What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 27: Practicing swordsmanship with Busudao makes you upgrade so quickly

Aokiji, who always felt that after physical education class, every teacher was cautious and distant from him, ended the day of study in a daze and lazily walked to the Kendo Club venue.

After calling the fight club, he set working hours from seven to ten. Aokiji planned to practice sword practice after class at 3:40 every day until five o'clock, then go home and prepare dinner for Qiong, and then go to work. After returning home, I practiced kendo and slept.

If you think about it carefully, this means that you have to get up before seven o'clock every morning and go to bed at twelve o'clock. Aokiji sighed, always feeling that he was one step further away from the leisurely high school life he had planned.

Entering the kendo hall, Aokiji keenly felt that the eyes of many people on him seemed to have changed a lot. In addition to the common fear and fear, many people seem to be a bit gloating about their misfortune.

"Aoki-san." Saiki-san waved with a very friendly expression when he saw Aoki Tsukasa coming.

Aokiji went to the place where the bamboo sword was placed and picked up a bamboo sword. He nodded to him and said with a smile: "Come on, let's practice again."

Qi Mu didn't think much this time, he just nodded in cooperation and said softly: "Why didn't Aoki-san come to the Kendo Club yesterday?"

Aokiji shrugged and said while wearing protective gear: "I'm going to work part-time."

"Uh" Saiki, who seemed not to have expected Aokiji's answer, was stunned for a moment. He hesitated for a while looking at the scars on Aokiji's face, and then asked carefully: "Then what's the injury on Aoki-san's face?"

"Oh, I'm a sparring partner in the fighting gym." Aokiji inevitably pressed the wound on his face when wearing the mask. He grinned in pain and answered Saiki's question.

Saiki seemed to be relieved. After thinking for a while, he approached Aokiji and whispered in his ear: "Aoki-san, please be careful about Ishihara-san's revenge. His brother is Ishihara Ryota, a senior in high school, at school. He's very good at it."

Aokiji curled his lips and frowned slightly, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

In his opinion, Ishihara Kita is a very face-conscious and conceited person. If you are knocked down in a head-to-head kendo match, you will most likely be able to fight back with kendo.

If just because of this, she asked her brother to deal with her, how could Queen Ishihara raise her head in front of Busujima Saeko? At first glance, Busujima Saeko is the kind of mature girl who is independent, strong-willed and strong. There is no way she would like the kind of coward who seeks help from her parents when something goes wrong.

Aokiji could tell at a glance that Ishihara Kita must have some thoughts about Busujima Saeko. So thinking of this, he was not very worried. From Aoki Tsuka's point of view, the second year of high school is no longer a complete brat, he still has some brains.

The two quickly put on protective gear and started sparring in the corner.

Although the swordsmanship level is still a little short of level three, Aokiji feels that his skills have improved a lot and he has become much more proficient. In addition, after learning mixed martial arts, his attributes have increased, and Qi Mu is still only able to parry and not fight back.

This time Aokiji took the initiative to slow down the frequency of attacks and actively controlled the rhythm of the battle. The fight with Saiki seemed to be a back-and-forth with each other having an advantage.

After three minutes, the panting Saiki stopped and sat on the ground, looked at Aoki Tsukasa with a wry smile and said: "It feels really different to fight Aoki-san. Kendo is originally a sport where victory or defeat can be determined in an instant, but When I was fighting Aoki-san, it seemed like I had to attack and defend every moment, and the pace couldn’t slow down at all.”

The face under the mask of Aokiji smiled and said calmly: "Maybe it's because I have played too few games and I don't understand rhythm at all. I only know how to attack and then attack. To be honest, sometimes I lose points or score points. I don’t even know it myself.”

Looking at the almost full experience points, Aokiji said impatiently: "Let's do it for another three minutes."

"Why don't you let me practice with Aoki-san." Busujima Saeko's voice came from behind his ears. Aokiji turned to look. At this time, Busujima Saeko had put on all his armor except for the mask, revealing his white face. There was still a little sweat on his face, as if he had just finished a game.

Aokiji thought for a while and nodded: "Then please ask Busujima-senpai for some advice."

"How about there being no referee for this competition?" Busushima Saeko smiled slightly and used her fingers to brush the long purple hair that stuck to her cheeks due to sweat.

Tsukasa Aoki couldn't help but froze for no other reason. At this time, the sun was shining down and fell on Busujima Saeko's perfect face, making her whole body look as beautiful as radiance. Even Aokiji felt as if his heart was moved at this moment.

Shaking his head slightly to get rid of the illusion in his head, Aokiji knew that he was just temporarily shocked. Aokiji smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I'll listen to my senior sister."

Busujima Saeko pursed her lips and smiled, put on her helmet lightly, and fought against Aoki Tsukasa. She raised her bamboo sword and said, "Let Aoki-san take the initiative to attack. There is no need to stick to the rules and fighting methods of the kendo competition. Let me Treat it as a real enemy, and treat the knife in your hand as a real knife."

Upon hearing this, Aokiji paused with the bamboo sword in his hand, and said cautiously: "Then Busushima-senpai, be careful!"

After saying that, Aokiji stabbed forward with a very fast thrust from the bamboo knife in his hand.

In kendo competitions, nine out of ten swords like this are used to score points, but Aokiji's strength and explosive power give this thrust a new life. If it were in a fight with a real sword, this sword would be extremely powerful. dangerous.

A hint of interest flashed through Busujima Saeko's originally indifferent eyes under the mask. Her figure was like a leaf swaying in the wind, and she avoided the thrust with a graceful circle-like movement. At the same time, the bamboo sword in her hand was actually in Aokiji's hand. Before he could react, he stopped at Aokiji's throat.

So fast!

A trace of shock flashed in Aokiji's eyes.

The speed of Busujima Saeko's sword seemed to be faster than Aokiji's full thrust!

"Come again." Busujima Saeko's cold voice came. Aokiji gritted his silver teeth and slashed horizontally with the bamboo sword in his hand.

As if Busujima Saeko had foreseen it, he just took less than half a step back slightly. The moment Aokiji slashed into the air, the bamboo sword in his hand turned into a full moon and smashed towards Aokiji's faceplate.

Aokiji's dynamic vision, which is far beyond ordinary people, once again performed meritorious service. For most people, this is inevitable. The trajectory of the knife is clear in his eyes. He jumped sideways in a somewhat awkward manner and turned his body sideways. The knife almost touched the body. His visor was cut off along his body. This dodge is not without thrills, and you will definitely not be able to avoid it if you only take one step slower.

"Drink!" Aokiji shouted, tilting Zhan Kong's wooden sword upwards.

Busushima Saeko couldn't help but smile, but without any panic, she slid the empty bamboo sword down like a leisurely stroll. Aokiji only felt that the bamboo sword in his hand was in contact with Busujima Saeko's bamboo sword. At the same time, he was hit astray. He obviously didn't feel much resistance. When the sword was raised, the bamboo sword was a thousand miles away from its target.

Then, Busujima Saeko easily pressed the sword against Aoki Tsukasa's heart without even spending much effort.

Aokiji smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "Senpai Busujima is indeed very strong."

[Kendo LV3: Your swordsmanship has just begun. It is not only limited to simple swordsmanship competitions, but you can also compete with your opponents in real swordsmanship. Strength +1, Agility +1, Charm +1 (Experience 13/300)]

He was a little surprised to see that he had suddenly gained a dozen points of experience after upgrading. Aokiji felt that he suddenly had a lot more knowledge about kendo in his mind.

No, it wasn't just knowledge. Aokiji felt that he was much more familiar with the bamboo sword in his hand. An inexplicable sense of proficiency made him hold the bamboo sword tightly.

Is this experience?

If Aokiji only relied on his own reaction speed to compete before, now when he holds the sword, it seems that he has gained a lot of kendo experience in competing with others.

"Are you still going on?" Busujima Saeko retracted the wooden sword, looked at Aokiji who was suddenly stunned and tilted his head. The expression under the mask was a little confused: it seems that the feeling of holding the sword has changed slightly for the guy in front of him.

"Come again!" Not only because of the upgrade in swordsmanship, but also because the battle with Busujima Saeko gave him too much experience, Aokiji raised his wooden sword again with high fighting spirit.

Today, I’m adding another chapter to break through the 500 collection mark, and it’s the third update! ! ! ! !

Where can you find such an honest and kind new author? ! So hurry up with your recommendation votes, be sensible and hand them over! ! ! ! !

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