Although the upgrade of Aokiji's kendo skills did make him much stronger than before, it is a pity that in the competition with Busujima Saeko, he was still crushed and beaten severely.

Aoki endured the pain for three minutes, and was finally hit in the mask by Busujima Saeko's chop that no longer held back, ending this crushing battle.

Aokiji sighed and said with a wry smile: "The senior sister is really powerful. I thought that even if I couldn't beat her, I could still fight with each other, but I didn't expect that I was crushed and beaten, and I couldn't hit the middle school sister even once. "

Busujima Saeko took off her mask, shook her long purple hair, stared at Aoki Tsukasa with her deep eyes, and remained silent for a while.

Aokiji touched his face a little strangely, only touching the injured area that was still aching faintly. He raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "Senior, is there anything strange about me?"

Busujima Saeko then showed a faint smile and said softly: "No, I'm just a little surprised."

Aokiji touched his head, knowing that she had realized the changes in strength brought about by the upgrade of her skills. He didn't want to say anything more on this point, so he just pretended not to know and smiled innocently: "Senior sister is really strong. Just after fighting with you for a while, I feel that my swordsmanship has improved greatly."

"You don't need to be too humble when calling Aoki-kun." Busujima Saeko took a breath, calmed his breathing, looked at Aoki Tsukasa with admiring eyes, and said softly: "My father often told me in the past that although I His talent is already very strong, but there is still a certain gap between him and a true genius. I have never been convinced by this statement, but after meeting Mr. Aoki, I suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence."

Even the title changed from Aoki-san to Aoki-kun. Aokiji could see that the beautiful woman in front of him seemed to be impressed by him, but he didn't know why. Maybe it was because he had been single for a long time or for other reasons. He always instinctively He kept a distance from such an outstanding woman, and just waved his hand politely and said: "Senior Busujima, if you continue to praise her like this, I will really become levitated."

Busujima Saeko just smiled, but felt a little excited in her heart - for her, she had no new challenges in this school. Even in the previous kendo competitions at the national competition level, there were no players that she could be excited about. But the Aokiji in front of her gave her a completely different idea: maybe give this guy a little more time, one year, no, maybe just half a year, this monster can grow into a person on the same level as herself, right?

Busujima Saeko recalled her feelings during the previous competition with Aoki-san, and sighed sincerely: "I still remember that when I reached Aoki-kun's level, it was already half a year after I practiced swordsmanship. And Aoki-san this It’s only been three or four days.”

"Moreover, compared to Aoki-kun, I have better conditions and time to study kendo. To be fair, Aoki-kun is already at a high level to participate in Japanese high school competitions, and has the strength to get good results." Busujima Thinking of this, Saeko felt a little complicated. On the one hand, she felt that such a monster had grown up under her nose, and she felt a strange sense of excitement. On the other hand, she felt a sense of crisis and vagueness that she had never experienced before. of jealousy.

Busujima Saeko knew that Aokiji's current kendo strength was not as strong as she said, but his physical condition was too superior. Whether it was eyesight, reaction, strength, agility, or even physical strength, he was better than his peers. In terms of human beings, he is much stronger. Judging from Aokiji's current age, how terrifying it will be when he really reaches the age of fighting!

Kendo is, after all, a fighting skill, and physical fitness is also a top priority.

As a woman, Busujima Saeko admitted that she was a little jealous of Aoki Tsukasa's physical talent. If Busujima Saeko is given such a strong body, Busujima Saeko is confident that she will become a famous swordsman in Japan before she is twenty years old!

Busujima Saeko clenched her hands slightly, pricked her nails with her nails to wake up her somewhat unrealistic thoughts, and a somewhat crazy idea came into her head. After careful consideration, this idea became more and more feasible. .

"You're welcome. It's only because of my physical fitness that I can barely compete with my senior sister. In terms of swordsmanship, I'm afraid I'm not much different from Saiki-san." Aokiji said, but he realized that Busushima was in front of him. The look in Saezi's eyes seemed a little strange and familiar.

Wait a minute, didn't Songshanyan look like this when he came down from his boxing yesterday?

Before Aokiji had time to think about anything, Busujima Saeko approached him very seriously and said in a solemn tone: "Aoki-kun, I sincerely invite you to join our Busujima family's gym to learn swordsmanship. , I will teach you the Busujima style swordsmanship without any reservation, I wonder if you are willing?"

"Huh?" Before Aokiji could answer, Qi Mu on the other side opened his mouth in shock and exclaimed.

Aokiji looked at him with a confused expression.

Saiki glanced at Busujima Saeko cautiously, and seeing that she had no intention of stopping him, he hurriedly explained: "Bujima-senpai is the daughter of the Busujima family, a famous kendo master, and Busujima-ryu swordsmanship is one of the top kendo celebrities in Japan. You know, Busujima-senpai’s father is a great swordsman who teaches foreigners how to learn swordsmanship in foreign dojos. Most people don’t just want to learn Busujima-style swordsmanship, but they just want to join the Busujima family’s dojo. It’s all an extremely difficult thing.”

"Especially in Japan, apart from the Busujima Family Gym in Tokyo, Busujima-senpai is the only other gym that you can join. If I remember correctly, Busujima-senpai's gym is the only one that you can join so far. No one has been admitted to study.”

Qi Mu became more and more excited as he spoke, and seemed to have thought of something, but after taking a look at Busujima Saeko, he swallowed the rest of his words.

After hearing these words, Busujima Saeko's expression was still very calm, but her eyes were still looking at Aokiji with fierce eyes: "How is it? Aoki-kun, what I said is serious. With your strength and talent, ordinary swordsmanship training At most, it will only train you into a kendo player who can compete in a dozen matches, but Busujima style swordsmanship can help you become a great swordsman."

Great swordsman?

Aokiji felt his head hurt again, and he was a little suspicious, but the eager look on Busujima Saeko in front of him didn't look like he was faking it. He thought about it carefully, and he didn't seem to be that interested in kendo. In fact, it was just to make himself better at fighting, and not to be beaten up by those overly enthusiastic bad boys. The great swordsman was so awesome at first glance. It must be difficult to be a troublemaker.

But if the swordsmanship of Busujima style is used, the swordsmanship skills will definitely be upgraded much faster - this is a conclusion he has gained from his nearly 20 to 30 points of experience in fighting Busujima Saeko. He looked carefully today and found that there were only five points in a three-minute match with Saiki. But even if it was just a round trip with Busujima Saeko, I would gain at least a little bit of experience. In addition to Busujima Saeko's strong strength, the technical school that is completely different from the basic kendo skills in Aokiji's head must also be one of the reasons.

"If I just want to learn swordsmanship from my senior sister, I don't think there's anything wrong with it." Aokiji said with a wry smile: "But I have too many facts at hand and don't have much time to practice swordsmanship. I’m actually not particularly interested in becoming a great swordsman.”

Busujima Saeko pondered for a moment. If Aoki Shishi was not here, she would not be able to say anything more. She just frowned very regretfully: "My promise is always valid. Aoki-kun can go back and think about it. I just think that It’s such a pity that Aoki-kun’s talent was wasted.”

Aokiji nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, if I intend to achieve something in the way of swordsmanship, I will definitely ask my senior for help. That's all I have practiced today, and there are still things to deal with."

Busujima Saeko looked at Aokiji with her arms folded, her eyes slightly narrowed, her fingers tapping her arms, and after a while, she seemed to have made up her mind and said: "Then let's do this for today. If Aoki-kun has nothing to do during lunch break tomorrow, If you want, you can also come to the Kendo Club to practice with me."

"Thank you, senior, for your kindness!" Aokiji really thanked her. After all, she appreciated him from the bottom of his heart.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Aoki's work." Busujima Saeko showed a gentle smile. This time, it looked much less like before, although he was smiling, but he was actually distant.

"Well, senior, see you tomorrow." After smiling slightly, Aokiji turned around and found his schoolbag.

Ah, what should I make for Qiong for dinner today?

Aokiji soon fell into new troubles. He picked up his shoulder bag and turned away with a somewhat frivolous pace.

Busujima Saeko looked at Aokiji's leaving figure. Her cheeks suddenly turned slightly red for some reason, but she soon calmed down. She just silently took out a bamboo sword from the sword tube where the bamboo sword was placed, and looked at the original thing in front of her. The empty position belonging to Aokiji sighed for a long time, and then just made a slash with all his strength. No one knew what he was venting.

Then, Busujima Saeko stood there blankly, looking at the faintly yellow sky outside the window of the kendo gym. A trace of depression flashed in his light blue pupils. He put the sword back into the barrel and left the gym early, which was rare.

Gee, these two updates are both big chapters. The extra words are enough for one update. Hey, how can I be so kind.

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