What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 33 Aokiji is a good man

"Aoki-san is a transfer student who just transferred here not long ago. How did Kasugano-san know him?"

On the other side of the phone, Kotomi Teruhashi squinted her eyes slightly, lying on her pink princess bed with her phone in her hand, feeling a little unhappy. Her pink pajamas are gorgeous and cute, and her long blue hair hangs down lazily. She looks like a beauty sleeping in spring, but her expression is complicated at this time - you know, in order to maintain her skin, she usually You won't stay up looking at your phone after ten o'clock in the evening. Even if there is a message, you will ignore it and reply to it the next morning.

But for some reason, when she saw the words Aokiji, Teruhashi Komimi couldn't help but type a reply.

"My father brought him home." Qiong typed this. He pondered for a long time before typing the sentence completely: "It seems that he is my uncle's child. It seems that my uncle passed away and my mother didn't know about him when he was a child. He couldn't be contacted, so he was brought to my home."

When Teruhashi Shinmei saw this line of text, her heart skipped a beat: Has Aoki-san’s father passed away? Staying at Kasugano Qiong’s house? His mother left him a long time ago and he still can't contact him?

Almost instantly, Teruhashi Sumimi made up tens of thousands of words of a boy's wandering story. Aoki Tsukasa's appearance almost flashed into a slideshow in his head - why would he hide in the house every night and look down at his father's photo? Aokiji who is sobbing, Aokiji who is cold on the outside but extremely weak behind the scenes, Aokiji who is crying secretly when looking at other people's happy families and feeling sorry for himself, these messy Aokiji's appearance is completely inconsistent with his own appearance, just like cell reproduction. It filled Teruhashi Xinmei’s mind.

Is it because of this that he didn't yell at me? Teruhashi Shinmei thought she had found the answer: How can anyone have a family member who has just died and still be in the mood to think about other things? The wound in Aoki Tsukasa's heart must be too big now and he has long lost interest in life.

So pitiful

Teruhashi Komimi tapped the keyboard of her mobile phone with her fingers: "Ah, so that's it. I didn't expect Aoki-san to have such a tragic life experience. Kasugano-san asked him, is there something wrong?"

"." Qiong stared at the chat box in a daze, not thinking of what to ask for a long time. I can't say it directly. I don't think he is a good person. Please verify it for me! Obviously Aokiji didn't do anything to her, and she even vaguely felt that Aokiji was a good person.

Suddenly, Qiong's eyes lit up, and he tapped his fingers quickly: "Because he will live in my house from now on, I am just a little curious about what kind of person he is. I accidentally saw scars on his face just now, and he He said he would go out every night from now on and not come back until ten o'clock. I was curious about what he was doing outside."

"Did Mr. Aoki get injured because he was fighting with someone?" Qiong looked at what he had said, pursed his lips, and looked a little distressed. These words sounded like she was caring about him. Qiong sighed, but couldn't help but stare at the screen.

On the other side of the phone, Shinmei Teruhashi was lost in thought.

What kind of person is Aokiji?

Teruhashi Shinmei thought about this problem seriously for the first time.

Before Qiong asked, the image of Aokiji in her mind was the same as that of most people - a bald gangster (delinquent boy).

But after learning about Aoki Tsukasa's tragic life experience (Aoki Tsukasa himself did not think so), Teruhashi Komimi's thoughts changed.

After putting aside the colored glasses and thinking carefully, Teruhashi Komimi suddenly discovered that Aoki Tsukasa seems to be quite well-behaved.

He was never late for class, and I never saw him sleeping in class. He also went to the Kendo club after class. The only time he got into a fight was when Maeda Tora took the initiative to bully him, and after he cleaned up the group of people without any harm, He was not doing anything, and Tora Maeda took the initiative to treat him as his big brother. He was also very serious when listening to the class. No, most of the time, he listened to the class more seriously than himself. Uh, why did I still pay so much attention to Aoki Tsukasa during the class?

Thinking of this, Teruhashi Komimi was shocked by the conclusion she came to. On the one hand, she was surprised that she paid so much attention to Tsukasa Aoki without knowing it. On the other hand, she was also surprised that, judging from the objective facts, Aoki Tsukasa seems to be a good person. !

Moreover, he can face a perfect girl like himself without making a roaring sound.

Teruhashi Shinmei was typing while thinking about it. When she finished typing and sent the message, she suddenly realized what kind of message she had sent to Qiong.

"Aoki-san is very serious about listening to classes and studying no matter what course he takes. He also joined the Kendo Club. I heard that the selection criteria for the Kendo Club are very strict, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of conduct. He has high standards. There was a fight in school, but it was because someone bullied him, and he defeated all the bullies by himself. Even his opponents were convinced by him, and now they stick to him every day and call him big brother. . And he is very self-disciplined. He never talks to girls and doesn’t talk much to boys. He often reads alone in his seat and occasionally looks at his mobile phone. During physical education class, he often sits in the corner alone. It seems that everyone is because of him. Being fierce looks like it's repelling him."

After the message was typed and sent out, Teruhashi Komimi looked at the words that seemed to have nothing to do with Aoki Tsukasa, and sat up straight on the bed with some surprise.

If she just read this message and contacted Aoki Tsukasa's first impression, Teruhashi Komimi herself would think it was nonsense. But thinking about it carefully, the message I sent to Kasugano Qiong seemed to be correct at all.

Tsukasa Aoki-san is such a person!

Teruhashi Shinmei's brain power began to work subconsciously - in her mind, Aokiji clearly did nothing, and others were invisibly isolated because they were afraid of him (in fact, Aokiji was happy and free). There are also people who say bad things about him behind his back because of his silence (Aokiji said it was because of his damn charm). He is obviously a very serious and hard-working person, both in studies and in sports, but he is misunderstood by people. Ah! Aokiji. So pitiful! ! ! (Obviously Aokiji enjoys the days when no one bothers him)

But what was he doing when he came home so late at night?

The sympathy in Teruhashi Shinmei's heart is overflowing! Moreover, the curiosity about Aokiji in his heart also inflated like a balloon.

Qiong, who was at home, looked at the series of messages sent by Teruhashi Shinmi on her mobile phone, but she only felt her heart softening. She even felt a little bit guilty for her previous bad opinions about Aokiji - it turned out that Aokiji was here. In school, just like him, he didn't have many friends, he was often alone, and there were people who took the initiative to bully him.

But what on earth did he do at night? It looked like he was very tired when he just came back. If he wasn't fighting, what on earth was he doing?

Before Qiong could figure it out, a message suddenly came from his phone.

"As for what Aokiji did at night, let me investigate for you!" Teruhashi Xinmei's message made Qiong purse her lips, huddled up in a ball under the quilt, and carefully typed out the reply: " Thank you very much."

"Qiong, I bought new snacks and drinks, do you want me to bring them to you?" Aokiji's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Qiong hesitated for a long time, then suddenly sat up from the bed and cautiously said: "Okay."

"Well, wait a moment." Outside the door, Aokiji went downstairs to get snacks, his expression still a little awkward. He really wanted to have a good relationship with Qiong, but he was afraid that today's bad thing would make Qiong alienate him even more.

Seeing that Qiong had no intention of alienating him, Aokiji hurriedly went to get snacks for Qiong - he had to quickly change his favorability from disgust to normal!

But at this time, Qiong was completely different from what Aokiji thought. Perhaps it was in Teruhashi Komimi's description that the story about Aokiji being ostracized and bullied because of his fierce appearance resonated with Qiong. Aokiji's feelings in Qiong's heart The favorability level has soared from slight disgust to quite a favorable impression. In addition, the previous care has laid the foundation. Qiong is even thinking about how to take the initiative to make the relationship between himself and Aokiji better.

Qiong picked up the hair tie and tied it into beautiful twin tails in front of the mirror - even she didn't know why she suddenly wanted to tie her hair, she was obviously planning to take a rest.

At this time, Aokiji stood in front of Qiong's door with a plastic bag full of snacks.

"Qiong, I'll put the snacks at the door for you."

Before he finished speaking, Aokiji, who was bending down to put the snacks on the ground, suddenly heard a click in his ears, and the door in front of him was actually opened!

In front of him, a silver-haired girl with twin tails and her head lowered as if out of shyness was standing in front of him with slightly red cheeks, and she cautiously extended her white and tender hands to him.

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