"What do you want to do, brat? I told you to be careful of the ground, be careful of the ground, and you took the initiative to take him to the ground?" Song Shanyan's voice was very dissatisfied.

"Oh, is my ground skills not as bad as you said?" Aaron's voice was angry and a little unwilling: "I just completed the rear naked choke right away. If you finish the first round later, He will be TKOed by me in the first round."

"Fart, they knew that the first round was about to end, so they didn't bother to argue with you. They were saving energy! When will you become more mature? If this continues, how will you participate in the Supernova Conference? Standing is obviously your advantage. , You are mentally ill and insist on fighting with others, right?" Matsuyamayan punched the locker in the locker room angrily, and a huge bang caused a flash of shock in Aokiji's secretly observing eyes - —The iron cabinet was dented by Song Shanyan’s punch!

Aaron was silent for a while, then suddenly became sarcastic again: "Yes, I really can't do it, then you go find that bald man to play the game for me, okay?"

Song Shanyan's expression was full of disbelief. He took a step forward and stared at Aaron. His extremely tall body was like a terrifying brown bear: "What do you mean?"

"Ha." Aaron's expression was a little timid, but he still said with a pinched neck: "Isn't it? You think I can't see it? You have long thought that I can't achieve anything, and you want to find someone else to support you. Isn't that right? You admired that bald head yesterday, right? After he left, you talked to me about him for half an hour. Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? Don't think that you are my uncle and I have to I listen to you in everything, so why are my ground skills so bad in your eyes?"

"So what?" Song Shanyan glared angrily: "You can't even break free of a novice's restraints on the ground, and you take the initiative to fight the spider on the ground. With your appearance like this, you still think you are very powerful?"

"Fuck!" Aaron pushed Songshanyan away, gritted his teeth, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out: "I told you, he is just lucky. If he tries again, he won't be able to lock it a hundred times. I!"

"You!" Song Shanyan looked surprised and extremely disappointed: "When did you become like this?"

Aaron clenched his fists and his eyes looked scarlet: "Why do you look down on me!"

"I didn't look down on you!" Song Shanyan suppressed his anger and tried to calm his tone. But Aaron was so angry that he couldn't hold it back at all: "Okay, you think he is better than me, right? You think everyone is better than me. You see everything about my skills except for standing kickboxing." No. If that's the case, why should I fight in mixed martial arts? Wouldn't it be better for me to box?"

"Pah!" After a crisp slap, Songshanyan gasped and stared at Aaron ferociously: "Don't say dirty words to me!"

"Bah." Aaron turned around and vomited blood, picked up his backpack with clothes, without even changing the clothes, stared at Songshanyan with hateful eyes, turned around and walked straight out of the locker room.

When he saw Aoki Si who had been watching at the door for a long time, he stared at Aoki Si with murderous eyes for a few seconds, then made a motion of slitting his throat with his hand on his neck. He didn't say anything, but just pushed away the blocking door. In front of him, Aokiji strode out with rapid strides.

Aokiji glanced at his back with some displeasure, but didn't say much. He walked into the locker room and saw Matsuyama Iwa sitting on a chair in the locker room, covering his head with his hands. His majestic body looked much more decadent.

Aokiji didn't know what to say. He saw the conflict between his family and himself. It was really embarrassing for him as an outsider to be involved. He just took out a bottle of cold mineral water from his bag and handed it to Songshanyan.

Song Shanyan took the mineral water in silence, opened the lid but did not drink it. After a long time, he took a deep breath and then raised his head: "I'm telling you a joke."

Aokiji shook his head slightly and said with a wry smile: "Did I come at the wrong time today?"

"Huh!" Song Shanyan breathed a long sigh of relief, calmed himself down, and said calmly: "I don't blame you, it's his own problem. This bastard kid has won a few battles, and he no longer knows who he is."

When he said this, Song Shanyan's cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and took a look. His eyes widened and looked extremely incredible. Then, he was so angry that he took the cell phone and broadcast the call with a ferocious expression. .

But only a blind tone came from the phone.

"Fuck!" Song Shanyan slammed the phone to the side, and the expensive smartphone was smashed to pieces by the huge force.

It was wrong to leave Aokiji, and it was wrong to stay there. For a moment, he regretted his behavior of watching the excitement at the door. Songshanyan was like an angry brown bear, pacing back and forth. In the end, he stared at Aokiji and made up his mind, his voice trembling with anger: "Boy, do you want to box?"

"Ah?" Aokiji pointed at himself with a confused look on his face: "Me?"

Song Shanyan looked at him with a serious expression, but his still angry face looked a bit scary: "You saw it just now, so I won't explain anything more. That bastard boy will never come here again. Now I I have a ticket for the MMA Supernova competition in two months, are you interested in participating?"

Aokiji smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I just want to do a part-time job."

"I will sign a boxer contract for you, and you will train here for free in the future. I will teach you personally, and I will give you an hourly salary of 5,000 yen!" Matsuyama Iwa stared closely into Aokiji's eyes: "You come, as long as you train seriously , I will give you 5,000 yen an hour! The prize money for the champion of the supernova competition will be 2 million by then. If you have the ability to take it, I won’t take any points! You just need to ensure at least four hours of training every day. Yes. I will give you your salary every day, so you don’t have to worry about me lying to you."

It was not a good experience to be stared at by such a muscular and tattooed bald man with such eyes.

Aokiji hesitated for a while, sighed, and said calmly: "As for me, of course I don't want to refuse such a contract. But, please forgive me."

"I am indeed just a novice. I think Mr. Matsuyama should not be too impulsive at this time and let his emotions affect his judgment. Although I don't know what the Supernova competition is, it must be a professional player level competition. Competition. I’m just an ordinary high school student. Does Mr. Matsuyama really believe that I can reach that professional level in two months?”

Aokiji's words were very sincere. After listening to Songshanyan, he only thought for a moment and nodded decisively: "I will judge whether it is okay or not, but the proposal I made is serious. Anyway, you were originally a sparring partner. At work, my plan is to let you sparring with that bastard Aaron. Now that Aaron is no longer fighting, if you still want to be a sparring partner, it will be difficult. At least there is no work to do recently, and with your current situation Your skills are barely even a junior sparring partner. When you serve as a sparring partner for ordinary clients, I will only give you the salary of a junior sparring partner at most. Unless your skills improve, I will give you a matching salary. Moreover, even if you have If you have this job as a sparring partner - there must be someone who needs you as a sparring partner in order for you to make money."

[Please note that although the task has been completed, the host is still not allowed to participate in part-time jobs with an hourly salary of less than 5,000 yuan - except for personal entrepreneurial activities and other profitable activities. 】

The system also added a sentence in a timely manner.

After saying this, Aokiji thought about it: If he refuses, he will only be a junior sparring partner in the future - the hourly salary of 3,500 does not meet the system's standards!

Come on, you are willing to give me a contract with an hourly salary of 5,000, can I still extend it? It’s just training anyway. Even if he only trained for a month, Song Shanyan felt that he was not the material or regretted it. He had already made a lot of money based on the daily salary he said.

Do the math, four hours of training a day costs 20,000 yuan, and thirty days is a full 600,000 yuan! Exchanging RMB for another person would cost between 35,000 and 40,000 yuan.

Think about it, as a section chief, Masao Kasugano works at least ten hours a day a month to earn a monthly salary of 400,000 yuan.

"I did it!" Aokiji, whose head was full of money, nodded sharply.

Wouldn't Aokiji be a fool if he didn't do such a good job, and he really wanted to practice boxing - not to mention he had already learned the skills.

Song Shanyan nodded and said in a muffled voice: "Then change your training equipment and start training today. I will print out the contract soon. If you are not eighteen years old, you can take the contract home and show it to your adults. look."

Thinking of this, Aokiji suddenly scratched his head: "Well, my master is not at home recently."

"Then you can take it home and give it to me after you sign something." Song Shanyan waved his hand a little tiredly: "Then let's do this for now. You put on the equipment and go to train first, and I will find someone to teach you the basic movements. Yes. I have something else to do, and I will officially start practicing with you tomorrow."

"Sure." Aokiji looked at his expression and nodded without saying much.

Anyway, with the skill system, it may not be impossible to accomplish something in two months.

Thinking of a large sum of money hanging in front of his eyes, Aokiji felt full of motivation.


This book does not involve black boxing, only serious fighting events and group fights, well, just Jiang Zi. I personally don't believe how powerful those so-called black boxing masters are. After all, how much money can you make from black boxing? How much does a professional boxer fight cost? How can a real master spend less than one percent of the money of a professional boxer to fight in black boxing? This book doesn't have anything too mystical or too unrealistic with messy internal forces. It tries to be based on reality as much as possible.

Thank you for your recommendation votes and collections, don’t stop, there will be three updates today! ! ! ! ! This chapter has 3,000 words, so enjoy reading it!

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