What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 26 A storm is about to arise (more updates)

"Brother Tora Maeda, you've gone too far!" The hidden place behind the school gymnasium has always been a good place for delinquent teenagers. At this time, Maeda Tora was squatting on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the plane-headed boy who said these words with an unkind look.

The words of the airplane-headed boy seemed to arouse the recognition of the surrounding delinquents, and the dozen or so teenagers around who looked very unkind began to discuss them.

"Forget about hair style control, do you still want us to learn? If we could do it, we would still be bad boys!" The pilot angrily threw the cigarette butts in his hand to the ground.

Maeda Tora stood up suddenly, grabbed the collar of the aircraft head tightly with one hand, and said loudly: "Yes, you don't have to study, and then what?"

"Look at how cowardly you guys are. There were so many of us last time that even the eldest brother couldn't beat me." Tora Maeda said with a gloomy face: "How can you still have the nerve to be called a bad boy? What can you do well? ?”

The people around him closed their mouths and lowered their heads with complicated eyes.

But the boy with the flying head sneered disapprovingly: "So what? The Mihashi brothers from the school next door can also fight ten with two people. Not to mention that there are many ruthless people like this in Suzuran's Crow School."

"Senior Ishihara, who is a senior in high school, doesn't have such strict conditions. Who does Aokiji think he is!" The aircraft head slapped Maeda Tora's hand away and stared into Maeda Tora's eyes with wide eyes.

Maeda Tora was silent for a while, but he just glanced at the plane in front of him and said calmly: "If you still want to hang out with me, you have to accept these conditions. Anyway, I am already hanging out with Brother Aoki, you are willing to follow me Just follow me, don't force me or force you. But if you go against Brother Aoki one day, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Bah! Can he meet those conditions on his own? Baldy Aoki is nothing but a chicken." The boy with the airplane head spat disdainfully.

The moment Tora Maeda heard the bald man, he punched the plane-headed boy in the face with great fury. The plane-headed boy was caught off guard by the punch, and he lay on the ground with a muffled grunt.

"Yasuda! Are you unhappy with anything? Tell me, don't involve Brother Aoki." Maeda Tora's eyes were as ferocious as eating people: "What do you know about Brother Aoki? He is in the same class as me. Li, don’t I know in my heart whether I have complied with the conditions he set for me?”

"Brother Aoki is right. People like you are just losers in the name of bad boys. You can't even meet this requirement. You are not worthy of being called a man, nor are you worthy of following Brother Aoki. Damn it." Maeda Tora looked at Yasuda, the head of the plane who was covering his face and saying nothing on the ground, and waved his fist in anger, snorted coldly, and turned around to leave.

"If you want to continue to follow me and hang out with Big Brother Aoki, just follow the conditions I said. If you can accept it, come and wait at the door of the class after school. I will introduce you to Big Brother. If you don't want to, you can hang out with whomever you like. Go hang with someone!"

After Maeda Tora finished speaking, he put his hands in his pockets and left the place without looking back, leaving only a group of delinquents looking at each other with complicated expressions.

"What should we do?" One of the teenagers opened his mouth in confusion.

"Bah!" The airplane-headed boy named Yasuda struggled to stand up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and covered his face with a somewhat resentful expression: "Fuck Maeda Tora, Aoki Baldy."

Seeing that the others were silent and seemed to be carefully considering what Tora Maeda said, Yasuda laughed sarcastically and said: "Let's see how long Baldy Aoki can continue to be arrogant. A few days ago, he treated the sophomore Kita Ishihara to The Kendo Club knocked him unconscious and was admitted to the hospital. Do you think Senior Ishihara, a senior in high school, would let him go? They are brothers, do brothers know?"

Yasuda grinned ferociously: "Originally, I wanted Tora Maeda to be more careful, but now it seems that he wants to be buried with Baldy Aoki. Oh, you all know how many people Ishihara-senpai and his brother have sent to the hospital, right? ? I advise you to keep a good distance from that bald man. If not, don’t blame me for being ruthless when the time comes.”

"Are you going to hang out with Ishihara-senpai?" One of the bad boys opened his mouth in shock.

Yasuda's eyes were filled with hatred: "Maeda Tora is willing to be Aoki Tsukasa's dog, so can't I be Ishihara-senpai's dog?"

"At least, my dog's owner is stronger than his." As if he felt very aggrieved for saying such words, Yasuda punched the wall behind the gymnasium and cursed: "Fuck!"

Then, he left angrily.

The remaining bad boys looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, a delinquent boy with an ordinary appearance, short stature and a mohawk said softly: "Then let's leave it like this for today. Let's all go back and think about it."


The bad boys gathered and left with confused expressions. The boy with a mohawk narrowed his eyes slightly and moved his fingers tangledly. After a long time, he made up his mind: "I have to say hello to Brother Tiger."

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

At this time, Aoki Si was sitting on the edge of the playground bored, looking at his classmates playing dodgeball on the playground, with his chin raised in a daze.

He actually wanted to make his physical education class more interesting, but in the dodgeball game, no one dared to throw the ball towards him, and it was so boring to play.

Thinking of himself standing on the court with an expressionless face while his classmates carefully played dodgeball as if they were losing their handkerchiefs, Aokiji couldn't help but cover his head and let out a long sigh.

Might as well go back to study. Thinking of this, Aokiji took out his mobile phone and searched for various learning materials rather boringly - although the experience points given by these materials are not much, it is better than nothing.

Tora Maeda, who had just returned from the back of the gymnasium, took a look around secretly and saw that the mobile phone screen Aokiji was staring at was full of reasoning and analysis of mathematical formulas. He immediately took a breath of air and couldn't help but silently clenched his hands. Fist, he sighed in his heart: "Only a man who is serious and self-disciplined like this is a man worthy of me, Tora Maeda, to follow! I can't pull him down either! I must get rid of the last place in the mock exam!" Tora Maeda also took out his hand. He picked up his mobile phone and started studying the mathematics materials for the first grade of junior high school seriously. Well, his mathematics has completely stopped at the level of elementary school graduation.

Although the physical education teacher was tall and powerful, looking at Aokiji's fierce face with bruises on his face that had not faded yet, he couldn't say anything to tell them to put down their phones. He just turned his head silently, thinking what to do. Didn't see any.

"In the office, the vicious bald delinquent transfer student that the male teacher said is really not easy to mess with." The physical education teacher pinched his chin and looked at the clouds in the sky, remembering that the head teacher of Aoki Tsukasa's class, Mr. Matsushita, was scared and confused towards him. With a complaining look, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly: "I laughed at a male teacher for being timid. It seems that I was wrong."

Thinking of this, he quietly turned his head and glanced at Aoki Si. At this time, Aoki Si frowned because the mathematical formulas on his mobile phone were too complicated, and his face became more fierce because of the frown.

The physical education teacher quietly turned his head back, suppressing his heartbeat that accelerated due to the fright: "I was indeed wrong. This guy's family must be extremely powerful people, that must be the case, otherwise what? You have developed such momentum at such a young age."

"After class, you must tell your analysis to other teachers, otherwise if they can't help but provoke this bald man, it will be miserable for him to call Yakuza to deal with him."

Aokiji, who had no idea that his physical education teacher had conjured up a complex underworld background, relaxed his brows slightly and understood the meaning of the mathematical formulas on his phone. He looked at the experience value that had increased by five points with satisfaction and smiled with satisfaction. .

The atonement is completed in the third watch. It will never be too late. I don’t know why I overslept. I slept for more than ten hours.

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