Clenching his braces, Aoki stared at the relaxed Aaron, watching him flexibly swing back and forth on the Octagon while moving his gloves.

"Get ready!" Song Shanyan, who acted as the referee, signaled the two of them to bump fists and salute, and then stepped aside. Aoki moved his body stiffly, keeping himself facing Aaron, trying not to expose any flaws.


What Aokiji thought was a flaw was full of flaws in Aaron's eyes.

The barely moving steps completely exposed the center of gravity of Aokiji's body. From the way he raised his hands, tightened his chin, and bent his waist and abdomen, it could be seen that Aokiji was ready to be beaten. Facing such an opponent, Aaron didn't even need to prepare a defense.

Aaron laughed ferociously, without any more nonsense, he jumped a few steps back and forth, slightly lowering Aoki Si's center of gravity, and suddenly struck Aoki Si in the head with a high sweep like a shooting star.

So fast!

Aokiji resisted the urge to close his eyes and tried his best to keep his eyes wide open to see the trajectory of this high sweep. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to judge the opponent's strength and striking position through his knees, waist, etc. The consequence of forcing himself to see Aaron's high leg sweep was that when he realized the opponent's target, he lost the chance to retreat and could only carry it hard.

Fortunately, the knowledge of free fighting in his brain taught him how to parry to best reduce the impact. Aokiji blocked the attack with his left hand and pushed his body to the right at the same time, hoping to reduce the damage of this high sweep.


It was hard to imagine that a high leg sweep could make such a loud sound. Almost at the moment of contact, Aokiji felt an excruciating pain in his left forearm and the bones. Fortunately, his superior brain power gave him enough His reaction time did not cause too much damage to his head, but there was only a slight impact, but he offset a lot of the aggression by moving.

However, this is only Aaron's first shot.

Seeing that Aaron's high sweep failed, he immediately changed the direction of his body, and made a fierce forward kick with a rotating force of his body.

Aokiji had no choice but to stop his moving steps in a hurry, folded his hands in front of him, and resisted the kick again.

"Bang!" It was a muffled sound that made people's scalp numb. Aokiji gritted his teeth and endured the pain and took two steps back, using the force of the impact to distance himself a little.

Aaron glanced at Aokiji in surprise. He felt that the guy in front of him was really strong, but he strode forward mercilessly, jab with his left hand, straight punch, swing punch with his right hand, lower uppercut, left A low sweep of the leg, a low sweep of the right leg, this series of attacks hit Aokiji like a torrential rain.

Even though Aokiji's reaction speed is much higher than that of ordinary people, and his dynamic vision is terrifyingly strong, he can't even say that he sees all the series of attacks. Even if he sees them, sometimes he doesn't have time to react. Even if you react, your body may not be able to block it in time.

Just hearing a crackling sound on the octagon stage, Aokiji was beaten to the point of collapse.

A strange swinging fist broke through Aoki Si's broken hands to parry, and hit Aoki Si hard on the chin.

No matter how strong Aokiji's body was, he was still dizzy from the punch without any training in resisting blows, and his eyesight turned black.

Aaron saw Aokiji staggering back, looking like he would have fallen to the ground if not for the iron net of the octagonal cage behind him. A trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure: Next, Just grab his head, hit him with a Thai knee, and follow up with a heavy punch to almost KO him.

Aaron's rich experience allowed him to accurately judge Aoki Si's condition.

He stepped forward decisively and grabbed the back of Aoki Si's head with both hands.

"Ahhhh!!" A roar that had been suppressed for a long time in his throat made Aaron subconsciously feel that something was wrong.

Just look at Aokiji, who was originally swaying and barely able to stand by relying on the iron mesh of the octagonal cage. He hugged Aaron's shoulders tightly, with one leg stuck behind Aaron's center leg. Aaron only felt that he Being pushed by a huge force, coupled with Aokiji's jerking, he was unable to maintain his balance, and was pushed directly to the ground by Aokiji.

Then, Aokiji sat on Aaron's belly, tightly holding the back of his neck with his hands, and clung to Aaron like an octopus.

Aaron's head was stunned by the impact of hitting the ground, but his rich experience made him instinctively make a move to break free. However, only then did he realize that the opponent in front of him was surprisingly powerful. He struggled to think He wanted to put his arms in front of him and push Aokiji away, but found that he couldn't squeeze through even a single gap!

Aaron began to shake his body crazily, hoping to shake his center of gravity, switch from being suppressed from the front to the side, and return to standing. However, he found that Aokiji's body controlled his center of gravity extremely stably. No matter which side he tried to break free, Aokiji was able to judge in time and use his strength to suppress him back.

The two of them panted heavily and struggled on the ground to exert strength. Songshanyan, who was just watching the battle indifferently, suddenly lit up his eyes. He took small steps forward, squatted on the ground, and carefully observed the entanglement between Aokiji and Aaron. Seemingly, he keenly discovered the reason why Aokiji was able to suppress Aaron.

It's pure fighting instinct!

This is not some kind of technology, or simply power suppression! Song Shanyan seemed to see a gold nugget buried in the sand. He watched with interest as Aoki Si couldn't even open his eyes, his face was covered in blood, but he clenched his teeth and locked onto Aaron, revealing smiled very excitedly.

If this kid had more skills and used techniques at this time, whether it was the 'Gate of Hell' or a reflexive 'Cross Lock', he would basically be able to successfully TKO (technical knockout) Aaron!

The more Song Shanyan looked at it, the more he felt that Aoki Si was a treasure. Not only is he physically strong, but he also has strong motor nerves. From the standing kickboxing just now, it can be seen that his reaction speed and dynamic vision are also very outstanding. Coupled with this physical instinct that is purely natural, he is definitely a genius!

This kid is a natural fighter!

Song Shanyan glanced at the stopwatch in his hand and saw that there were only ten seconds left before one minute.

Aaron didn't know what Songshanyan was thinking at this time. He just felt like he was being pressed by a big mountain. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't open any gap.

With great difficulty, Aaron pushed Aoki Si away a little, but the damn bald man immediately suppressed him again. Aaron was limited by his posture and repeatedly hit Aoki Si with his fists, but he could only exert less than 20% of his strength. I feel that the bald man in front of me is a gangster. How can he hold on to it so tightly and not let go? Even if you use ground techniques now, you can TKO me!

So frustrated! ! !

Aaron's braces are almost broken.

Aokiji panted heavily and used all his strength without reservation. His ordinary physical strength poured out quickly and turned into an extremely powerful suppressive force. There was only one thought in his chaotic mind: lock him up, time is up. , and win.

"Three, two, one!" Song Shanyan hung the stopwatch around his neck, patted Aoki Si on the back, and said loudly: "One minute is up, let go!"

Aokiji vaguely heard Songshanyan's voice, let go of his hand, and lay on the floor limply.

My face was sticky.

Aokiji stretched out his hand and touched it, his eyes were blood red.

Before his head was in chaos, a big hand grabbed Aoki Si from the floor. Aoki Si opened his eyes wide and saw the muscular man Song Shanyan, so he reluctantly stood up with his strength and let him He sat on the edge of the octagonal cage with support.

Not long after, Songshanyan brought a wet towel and water and wiped Aokiji's face.

Aokiji's face was washed with ice-cold water, and he suddenly became much clearer.

"Have I passed? Intermediate sparring partner?" Aokiji wanted to grin, but found that his mouth was swollen and painful. In all likelihood, it was like a pig's head at this time. He touched it with some displeasure. When I felt the lump, I gasped in pain.

Song Shanyan raised the corner of his mouth, and a very satisfied smile appeared on his fierce face: "Not bad, you boy."

"really not bad."

Aaron looked at these two bald men standing beside him and looked very gay. Thinking that he was being held down by a beginner and unable to move, he punched the floor with a fist in great annoyance: "Fuck! "

To be honest, I have more than 5,000 words in two chapters, but I still decided to update it three times today! ! !

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