What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 23 The Troubles of Happiness (Recommendation Ticket Red Packet Plus)

Aaron and Songshanyan looked fierce, but in fact they were unexpectedly good characters.

Songshanyan not only treated Aokiji's wounds, applied ointment, and put a band-aid on the small wounds. He was very rich and directly gave Aokiji 10,000 yen, saying that this was today's wages, and the extra part would be used as injury compensation.

Although Aaron was very angry, he also said that Aoki Si's shorts, including the bandage and gloves wrapped around his fists, were all new items he had spared. He had never used them once, so he gave them to Aoki Si.

Aoki Si looked at Aaron's arrogant dreadlocks and felt that this man was very pleasing to his eyes. Although he was beaten up and his nose was bruised and swollen, he was not too angry. I just made up my mind to beat him back in the future.

After making an agreement with Matsuyama Iwa to come back to the club tomorrow, Aokiji staggered towards home with a badly beaten face and a warm 10,000 yen in his pocket.

"Grandma's legs really hurt." As Aokiji walked, he felt that he was really amazing. Who has no fighting experience at all and just goes to the octagonal cage to fight for one minute?

Although he was lucky enough to pass the test, Aokiji felt that if he didn't make any progress, he might be beaten several times worse every time he went there.

It’s all a stupid system!

Aokiji subconsciously shouted in his mind: The system will come out and be beaten!

[Task: Extraordinary part-time job (completed)]

[Task reward: Agility +1, physical strength +1, charm +1. Mission completion: perfect. Extra bonus props: roly-poly stickers. 】

[Roly-poly sticker: At first glance, this is a roly-poly sticker that doesn’t look much different from the little girl’s sticker on her pencil case, but when you put it on your body, you become a roly-poly that cannot be knocked down. Effect: After use, the ability to resist blows is tripled, and it is impossible to be knocked to the ground. The damage suffered during the period will be healed within 12 hours after the end of use. Please note: if people are killed, they will die. Do you understand this truth? Duration: three minutes. 】

Looking at the mixed martial arts experience bar whose experience value had almost increased by more than half, Aokiji sighed: "You must brush up on learning skills, and you must brush up on kendo skills to at least make them useful. If you don't brush up on mixed martial arts, you won't be able to make money. I also need to find a way to learn medical skills to treat Qiong’s disease.”

"I originally just wanted to be a salty fish, but why am I more tired in this life than the last one?" Aokiji saw that he had more and more things to do. He originally wanted to just hang out and pass the three years of leisurely high school. It seems to be getting further and further away from me, and my face is full of sadness.

Fortunately, Japanese high schools start at eight in the morning and end at 3:40 in the afternoon.

At this time, although Aokiji went home for a fight in the fight club, it was only at six in the afternoon, which was about the same time as when he usually finished sword practice, and it did not affect Qiong's cooking.

"By the way. I still need to buy groceries." Aokiji slapped his forehead, but the pain made him almost jump. He groaned, then walked into a supermarket with a gloomy face. After thinking for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed The phone number was marked as Qiongmei.

It took quite a while before the call was answered.

"." There was only the faint noise coming from the computer on the other side of the phone.

Aokiji paused and said, "It's me, Aokiji."

"." The phone didn't hang up, but there was no response.

"Can you eat spicy food? I can go home and make you the authentic Chinese cuisine Mapo Tofu. If not, I can still make it."

"Whatever." A response as cold as a clear spring came from the phone, and the phone was hung up, leaving only a beeping blind tone.

Aokiji curled his lips and didn't care too much. In his eyes, Qiong was just a poor child with a serious mental illness.

Think about it, my younger brother in my previous life was always like this. When he was in a good mood, he would chat with me for a few words. When he was in a bad mood, he would remain silent. If he spoke harshly, he would become violent and violent.

Hiss, Qiong doesn't have bipolar disorder like his brother, does he?

My aunt clearly said she just had panic disorder and depression.

Aokiji only felt that his already painful head hurt even more.

Aokiji, who returned home with large bags and small bags, shouted to the empty house that he was back. As expected, there was no response. He took off his shoes at the entrance, put the ingredients neatly in the refrigerator, and watched the breakfast being cooked. Only Qiong's portion of the traces and food was eaten, leaving the rest intact. He sighed and began to clean up.

After washing the dishes, heating the egg soup in the pot again, and steaming the rice, Aokiji rolled up his sleeves and encouraged himself: "If you want to conquer an autistic child, you have to start with her stomach!"

Tsukasa Aoki was a foodie in his previous life, but due to financial pressure, he had to have pretty good cooking skills. Although it is limited to Chinese cuisine, I can confidently say that the only thing less than a chef in a hotel is a stove with enough firepower.

Taking out the various Chinese seasonings that he had finally found, Aoki Si awkwardly cut the ingredients with the kitchen knife in his hand - there was no big Chinese kitchen knife at home, only the long and thin kitchen knives commonly used in Western food, which made Aoki Si feel a bit awkward. Not adaptable.

After an hour of hard work, Aokiji finally finished cooking, and it was past seven o'clock.

Looking at the bright red and spicy Mapo tofu and the sweet and delicious fish-flavored shredded pork on the table, Aokiji felt like his mouth was watering. If he hadn't taken care of Qiong's taste, he would actually have wanted to cook twice-cooked pork and stir-fry beef. Such dishes, eat meat and have fun. Recently I have been eating home-cooked dishes made by Kasugano apricots. To be honest, Aokiji finds the taste indescribable. It was quite refreshing the first time I ate it, but I still felt a bit unbearable after eating too much.

"Qiong!" Aokiji came to the second floor and knocked on the door.

As expected, there was no response from the door, only the sound of anime characters laughing and laughing from the computer.

Aokiji had to knock on the door again: "Qiong, dinner is ready, do you want to come down to eat?"

".No." The voice inside was not loud, but it was enough for Aokiji to hear.

Aokiji took a deep breath and rubbed his temples.

Turning back and going downstairs, he took out a new plate, divided half of the dishes that had been served, found a tray at home that was probably specially prepared for Qiong, prepared rice and egg soup, put on chopsticks, and came back with the tray. Arriving at the door of Qiong's room: "I'll leave the food at the door of your room. Can you take it inside to eat?"

"." There was no sound in the room, but Aokiji knew that Qiong should have heard it.

Shaking his head, Aokiji didn't say much. He went back downstairs, sat at the empty dining table, turned on his mobile phone, and generously bought a monthly unlimited data package. The price was expensive, but it was within the affordable range.

Isn't the money earned from being beaten just to make myself live a happier life?

Aokiji spent most of his life as a buttoned-up person, and he could finally experience the pleasure of spending money lavishly on himself.

Opening a video website casually, Aokiji happily played a movie recommendation program with a high number of hits, and enjoyed watching it while eating.

Wow, there are so many good movies, how long will it take me to watch them all?

Falling into the distress of happiness, Aokiji even forgot about the pain on his face.

Thank you very much for the recommendation ticket red envelope given to me by Xiaopangzhi. I will add another chapter today, and the third update is over~~~~~~~ I will try my best to put the update on the 27th in the afternoon? ? You can tell me in the comment area. It can be updated after 12 o'clock in the evening, or it can be updated in the afternoon.

Leave all your recommendation votes to me! As long as the growth rate is fast, adding more updates is not a dream! Friends who have not joined the group can manually go back to the previous chapters to notify the group that it will be available in the future (probably one day). You will need to subscribe to enter, ( # ^.^ # )!

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