It's not that he doesn't know that with his own skill level, if he wants to play unlimited fighting, he will undoubtedly hang himself because he doesn't want to live long.

But there are few skill columns!

Whether it's boxing or free fighting, most of the techniques are used in one-on-one combat in the ring, with kickboxing being the main one. Unrestricted fighting includes mixed martial arts including jujitsu, joint techniques, ground techniques, kickboxing, etc.

In his previous life, Aokiji had watched many MMA matches and had a certain understanding of it.

He believes that if you want to use a limited skill bar to learn skills, each skill must be improved. Since you want to learn hand-fighting skills, learn the most versatile ones.

This is the conclusion that Aokiji came to after learning kendo: if the level of kendo is high, he may be able to kill a salted fish with one sword like the swordsman in ancient times. However, in modern society, who would use this method casually? Something! If a fight really breaks out, do you think you have to say wait a minute while I go get the wooden knife?

The skill of unrestricted fighting is better. When you don't want to hurt someone, you can also use the jujitsu skill in it. After throwing someone a few times, you will be honest. When you encounter a tall and strong man, you can use techniques such as joint acrobatics to deal with him.

"Are you sure?" The bald man frowned slightly. Although he didn't understand the bald boy in front of him, he thought that there were very few young people like him who had actually practiced mixed martial arts.

Don’t you choose mixed martial arts because of what you said, mixed martial arts has a lot of money?

The macho man hesitated for a moment, and kindly reminded: "I'm afraid you don't understand, so let me tell you in advance. Mixed martial arts is very difficult and complicated. If you haven't practiced it, the gap will be really big, and your usual fighting level will not be the same. Are you really sure?"

"Although I'm not confident that I can match the professional level, I think that if I'm just an intermediate sparring partner, I might not be able to give it a try."

Aokiji grinned, looking at the two macho men lying on the ground in the Octagon not far away, twisting around each other trying to lock each other's necks, and nodded resolutely.

[Learnable skills: Mixed martial arts. 】

study. Aokiji chose to agree the moment the system prompted him. A lot of basic knowledge about mixed martial arts suddenly flooded into my mind. Including how to stand, the basic movements of punching, some techniques on the ground, and explanations of relevant rules.

After calming down, Aokiji checked the skill panel.

[Skill: Mixed Martial Arts LV1: You have basically learned the basic knowledge required for Mixed Martial Arts, but there is still a long way to go between mastery and actual combat. Strength +1, Agility +1, Stamina +1. Experience (0/100)]

"System, show me my properties panel."

[Host: Aokiji]

[Strength: 10 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 11 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 14 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Physical strength: 7 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of muscle endurance and physical strength)]

[Charm: 17 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth at 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

Damn the charm.

Seeing Aokiji's silence, the bald man shook his head helplessly, intending to teach the boy a lesson so that he could give up.

"Aaron!" the macho man shouted, and not far away, a young man with very fashionable dreadlocks stopped the dumbbell in his hand and walked over with sweat on his face: "Brother Yan, what's wrong? ?”

Matsuyama Iwa pointed at Aokiji: "Take him to put on protective gear first, and then you can go to the Octagon to fight for a minute. He wants to apply for an intermediate sparring position."

Aaron was stunned when he heard this, and glanced at Aoki Si. He felt that the guy in front of him was very powerful, but his body didn't seem that strong. He nodded hesitantly and whispered: "Really beat him?"

"Just let him retreat without holding back, and don't be cruel." After Matsuyama finished speaking, he calmly said to Aokiji: "He is a boxer in our gym and is preparing for the Japan Youth Fighting League. It doesn’t matter how good you are, as long as you can hold on for one minute, you’re almost qualified to be an intermediate sparring partner.”

Aaron smiled ferociously at Aokiji: "Don't worry, I won't be cruel."

Aokiji nodded expressionlessly and said nothing more. Aaron shrugged at Songshanyan and raised his eyebrows to show that he failed to scare him. Song Shanyan just asked him to take Aoki Si to change clothes.

Aokiji didn't have any inflated confidence that he could beat even the guy who was half a professional in front of him in a matter of seconds. To be honest, he was also thinking about whether he was a little overconfident. But after learning all the skills, Aokiji would not allow himself to retreat halfway, so he secretly gritted his teeth and followed Aaron.

Aaron brought Aokiji to the protective equipment area, threw him a pair of shorts and a key with a number written on it, and pointed to the locker room not far away: "These shorts are mine, I can lend them to you once. Come out. I’ll teach you how to put on protective gear.”

Aokiji didn't dislike anything. He picked up his shorts and entered the locker room, took the key and opened the cabinet.

Taking off his shirt, Aoki looked at his hard eight-pack abs and not exaggerated but still very strong chest muscles. He sighed deeply, but when he thought that if he could survive this minute, he could get an hourly salary of five Thousands of jobs. He patted his face to wake himself up and put on his shorts carefully. Putting his original clothes, pants and shoes into the cabinet, he moved his body and walked out of the locker room.

Aaron, who was doing leg presses to warm up outside the door, saw Aokiji coming out and couldn't help but whistle: "Brother, I didn't expect you to have a pretty good figure."

When Aokiji wears clothes, it's not obvious how good his figure is, and he even seems a little thin. But when he took off his clothes, his perfect streamlined muscles were full of wild beauty. Although they were not as exaggerated as that of a bodybuilder, the muscles looked very strong, as if there was not even a trace of fat. Especially around the eight-pack abs, the slanting shark muscles are also extremely obvious. If he were bigger, he would be a devilish muscular man.

Aokiji forced a smile. He was very nervous at this time. His outstanding brain power was working hard to absorb and summarize the knowledge about mixed martial arts, including the short memories of the previous use of Genji Takiya's experience card. He only hoped that he could hold on for a long time. a little.

Aaron took out the bandages and taught Aokiji how to tie his fists, put on gloves and a helmet. After seeing him put them on, he took him to a newly vacated octagonal cage.

"Boy, cheer up." Aaron moved his fists with interest, but his eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at the target: "At least it took me five minutes to change clothes. If we really fight, don't spend even one minute. Can’t hold on.”

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