Aokiji put on his gloves and punched the sandbag in front of him until it crackled.

"You have to have rhythm, you know, rhythm!" the temporary coach on the side muttered, explaining the truth to Aokiji: "When you boxing, you must remember the word rhythm. How to punch each punch, and which one comes first. Whether you hit the head or the liver first, the connection of each punch must have its own rhythm. If your opponent is brought into the rhythm of your punching, he will definitely not be your opponent."

"Oh." Aokiji nodded, and the coach motioned for the protagonist to look towards him, raised the pad on his hand, and said seriously: "Here, hit the pad, hit my right hand when I'm one, hit my right hand when I'm two Left hand, when I say pass, you have to dive down and avoid it, do you understand?"

"One two PASS one two, one two one, one two one, one two Pass one two."

Aokiji played very seriously.

"How's your practice going?" Song Shanyan's voice came from behind.

The temporary coach stopped and said with a smile: "It's not bad, my physical fitness is pretty good."

Aokiji wiped his sweat out of breath and smiled at Songshanyan.

"Come, I'll practice with you." Song Shanyan signaled the coach to rest, took the pads, and led Aokiji into the Octagon.

A person doing basic training occupies an octagonal cage, and people around him are constantly looking at him. This is not a treatment that ordinary people can get.

"What did he teach you just now?" Song Shanyan asked casually.

Seeing that his expression seemed to be quite gloomy at this time, Aokiji guessed that the matter between him and Aaron had broken down, but he had nothing to do with these two people's affairs, so he just said calmly: "Teach me how to hit the sandbag. 121 or something.”

Song Shanyan nodded silently: "I see that you are quite strong, your arms and legs are quite long, your reaction speed and body instincts are very strong, and you are very suitable for doing more work on the ground. Your height is a bit different, so when you stand and fight Those guys who are taller and longer are a little worse than me. You should know that wingspan is very important in boxing. In addition to basic boxing, the training I give you mostly focuses on ground techniques. What do you think? ?”

"Uh, okay." Aokiji nodded. He actually didn't know much about MMA. He only saw a few games and highlights on TV in his previous life. He just listened to what the professionals said.

Matsuyamayan lifted up the pads, and his two arms covered with tattoos looked even bigger than Aokiji's legs: "Today I will first see how basic your basic movements are, and then I will take you to test your physical fitness. Starting tomorrow, I will plan a recipe for you. You must strictly follow my recipe to eat, otherwise your body's nutrition will not be able to keep up, and practicing too much will be harmful to your body. At the same time, I will be responsible for training you in techniques that focus on standing. , as for other ground techniques, the coach just now teaches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you can learn from him first."

"Okay." Aokiji replied briefly, then Matsuyamayan signaled him to punch at the pads: "Fight as you like, according to your habits."

After Aokiji punched four or five times, Matsuyama Yan signaled him to stop expressionlessly: "Next, whip your legs left and right."

After a few kicks, Song Shanyan sighed with some disappointment: "Your technical moves are limited to a certain appearance, and the specific power movements are basically unfinished. You are very powerful, but you can only hit 80% of your strength. If you want to play well in two months, four hours of technical training every day may not be enough.”

Aokiji looked at his skills, which were only a dozen points away from reaching the second level, and smiled confidently: "I learn things very quickly."

"Then I'll wait and see." Song Shanyan was in a bad mood today, so he had no interest in playing anymore. He put down the pad and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to test your physical fitness."

Obediently followed Songshanyan to a machine that tested strength. Songshanyan signaled Aokiji to punch a few times with all his strength.

The machine looks like a normal sandbag standing on the ground. Although it is not quite the same as the test machine seen in the game arcade, the playing method is probably similar.

Aokiji stretched his muscles and took a breath.

"Tsk!" Not long after the sound of punching through the air with all his strength, a heavy muffled sound rang out from where Aokiji hit.

"One hundred and eighty kilograms."

Songshanyan signaled Aokiji to continue punching with his right fist.

"One hundred and sixty-three kilograms." "One hundred and seventy kilograms." "One hundred and seventy-five kilograms." "One hundred and seventy-two kilograms."

After four punches, Matsuyamayan signaled Aokiji to switch to his left hand.

"One hundred and sixty kilograms on average."

"The leg strength is 370 kilograms for the right leg and 350 kilograms for the left leg."

Song Shanyan took a notebook and recorded these data, and then took Aoki Si to measure other body data. (I dare not just use the 800 kilogram data of Tyson's punch that is circulated on the Internet to calculate the impact power - a fist close to a ton can punch a hole in a person. So I might as well use the data of an ordinary adult. Based on human measurement data.)

"Height 177 cm, wingspan 183 cm, weight 59 kg, fat content 5%"

Songshanyan looked at the numbers on the machine, nodded, and said calmly: "Your strength is much greater than that of untrained peers, but there is still a long way to go to become a professional boxer. Your body is too thin and you need to gain weight." Heavy. Now you can only participate in the lightweight competition. The maximum lightweight requirement for the Supernova competition is 64 kilograms. You must increase your weight to 64 kilograms in these two months to be more competitive. By then, your data should still go up. Your body fat is very low, which is a good thing and a bad thing. It means you have to participate in more anti-strike training to make your muscles stronger."

"Huh!" Songshanyan felt a little pain in his head. There were too many things that the boy in front of him needed to exercise and change. But fortunately, his physical fitness is as good as he thought.

Aokiji didn't expect this thing to be so troublesome, but he was quite confident. His physical fitness is only a little stronger than that of an adult, but it is enough to lock Aaron on the ground. As a semi-professional player, Aaron's strength should be quite high. My skills are improving and my skill level is improving. With such a scientific training method, even without the help of the system, I should be able to improve my physical fitness by one or two points in two months.

From this point of view, the level of participation in the competition should be achieved.

It’s just that I don’t know what Songshan Yanzui’s professional level is.

Aokiji secretly thought for a while. With the system in place, he shouldn't need to rely on eating vegetables all day long to maintain his physical strength. Forget about those horrible nutritious meals. As for gaining weight, Aokiji is not worried about it. Aokiji feels that he has been eating vegetables all day long. During the secondary growth process, the height has reached 177 centimeters in this measurement. Presumably if it can grow another three or four centimeters, it will be fully qualified.

"Okay, take the contract." Song Shanyan handed over a piece of contract. Aoki took a quick look at it and found that there was no difference between what the two of them had communicated, so he put it away.

"Today you practice basic technical movements with Coach Oda first, and I will make a plan tomorrow. You should arrive on time before seven o'clock in the evening." After Matsuyama Iwa finished speaking, he said goodbye to Aokiji: "Then you will do it first Just keep practicing."


Aokiji nodded, went back to find Coach Oda, and started another boring one-two-one boxing training. It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that I dragged my exhausted body back home.

I thought about these data for a long time before making the decision. There should be no omissions. I personally don't believe in those exaggerated data on the Internet. They are only based on the adult strength surveyed by the research organization as a punch of 150KG and double the leg strength. In fact, if you master the correct posture for exerting force, you should be able to increase it a lot, but that's it for now. Anyway, the most important foundation is skills, and fighting only occupies a small part of this book.

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