In the still dark room, Qiong turned off the sound of the animation on the computer and listened carefully to the movement outside the door. He found that he could only hear the faint sound of people watching TV downstairs. He carefully opened the door. On the floor, there are very novel-looking dishes.

"Ma Po Tofu." Qiong looked at one of the bright red tofu and drooled a lot subconsciously. After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, like a little thief who stole something, he checked that there was no one outside the door and then swished it. The tray was pulled back into the house and the door closed again.

This is Mapo Tofu. What about this one? Qiong looked at another dish, which also had the same red appearance, but what reached his nose was a sweet and sour taste.

Red fried shredded pork. Qiong thought about it for a long time, but never thought of the name of this dish.

Picking up the chopsticks, he held up a piece of meat hesitantly, pursed his thin lips, and opened his mouth.

". Delicious!" Qiong was startled by the sweet and sour taste coming from his mouth, his big eyes widened, and his white and tender hands trembled with excitement from the taste he tasted for the first time.

She gathered up her long silver-white hair, put it behind her head, and took another bite of Mapo Tofu.

"Woo!" The hot and spicy feeling almost made Qiong moan unbearably. His white legs came together like two white snakes entangled.

"It's spicy, but..." Qiong suppressed the spiciness with rice, but suddenly felt that the spicy taste was very addictive.

Rarely, Qiong enjoyed the delicious food with a big appetite.

When she came back to her senses, Qiong suddenly realized that she had eaten all the food in front of her, which was nearly twice as much as she had originally eaten. She even drank the egg soup cleanly.

"Hiccup" subconsciously covered her mouth, Qiong's pretty face turned red, she covered her round belly and lay in the arms of the big bear behind her. She glanced at her messy bedroom and bit her lower lip gently: "Okay. support."

"Knock knock knock" There was another knock on the door.

Qiong closed her mouth subconsciously and shrank into the big bear's arms.

"Qiong, when you're done eating, take out the dishes and chopsticks. I'm going to wash the dishes."

Qiong was thinking about how to reply, but before she could figure it out, several seconds had passed. She heard footsteps coming downstairs outside the door, and she closed her mouth again as she was about to reply.

so hard.

Qiong lowered his head, stared at his white and tender feet, and pressed his insteps.

If I keep ignoring him, will he still make delicious food for me?

I don’t know why, Qiong actually thought of this.

Maybe not anymore. It was the same with those people in the past. They just treated themselves a little better at first, but soon they would stay far away from themselves.

He lowered his head in despair, his long silver hair hanging down from his ears, Qiong sighed: "Aoki Si."

Downstairs, Aokiji waited for ten minutes and then went upstairs to take a look. The empty bowls and plates that he had eaten made him couldn't help but smile. He hummed contentedly in his heart and took the empty bowls downstairs. After washing, I remembered that Neon tradition has the habit of taking a bath every day.

He was not used to sharing a bathtub with others before. Every time Kasugano Masao asked him to take a bath, he just rinsed it with the bath without taking a bath.


It seemed like I could clean up today, after all, it was just him and Qiong.

Thinking of this, Aokiji went to the bathroom and put in the hot water. After thinking about it, he knocked on Qiong's door again.

"Qiong, I've put the hot water on, do you want to take a bath?"


It was still quiet inside the door.

Aokiji raised his eyebrows and knocked on the door again: "I can go back to my bedroom first. You can just ask me to wash it after you finish washing it."

"No need." The voice from the door was a bit dull. Aokiji frowned slightly when he heard this: "Huh?"

"I'll be there in a minute." Qiong was silent for a while and then added.

Aokiji thought for a while, then suddenly his brows relaxed and he smiled: "Ah, okay, by the way, I bought snacks and drinks in the refrigerator."

"Oh." Qiong's muffled response reached his ears.

Asa! Aokiji made a fist with one hand and waved it, with a very happy expression. What Qiong said just now, "No need," meant that he didn't need to deliberately go back to the room to avoid her, right? Is she ready to meet him?

Sure enough, not even Qiong can escape the power of delicious food! As long as you are willing to meet yourself, you can wait with sincerity bit by bit!

Aokiji was originally thinking about how to make himself look more amiable and to make Qiong put down his guard against him as soon as possible, but then he suddenly thought that he didn't look like a good person at this time. He hurriedly took a selfie with his cell phone and took a look at himself, but all he could see was a vicious bald head with scars, bruises and swelling all over his face.

Due to the injuries to the corners of his mouth, eyebrows and feet, Aokiji can't even show a kind smile now. Whenever he wants to smile, he grins with a fierce look. Maybe that damn charm attribute has become higher again. The reason is that Aokiji feels that if he acts in a movie now, no matter he is a perverted murderer or a gangster, as long as he keeps a straight face and doesn't speak, he can win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Don't even think about the male protagonist, this face is now He can only play the villain.

Even Aokiji himself felt that he was so fierce and scary, let alone Qiong.

Better avoid it.

"Then I'll go back to the house first." Aokiji covered his face in despair.

"." There was no sound from the door.

Aokiji, who was hiding in the room, soon heard light footsteps coming from Qiong's room on the other side of the door. The footsteps quickly went downstairs and entered the bathroom.

Inside the house, Aoki Shisheng looked depressed and helpless.

At this time, Qiong walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror that she had just tied into a pair of ponytails and the new white dress she had put on neatly. The weak girl in the mirror frowned slightly, her expression was a little lost, and she sighed inaudibly. Tone: "Idiot."

I don't know if I'm talking about myself or Aokiji.

She revealed her flawless body, which was as clean as white jade. She threw her dress into the empty basin beside the bathtub, rinsed it casually in the shower, and then carefully soaked in the bathtub. Diving his mouth and nose into the water, Qiong gently blew out a series of bubbles. In the slightly squinted eyes on the water, the emotions were very complicated, and there was a hint of sadness in the calmness.

That is, you want someone to care about you, but you dare not approach, invest emotionally, or even have expectations because you are afraid of losing.

It wrapped itself in a thick cold shell, and after digging it out, it turned out that inside it was nothing more than a pitiful little animal that made itself shivering with cold.

Qiong actually doesn't know how much she longs for a warm embrace in her heart. And under the layers of protective shell, she endured and actively gave up the suppressed countless emotions, which were like hot flames being compressed and recompressed, sealed in the cold shell.

Who knows how hot and crazy the flame will rise when that cold shell is melted?

Wow, I slept till dark, I was so scared that I jumped out of bed. Sorry for the late update. I will add another chapter today to atone for myself. Sorry! ! ! ! I'll post tomorrow's update in the early morning, so I won't delay anything.

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