What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 2 Please take away my yellow hair

At the dinner table, Aokiji was thinking about a very serious question while eating.

Kasugano Masao is a very responsible middle-aged man and a good person. However, he is really not very good-looking.

Oh, the comment that he is not very good-looking is based on Aokiji's respect for him, so if we describe it objectively, his appearance can probably be described as ordinary.

Don't get me wrong, he is mediocre, unlike Louis Koo and Aoki Tsukasa. He is mediocre. He is really mediocre. He belongs to the kind of people who catch ten people on the street, eight of them are about the same as him and two are more handsome than him. .

And very poor.

Although he has a two-story building, like Mr. Nohara, the father of a five-year-old child in kindergarten, he still needs to repay the housing loan for about thirty-six years.

And he looks almost forty years old!

But Mrs. Kasugano is stunningly beautiful.

Her beautiful long silver hair doesn't look like it was dyed at all, but more like it was naturally soft and smooth, and her skin is delicate and smooth. If it weren't for the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes that couldn't go against the laws of nature, she means she is only twenty years old this year, Aoki Si Believe it too. Not to mention facial features, even if she told Aokiji that she used to be an actress or a model idol, Aokiji would probably be skeptical.

"Um, maybe if I'm not rude, the lady is less than thirty years old, right?" Aokiji looked at the gentle and beautiful girl-like woman in front of him and asked incredulously.

The couple who didn't know how to talk to Aokiji at the dining table stopped eating. Mrs. Kasugano was slightly startled when she heard this, and then she looked at Masao Kasugano and smiled, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Aoki-kun is really good at talking. I am thirty-three years old this year, and even my daughter is sixteen."

You know she is already thirty-three years old and the mother of a sixteen-year-old child! But it is precisely because of this that it is difficult for Aokiji to understand.

How did Kasugano Masao manage to marry such a beautiful woman home?

Wait, I am thirty-three years old this year and my child is sixteen years old. I gave birth to a child when I was seventeen?

Aokiji looked at Kasugano Masao with admiration.

Kasugano Masao seemed to have been used to such questions. Not only was he not shy, but he laughed and said proudly: "Did it scare you? I was only twenty years old back then. I met you when I was young. Aunt Xing. Although I have no merits, she did not dislike me and got married to me in a flash regardless of other people's objections. At that time, our actions scared many people. "

Wait, you are only about thirty-six years old now?

"Yes, Masao was twenty years old at the time. It was really hard for him to pat his chest and say that he would take good care of me and Qiong, so he gritted his teeth and borrowed money, paid the down payment, bought a house, and married me."

Kasugano and his wife looked at each other and smiled sweetly again.

"Uh, Uncle Kasugano, do you have a daughter?" Aokiji felt that the curry in front of him smelled like dog food, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

When they mentioned their daughter, Kasugano Masao and Kasugano Anzu's expressions became a little downcast.

"Well, Qiong, our daughter has been in poor health since she was a child, but it doesn't matter. She will be discharged from the hospital in a few days. I will ask Mr. Aoki to take care of her then." Kasugano Masao sighed.

Aokiji nodded and said with a smile: "Thanks to you and auntie for taking care of me, this is what I should do."

I have been taking care of my younger brother for more than ten years. It is not difficult to take care of just a girl.

After putting the last bite of rice into his stomach, Aokiji put the bowls and chopsticks on the sink. Aokiji said with a smile: "Uncle and auntie, I'm going to get a haircut."

Kasugano Masao naturally nodded happily. He was actually quite uncomfortable with Aokiji's yellow hair, but he didn't dare to say anything to anger this delinquent boy who seemed to be getting along a lot.

"Do you still have any money on you?" Kasugano Masao was about to open his wallet when he saw Aokiji felt through his sweatpants and took out a wallet: "There is still quite a lot."

Kasugano Masao nodded, but suddenly thought of something, scratched his head and looked at Aoki Division uneasily: "The house your father rented before has been returned, and I have returned the old appliances and the rent deposit." I gave it to you to pay the admission fee for your new high school. The price of private high schools is not low, so there is probably some left.”

"Okay, let uncle manage the money. I will need uncle to take care of me in the future. I'm afraid this little money is just a drop in the bucket." When Aokiji said this, he also felt a little headache - he was no longer carefree. He is a young boy, and he has already understood the importance of money. If he pretends not to know anything and makes uncle Kasugano work so hard, it is unjustifiable. Then take some time to find a part-time job. .

At least if the tuition and other things are taken care of, Masao Kasugano won't be burdened too much.

Kasugano Masao looked at the young man in front of him who seemed to have grown up a lot overnight, and couldn't help but smile softly: "Okay, then uncle will keep it for you, and your pocket money will come from it in the future."

Having said that, how much money is left? Masao Kasugano must have earned 90% of the expenses.

Aokiji knew it, but didn't show it. He just showed a bright smile: "Okay, then I'm going out."

With the slamming of the door, Kasugano Masao looked at Kasugano Anzu with a strange look on his face: "Honey, have you noticed that Aoki-kun has changed a bit."

Kasugano Anzu calmly replied while clearing the dishes: "Maybe it was the experience of almost dying that made him wake up a lot."

Masao Kasugano touched the stubble on his chin and scratched his head melancholy: "What a poor child."

"You are pitiful enough." Kasugano Xing rolled her eyes at him and said with some worry: "Is it really okay to have one more person in the family under such circumstances? The child's father?"

"Haha, don't worry!" Masao Kasugano bent his arms and showed off his soft muscles: "I am a father of two children!"

"Hmph." Kasugano Anzu snorted noncommittally, and said coldly: "From now on, there will only be one bottle of beer for dinner every week."

"No!!!!" Kasugano Masao covered his face in pain and lay on the table.

At this time, Aokiji came to a barber shop and opened the door. The only thing in the deserted shop was the laughter of comedians on the TV.

"Barber, please get rid of my yellow hair. I really can't stand it anymore!" Aoki Si sat down on the empty barber chair, looked at his messy yellow hair, and shook his head from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh, here we come!" An old man with a black slicked back hair and a full beard walked out of the compartment inside. Aokiji took a look at it and felt that this guy should have matched his appearance when he was young. There is a 50-50 potential.

The barber stood behind Aokiji, looking at the guy with yellow hair in the mirror: "Welcome, what hairstyle do you want?"

"Ah, I think this yellow hair is really not pleasing to the eye. Please cut it short and make it look more energetic for me." Aoki Si lazily sat on the chair. If dyeing his hair wasn't a bit expensive, he would have thought of getting a hair dye like this. He must be handsome with his slicked back hair like a barber shop owner.

"Oh, do you want to return to the right path from being a bad boy?" the barber asked while arranging the props.

And Aoki Si was stunned for a moment, and then said in a rather helpless tone: "Ah no, I just want to go to a new school tomorrow and want others to look more energetic. First impression is still very important, right?"

"Oh" the barber seemed to understand something. Seeing that the guy in front of him did not deny his identity as a bad boy, he put on his apron and said in a very mature tone: "But no matter what, you can't fight with others casually. "

"Especially in order to become the boss of the school, you can't deliberately fight with some delinquent leader who is like the king of beasts, because this will really cause trouble for many people." The barber picked up the clippers. .

Aokiji blinked: "Huh? The King of Beasts. He's quite good at being in the second grade! Hey, hey, hey!!!"

In just one sentence, and with a scream of shock, the sharp clippers in the barber's hands flattened Aokiji's thick golden hair in a straight line.

Looking at the bald patch in the center of his head, Aokiji looked at the barber in the mirror.

Twenty minutes later, a gloomy Aokiji left the barber's room with a large amount of banknotes in his hand.

In the sun, a bald head shines brightly.

Not far away, a black-haired boy who was hesitating saw Aoki Tsukasa walking out of the barber's room. He gritted his teeth and made up his mind and walked into the barber's room in two or three steps.

"Barber, please dye my hair into a beautiful yellow color and perm it into sharp curls. I will be a bad boy from today on!" The black-haired boy was sitting on the barber chair, but he saw the barber behind him. She was squatting in the corner holding her wallet and feeling extremely distressed. Her eyes were dull as if she had not heard what he said, and she kept mumbling to herself: "Isn't the short cut in the mouth of bad boys now shaved off? Where did I go wrong?" "

Some things that seem to be slightly unreasonable will be clearly explained in future chapters. Please recommend collecting Erlian BIUBIUBIU and smash me to death!

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