What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 3 What should I do if I look too fierce?

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet." In Class 1 and Class 3 of Wuyang Private High School, a middle-aged teacher with Mediterranean hair who was prematurely bald stood on the podium and said to the students in the audience with a vibrant voice: "Today, our class will welcome a new transfer student, everyone must get along well with him!"

"Oh!!" The students in the audience cheered in agreement.

"Then let's welcome our new classmates with screams and applause!" The teacher touched the round glasses on his nose, waved his hand suddenly, and pointed to the front door of the classroom.

"Oh oh oh oh uh." As a slender white hand slowly opened the classroom door, the lively voices in the class suddenly stopped.

It was a ray of light, no, it was a bald head that poked its head expressionlessly from behind the door, walked slowly to the podium, and waved his hand with a very cold expression. This bald man's facial features are actually quite upright, but for some reason, when paired with this bald head, it completely changes his appearance.

Just talking about the eyebrows and eyes, if there was hair, he might just look a little listless. But now it looks like a ferocious beast looking for food.

"Hahaha, this is our new transfer student. Please introduce yourself to this classmate. Oh, I forgot that I should introduce myself first. I am your Chinese teacher and class teacher, Matsushita-san." Matsushita-san said. After saying a series of words, he saw the bald boy in front of him turn his head slightly, glanced at him with his peripheral vision, and his body trembled in an instant:

Could it be that I did something wrong that angered this guy? He won't beat me up on the spot, right? You won't drag me to the back of the gymnasium after school and give me a lesson, will you? I have shown enough welcome to him! How to do how to do! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

Of course, Aokiji didn't know that the middle-aged man with a smiling face in front of him was so mentally active. He was still quite unhappy after being forced to flatten his hair by the barber - this bald head is not as good as the yellow hair before. ! I don’t know why, even though I just pushed my head, I look as ferocious as the villain in the movie, even though my facial features are pretty good!

"Ah" he cleared his throat first, and looking at the frightened expressions of the men and women in the class, Aokiji twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "My name is Aokiji."

Originally, he had prepared a lot of words to introduce himself, but looking at the expressions in front of him as if he had seen a ghost, Aokiji just wanted to find a corner and squat down.

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Matsushita suddenly burst into exaggerated laughter, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on him, including Aoki Tsukasa.

Almost the moment Aokiji saw him, cold sweat fell from his forehead in an exaggerated manner: What should I do, what should I do, I obviously want to heat up the atmosphere, but it seems that this guy is already going to hit me. ! ! ! Come back full circle, come full circle!

"Well, the name Aokiji is very nice. Also, Aoki-san's head shape is really round and beautiful."

Awkward, silent.

Mr. Matsushita is dead! Almost all the students present saw the veins popping up on Aoki Si's smooth forehead.

Aokiji slowly turned his head, took a deep breath, and looked at Matsushita Man with his still cold expression: "Teacher, can I take a seat?" He really didn't know what expression to make, and he was also very desperate. ! What can I do if I look too fierce! I'm desperate too!

"Please!" With an almost right-angled 90-degree bow, the Matsushita man made an extremely standard greeting gesture, like a waiter at the entrance of a hotel, signaling Aoki Tsukasa to leave.

Aokiji looked at the middle-aged teacher in front of him who could only see a few sparse hairs on his head because he was bowing. He recalled that he had started to lose his hair before he reached thirty years old. He patted his shoulder with distress: "Teacher That's too polite, I'm just an ordinary student, there's no need to be so exaggerated."

No, you're not! Almost everyone in the class thought so tacitly.

Seeing that the seat in the last row of the classroom by the window was still empty, Aokiji walked over as a matter of course, sat down, opened his schoolbag, and packed away his textbooks.

While he lowered his head to pack up the textbooks, the Matsushita man laughed awkwardly: "Ha, ha, ha." Then he said with a serious face: "Then the class will start now. Please open the 20th chapter of the textbook." Page."

The other students opened their textbooks and secretly looked at Aoki Tsukasa.

"This guy is indeed a bad boy."

"Yes, sitting in the last row so skillfully must be like this."

"Isn't that seat Maeda Tora's seat?"

"Can he beat Tora Maeda?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you."

"There is definitely no problem with this bald head. Judging from my experience in anime, bald people are stronger."

Looks a little weird? Aokiji raised his head in confusion. In front of him was a harmonious scene of people focused on studying. Everyone looked at the textbook in front of them without saying a word.

Well, it seems that even the teacher Matsushitao is like this.

Ah, is this the Wuyang High School’s unique habit of studying in silence before class?

Aokiji took out the textbook, nodded with satisfaction, turned to page twenty, and read the textbook like them.

"He must be looking at the textbook and thinking about how to teach the teacher a lesson without leaving any trace. He just patted the teacher on the shoulder. Did he imply something to the teacher? Could it be like the allusion in the Chinese Journey to the West, hinting to the teacher? What time should we go to the back of the school to find him?"

"Shh, I told you to keep your voice down. Don't look at him. He was almost discovered just now."

"Why hasn't the teacher started teaching yet? I don't dare to move. My arms are so sore."

"The teacher seems to be crying?"

Next to two classmates who were whispering, Panasonic was sweating like rain, his expression distorted: Call the police, should I go call the police now?

[Hidden mission: The appearance of the bad boy has been completed, please pay attention to check the rewards. 】

[Delinquent boy appears: Let everyone in the class realize that you are a bad boy, and give rewards based on completion. Finish: perfect. Reward: Bad Boy Random Experience Card X1. 】

Aokiji's eyes widened, looking at the task that was suddenly completed in front of him, and he said in confusion, 'Huh? ’ exclamation.

I? I obviously didn't do anything?

Is it that easy to become a bad boy?

Looking at Aokiji's eyes that suddenly widened, Matsushita's movements that were about to start teaching suddenly stopped. After thinking for just a few seconds, an idea flashed in his mind: "Today's Chinese language class, let's have self-study, you guys?" Feel free to make arrangements, there is still something to do in the teacher’s office!”

"Teruhashi-san, it's up to you to make the arrangements!" After saying this, Matsushita closed the textbook at lightning speed and slipped out of the classroom.

And a beautiful girl with long blue hair and an angelic face with blue eyes stood up with a smile: "Then let's go to self-study, Aoki-san. If you don't understand something, you can ask me. I'm from Class 3." Monitor, Teruhashi Xinmei."

Oh ho

Listening to the strange "oh ho" sounds coming from the male and female classmates around him, Aokiji raised his head blankly, looked at the really beautiful girl in front of him, and nodded: "Oh."

It’s so strange, why is her hair blue? Doesn’t the school care about students’ hairstyles?

Then he lowered his head, as if he was concentrating on reading, with a calm expression on his face.

The bright smile on Teruhashi Shinmei's face faltered slightly, but an uproar arose in her heart: He, he didn't even roar! ? How is it possible? Did I not hear it?

[Learning skills have been added to the skill column. 】

At this time, Aokiji, who was looking at his first skill with great interest, didn't even realize what was happening.

The reason why the protagonist looks so fierce and terrifying in the eyes of others will have an absolutely reasonable explanation in the future. Please feel free to collect and watch it. It is recommended to collect the second series of BIUBIUBIU! Kotomi Teruhashi is from the anime "Saiki Minamio's Disaster".

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