At this time, after returning to the room, Aokiji did not continue to watch various movies and anime on his mobile phone, but frowned and searched for various knowledge about heart disease on the Internet.

After looking at it for a long time, Aokiji sighed: "System, if I want to cure a congenital heart disease like Qiong, what is the minimum level of medical skills I need?"

[The minimum level is seven, and the maximum is level ten. It varies depending on the severity of the condition. There are differences depending on whether the host uses traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine. 】

Aokiji frowned upon hearing this and tapped his fingers on the table uneasily.

"My level 2 skills require 200 experience points. What about level 3 skills?"

【300 points. 】

"What about Level 4?"

【600 points. 】

"You might as well list them out for me one by one." Aokiji rubbed his temples with a sad look on his face.

[Level 5: 1200 experience points. Level 6: 2400 experience points. Level 7: 5000 experience points. Level 8: 10,000 experience points. Level nine: 15,000 experience points, level ten: 50,000 experience points. Level 11: 100,000 experience points. 】

Aokiji took a breath.

If you want to upgrade a skill to level ten, starting from level one, you need a full 84,800 experience points?

You must know that every time you level up, the way to gain experience becomes much more difficult. According to Aokiji's inference, if your skills reach level three, it will take almost ten days and a half to upgrade a skill through daily exercise. From now on, it may be possible to upgrade once a month or even half a year. When he reached around level 7 or 8, Aokiji estimated that if he didn't take the professional route, it would take several years to reach the next level.

"How should I upgrade these skills in the middle and late stages?" Aokiji covered his head in melancholy.

[Host, please don’t worry. The upgrade of skills is not only the ways you know now. When you reach a higher level, you will know how to improve your skills. 】

[Moreover, if you want to treat heart disease, you don’t necessarily need extremely high medical skills. In the system's prop library, there are many props such as 'Healing Cards', 'Healing Dolls', 'Disposable Surgery Cards' and 'Pain Transfer Voodoo Dolls'. It's just that these props basically require a very high level of task difficulty and task completion before they can be obtained immediately. 】

Aokiji's worried heart calmed down slightly after hearing this, and he smiled bitterly and said: "I think other people's systems have mall systems and the like. It would be great if you could get me one too. I will just buy a prop like this and give it to Qiong Zhi. It's so good. To be honest, it was really uncomfortable to worry about my brother in my previous life. I really don't want to live like this again. Although I don't have a deep relationship with Qiong, I feel that if she really If you live in such pain because of a heart disease, you always feel that you have not fulfilled some responsibilities, which makes you feel very uncomfortable."

Maybe it's an emotional transfer. For some reason, Aokiji's feelings for the Kasugano couple are limited to gratitude and respect, but his feelings for Qiong are inexplicably deeper.

It has been almost a week since Aokiji came to this world. Although he believes that he has done a good enough job in the other world and has completely fulfilled his responsibilities, there is no regret at all. It is difficult to let go of missing and caring like this.

Was my brother's surgery successful? Did you respond well after surgery? Although the matching was successful, and even the doctor said it was really difficult to find such a matching heart, was the effect of the surgery really satisfactory?

My parents are so old, and my younger brother has just had surgery and needs to recuperate for a long time. After he is healthy, he will go back to school. After working, will he be able to take good care of them as he does?

These thoughts that popped up from time to time made it difficult for Aokiji to completely let go of the past. Those emotions that had no place to place, after returning to this strange world, may have been instinctively transferred to Qiong, who had the same problem as his brother.

Aokiji really wanted to cure Qiong. Even though he himself couldn't figure out the source of his feelings and thoughts, he didn't resist. He didn't want to see that cute girl like an elf one day, frozen at this flower-like age forever.

[In fact, the host does not need to worry too much. Most congenital heart diseases are not that easy to develop. Even if they do occur, there is not much danger as long as they are rescued in time. There is even a possibility of recovery, no need to put too much pressure on it. 】

Aokiji nodded silently at the rare good words from the system. He had a deep understanding of this disease and naturally understood these principles, but his experiences in his previous life made him always think about the worst.

"Judging from the sudden doubling of experience after the skill reaches level 4, a qualitative change should occur when the skill reaches level 4, or some new functions of the system will be enabled." Aokiji narrowed his eyes slightly: "The system also gave After giving me a hint, the answer should be close to ten.”

I took a look at my skill bar. I saw that my kendo skills have improved a lot due to two actual combat experiences, and they are not far away from upgrading. As for my learning skills, I have been improving little by little with the time I spent attending classes in school, and there are one or two more. The sky should also be upgraded.

"Then give priority to improving your kendo proficiency to level four. If you want to improve your learning skills now, you have to read a lot of course-related books. These books are not easy to find, and even if you find them, you don't have the money to buy them all. . I practiced mixed martial arts at night when I went to work. After I waited until level 4 to see how my skills were upgraded, I immediately gave up kendo and studied medicine. The prop rewards are too random, and my luck has always been bad. I still rely on Just work hard.”

After setting a small goal, Aokiji picked up the wooden sword, took a deep breath, and started practicing seriously.

(Actually, I hate dividing experience values ​​too finely, and I don’t like to write out too much data. First, it affects the sense of the plot, and second, I am tired of calculating and trying to make up the word count, so except for mentioning it at critical moments, most of it Time will not deliberately write data.)

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