What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 32 The awkward first meeting with Qiong (recommended votes will add more updates)

What Aokiji never expected was that his first meeting with Qiong Zhenger Bajing would be in such an awkward situation.

Kasugano's house has the same structure as most two-story houses. After opening the door, you will see the entrance hall, and then there are the stairs leading to the second floor.

So when Aokiji opened the door exhaustedly with the snacks he bought for Qiong, Kasugano Qiong, who had just finished taking a bath due to an attack of procrastination, was standing in front of the stairs wrapped in a bath towel, looking at each other with Aokiji. , and froze in place at the same time, as if pressing pause.

Qiong's long silver hair was still covered with dewdrops. At this time, his hands were folded in front of him, and his delicate and cute little face had a somewhat frightened expression.

At this time, her eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and her expression was very panicked. It was obvious that she did not expect such a thing to happen.

"That." Aokiji touched his head in embarrassment. Next, he saw Qiong wrapped in a bath towel, like a deer who had only seen a wild beast, jumping up and down the stairs.


Qiong almost fell down and fell down on the stairs. Fortunately, she used her hands to support her in time, but she didn't even make a sound of pain. She just rolled and crawled in a slightly funny posture and hurriedly disappeared. He walked up the stairs, opened his door with a bang, and closed it with a bang.

Because she was anxious, a corner of her bath towel was caught on the door. Aokiji just imagined it briefly and knew that the towel behind the door must have been torn off.

"Click." The door quietly opened a crack, and the caught bath towel was pulled back by the owner with a swish, and the door clicked shut again.

Aokiji even keenly heard the click of the door being locked.

"I" Aokiji looked confused, what the hell is this! ! !

At this time, Qiong in the room upstairs was even more miserable.

Her face, which was slightly flushed from taking a bath, was already covered with red clouds. She lay down on the bed next to Da Xiong in an extremely confused manner, and covered her whole body with the quilt. Judging from the way the quilt was pushed up from time to time. , she was very uneasy inside.

Almost suffocating himself to the point of being unbearable, Qiong finally poked his head out from under the quilt, his expression was both embarrassed and depressed. He kicked the quilt several times with his little feet, making an irritated whine. : "Ugh!!"

She rarely shouted out, and one can imagine how depressed she felt at this time.

"Idiot!" Qiong patted his face with his cold hands, his slightly immature face full of regret: "Why didn't I change my clothes in the bathroom!"

She only felt angry, irritable, and shy in her heart. Finally, she simply grabbed the big bear dolls she cherished beside the bed and smashed them twice with her white and tender fists, and then she felt that her mood had calmed down a little. Some.

Did he see nothing? When Qiong thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Aoki Si's blank expression when he opened the door.

"Bald man. I hate it!" She looked at the ceiling speechlessly, with mixed feelings in her heart. She even had the worst idea: He must have seen something, otherwise why did he look so dumb?

She gave up the idea herself: It's impossible, I built it tightly.

Damn it! Even so,...

Qiong angrily put on a comfortable dress and pajamas, and rarely opened the window. The cold wind blew on her face, and her face, which was already far above body temperature, cooled down a little.

What should I do next? Qiong held his chin, blowing the wind, and worriedly thinking about how to get along with Aokiji in the future.

But somehow, she suddenly remembered that when Aokiji came back, she saw the scars on his face.

After recalling it carefully, it seemed that there were indeed many injuries on the dull face in my memory. There were not only bruises on the side of the face, but also small wounds on the eyebrows and feet.

"Is he really a bad boy?" Qiong thought of this and couldn't help but shook his head: "If he was a bad boy, how could he take care of me like this?"

"Could it be that you are temporarily paralyzing me with good intentions and thinking about some bad things in your head, waiting for me to relax my vigilance?" Qiong's little face turned pale, and his mind thought of all kinds of messy things he had seen on the Internet. .

She shook her head again, trying to get rid of those messy thoughts, but she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

correct! Didn’t dad say that he and I were studying in the same class? I remember that my cell phone seemed to have the squad leader’s Line number (Neon’s WeChat-like app) stored in it. Thinking of this, Qiong immediately took out his mobile phone, found the person marked as 'Class Leader Teruhashi Xinmei' in his contacts and sent a message.

"Aoki Si, do you know him?" Qiong hesitated for a long time before gritting his teeth and sending out the message.

You have to figure out who Aokiji is.

Qiong thought this as his fingers flicked the screen of his phone uneasily. She was clearly thinking that if Aokiji was a bad boy, it would fit her guess and Aokiji's image, and she would be able to legitimately ask her parents to drive him away in the future, but she was also vaguely thinking about what Teruhashi Sumimi told her. It's all her illusion, Aokiji is a very good person

She now doesn't know if she wants this hateful bald man to live in her home, even though she was clearly opposed to her parents' decision to bring outsiders home privately, and she had a quarrel with Kasugano Masao because of this.

"Ding dong." The phone screen suddenly lit up, but Qiong was startled by the sound. He almost threw the phone out of the window. He hurriedly grabbed the phone tightly, closed the window, and then jumped onto the soft bed.

After sliding his fingers tangledly on the unlock button a few times, Qiong finally made up his mind to open the phone screen, and new information appeared on the chat interface with Teruhashi Shinmei.

Xiaopangzhi sent out another red envelope for recommendation tickets. Thank you very much. There will be three updates tomorrow.

As long as everyone is willing to recommend something, I will certainly not be stingy about updating it. So everyone, hurry up and hand over your tickets! ! ! ! !

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