing more and more slowly. As the bell rang, the noisy classroom interrupted his thoughts. He barely finished reading most of it, but only gained four experience points.

How is this going?

[Upgrading learning skills requires you to read corresponding professional books, and the books cannot exceed your understanding. In other words, it must be a professional book that you can understand and can bring you experience based on its reading level and professionalism. And repeated reading will reduce the efficiency of experience acquisition. 】

Aokiji raised his eyebrows. At this speed, it would be easy for him to catch up with the academic level of normal high school students in this world! Before Aokiji excitedly took out other textbooks to gain experience, suddenly, a soft and comfortable fragrance reached his nose.

He looked up and saw the beautiful girl named Teruhashi Shinmei standing in front of him with a smile on her face.

"What's the matter?" Aokiji asked in confusion, but he saw the eyes and pupils of the girl in front of him expand and contract. Although the smile on her face remained unchanged, she seemed to be surprised: "What do you want from me?"

Following Aokiji's second question, the beautiful girl in front of him smiled softly and said: "Aoki-san has just come to school. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me. Take care of me. Classmates, it’s the monitor’s responsibility.”

Aokiji nodded and frowned indifferently: "Then what?"

Teruhashi Shinmei's eyelids twitched slightly, and her sweet smile revealed only eight teeth. She tilted her head slightly, and as the sun shone, it seemed like an angel had come to the mortal world: "It's okay. My name is Teruhashi Shinmei. can we be friends?"

She took the initiative to reach out her hand, and her slender and white palm seemed to be shining through the light.

Oh, young man. Aokiji smiled disdainfully: The girl in front of me looks like a female star. It can be seen from the reactions of people around her that she is extremely popular, but she is so eager to make friends with me. I am bald now. Bah, although I am very handsome, but!

Showing courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft.

Although he didn't know whether the girl in front of him was playing spinners or whether she was just a cheerful and lively true goddess, the alarm bells in Aokiji's heart were ringing and shaking. A bald head was enough to attract attention, so it was better not to It's so good to be entangled with such a girl. He just wants to keep a low profile and live out the three years of being dominated by the system, and then let the birds fly as high as the sky.

In his previous workplace life, Aokiji had never seen those scary vixens - one person really had a thousand faces, it was scary, so scary. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for a normal person to have blue hair and eyes. It is better not to mess with such a guy.

Teruhashi Shinmei, on the other hand, smiled gently and cutely on the outside, but in her heart, she had thousands of thoughts: Could it be that his myopia has already reached this level? It must be like this, yes, it must be too severe myopia! From the current distance, maybe he sees me as just looking at the mosaic! Then come closer!

Teruhashi Shinmei suddenly leaned down and took the initiative to look at the textbook in Aoki Tsukasa's hand: "Is Aoki-san studying?"

This move almost brought her face right in front of Aoki Si, which really shocked Aoki Si.

I just saw Aokiji very skillfully put down the textbook in his hand, pushed his chair back, and opened a meter away without leaving any trace, stood up, and patted his forehead: "Ah, I seem to have something to do, I forgot It’s done.”

Teruhashi Shinmei narrowed her eyes slightly, and she almost roared in her heart: Does he dislike me? Does he dislike me? Not only did he not roar, but he avoided me! ! ?

However, before Teruhashi Shinmi could figure out what was going on, a very irritable male voice came into everyone's ears from the back door of the classroom: "That bald man over there, are you tired of living? ?”

A very irritable male voice suddenly sounded: "Where are the recommendation votes? Where are the collections?!!"

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