What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 38 Teruhashi Xinmei’s tracking record (Part 2)

After eating, Aokiji put on a loose sportswear and looked at the two girls who were still staring at each other at the dining table. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these two that he didn't know about. secret.

But Aokiji didn't want to ask about what happened between the two little girls. He simply stretched his body and said to them: "I'm going out. Teruhashi-san stays for a while before leaving."

Teruhashi Shinmei immediately stood up and smiled at Aokiji: "Ah, it's getting late, I have to go home. Seeing that Kasugano-san is being taken care of by Aoki-san, I feel like I've been worrying about it for nothing, and you've worked so hard for me. I’m so sorry for cooking.”

Aokiji shook his head: "How could that be? I really hope that Qiong can have a few more friends. It's not too late for me to be happy that you can take the initiative to care about her."

"." Qiong looked at Teruhashi's beautiful appearance and curled her lips secretly. For some reason, she regretted asking Teruhashi Komimi to investigate what Aokiji did at night. If she asked Aokiji about this matter herself, he would probably tell her the truth. Now looking at Teruhashi Shinmi and Aoki Tsukasa communicating without any hindrance, Qiontou felt for the first time that his dull language skills were such a hindrance.

However, every time the words came to my lips, I couldn't say them out. In my heart, I wanted to stay away from Aokiji, but in reality, I didn't dare to approach him actively.

Qiong picked up the chocolate bar with some sadness, and bit off the chocolate bar viciously, regardless of his already rounded belly.

"Qiong, wait until the food in your stomach has digested a little before you eat." Aokiji warned, and glanced at the time. If it was any later, it would delay the time agreed with Matsuyama Iwa, so he said to Teruhashi Shinmei: "Terubashi Qiao-san, it’s okay for you to go home by yourself, I still have some things to do, so I may not have time to take you home.”

Teruhashi Shinmei waved her hands repeatedly: "Aoki-san, just leave first."

Aokiji then went out.

Teruhashi Shinmei looked at the chocolate bar still in her mouth, but did not bite off the chocolate bar that had been eaten into her stomach. She smiled slightly at her and whispered secretly: "Don't worry, I will follow him and follow him where he goes at night." Line will tell you."

Qiong said nothing and nodded.

Teruhashi Shinmei hurriedly put on a mask, sunglasses, and a peaked cap to hide her face. She opened the door and saw Aokiji disappearing around the corner, and followed him at a trot.

Qiong bit off the chocolate bar he was sucking in his mouth in displeasure and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls. He looked at the remaining chocolate bars in the box in his hand. Although he wanted to eat it, he quietly held it back when he thought of Aokiji's words. He was just a little unhappy. He pouted slightly, thinking that Aokiji had touched his head again before, and suddenly two bright red clouds flew up on his face.

Teruhashi Shinmei seems to be very smart, so she probably won’t let the matter be exposed and tell me.

He thought that if Aokiji knew that he was worried that he was a bad person before and asked someone to help him investigate his affairs, he might never be so kind to him again.

Qiong twirled his fingers uneasily.

If he knew, he would never touch his head again, right? You won’t cook for yourself, right?

Qiong pursed his lips, his eyes full of uneasiness, and lowered his head with his long silver hair covering half of his face. Finally, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Teruhashi Summi: "Stop following him."

But Teruhashi Shinmei didn't reply.

This made Qiong even more uneasy. He sat at the dining table and looked at the kitchen where Aokiji had left in a hurry before he could clean it up. He stood up thoughtfully and washed the dishes for the first time in a long time.

But the dishes and chopsticks were washed quickly.

Qiong returned to the dining table uneasily. The computer and the Internet, which were very important to him in the past, seemed to have lost their appeal. He just looked out the window, touching his phone with his fingers, refreshing the chat box with Teruhashi Shinmei, over and over again. Again.

At this time, Teruhashi Shinmei had no idea how anxious Qiong was. She just felt that she was about to vomit. Who knows why Aokiji suddenly started running. Although he was not fast, he ran a long distance. Far away, even if Teruhashi Komimi pays attention to physical exercise on weekdays, the gap between her and Aoki Tsukasa is obvious.

When Aokiji entered a very trendy-looking building called 'Matsuyama Fight Club', Teruhashi Komimi held on to the wall, pulled off her mask, retched several times into the corner, and gasped rapidly. Angry.

"Damn it." Teruhashi Shinmei watched Aokiji enter. She stayed there for five or six minutes before she regained her composure, straightened her appearance, and walked into the door of the fight club.

"Welcome, guest, are you here for fitness or are you here?" The two beautiful reception ladies in front of the door still introduced the project very professionally, but Shinmei Teruhashi just smiled and waved her hand, and asked them politely : "I'm sorry, I just want to ask, do you know what the fierce-looking bald young man who came in before did here?"

The two greeters looked at each other, and one of them said apologetically to Qiao Xinmei: "I'm sorry, we can't disclose our customers' information casually."

Teruhashi Shinmei's thoughts changed, she took off her sunglasses and peaked cap, revealing her big watery blue eyes, her somewhat messy long blue hair hanging down her shoulders, her expression pitiful: "Two sisters, the one who went in before He is my classmate. A few days ago, I saw him coming to class with a face full of injuries. I was very worried about him. I just wanted to know what he was doing here. Can you please tell me? I will never tell anyone. of."

"Oh ho." The two welcoming ladies instinctively exclaimed, looked at each other in panic, and covered their mouths. They were surprised that they could make such a sound out of control, but they couldn't. I couldn't say no.

One of them hesitated for a long time before speaking in a low voice: "Then, don't say we told you."

"Don't worry, sister, I'm just worried about my classmates." Teruhashi Shinmei's eyes were full of sincerity and she said with a sense of responsibility: "As the monitor of the class, I always think that I have the responsibility to care for every classmate in the class. , I really can’t be indifferent to the wounds on his face. It’s just that he has a very strong self-esteem, and he wouldn’t tell me when I asked him, so I came up with this trick to follow him. Sisters, please!”

The two welcoming girls who almost yelled again used their extremely high professionalism to overcome the urge to yell again, and said in a low voice: "I remember that he came to apply for a training partner last time. He has about 100 injuries. It must have been an injury sustained during sparring."

"Sparring partner?" Teruhashi Shinmei tilted her head in confusion.

"A sparring partner is a sparring partner who is responsible for training students in fighting and other sports. Basically, they only take beatings without fighting back. If they are intermediate and advanced sparring partners, they usually practice with professional or semi-professional players, and injuries are inevitable." Ying Ying. As soon as Miss Bin finished speaking, another welcoming girl added: "Generally speaking, people who do this kind of part-time job take one day to rest and one day to recuperate before coming back. This is the third day in a row that he has been here. Yes, maybe I need money very much, after all, this job pays a lot of money."

Teruhashi Shinmei only felt a loud bang in her head, and countless images popped up in her mind like a big explosion.

Aokiji-san was beaten so hard that his face was bruised and swollen.

Aokiji nodded and bowed to get a meager hourly wage from the vicious manager. Facing the vicious middle-aged bald boss who deducted wages, he spoke condescendingly and said good things. Finally, with great difficulty, he put the little hard-earned money in his pocket with tears. look like.

Aokiji took the money he earned from his part-time job to buy snacks for Kasugano-san, but he could only squat in the corner and gnaw bread. Even though a dollar in his pocket was precious, he still treated himself to such a delicious dinner. Aoki Tsukasa's appearance.

Countless miserable images of Aokiji flashed through Teruhashi Shinmei's mind in turn, and she felt like tears were about to fall.

Almost uncontrollably, Teruhashi Komimi had this picture in her mind - after a while she rushed up to find Aokiji, and when he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, she stood in front of him and said to him: "Don't If you are short of money after doing such a thing, I will support you!"

Then, you can see Aokiji kneeling on the ground crying with gratitude. When Aokiji calmed down, he would wave to her forcefully. His face that was beaten into a pig's head was full of perseverance and responsibility, and he would reject her weakly and sensitively. , and at the same time, I felt fuzzy and remorseful for being seen like this!

Maybe Aokiji's self-esteem will collapse because he saw such a scene, and he will never dare to talk to him again.

Aoki Tsukasa's eyes were secretly full of admiration. He clearly liked himself in his heart, but did not dare to show it due to his tragic life experience and such unbearable situation. It almost made Teruhashi's heart melt.

No, I can't stop him, it's his own choice!

If I go up now, Aoki-san’s self-esteem will definitely be greatly hurt!

He must really not want others to see him in such a miserable state!

Teruhashi Komimi, who was finishing another romantic light novel in her mind in an instant, covered her face, holding back her tears, and said firmly to the two reception ladies who looked a little confused: "I can't disturb him, this is It's his own choice! I will support him silently behind his back! Please don't tell him I've been here, I don't want to hurt him like this!"

"Perhaps the best choice is to keep paying attention to him silently from behind and warm his heart in my own way!"

Teruhashi Shinmei turned around and left, her back still trembling faintly, as if she was sobbing secretly.

The two greeting ladies waved goodbye to Teruhashi Sumimi in a daze, feeling as if countless holy lights were rising behind her. She looked like an angel who was going to save the world.

"Welcome. Come back next time." After the two of them said this numbly, they couldn't help but exclaimed "Oh!" as if driven by mysterious power.

Upstairs, Aokiji was seriously practicing mixed martial arts techniques with the help of Matsuyama Iwa and two coaches, when he suddenly sneezed.

Aokiji rubbed his nose a little strangely, but under the guidance of Matsuyama Iwa, he quickly continued to engage in training with enthusiasm.

Ah, after upgrading to LV2 mixed martial arts skills, experience grows so fast!

Feeling happy, thinking that he would get a lot of money after training, Aokiji hit the boxing target a little faster.

Everyone is great. The number of recommendation votes has arrived. It’s the third update today. No more words. Let’s take it! ! ! ! The number of words in this chapter is full of sincerity~~~~~

In the future, we will try to update in the early morning, that is, after twelve o'clock and before six o'clock in the morning, so that everyone can see it in the morning, noon and afternoon. (Must try your best!!!)

Then, I applied for a wave of Sanjiang today, and I guess the hope is slim. After all, we didn’t even achieve QAQ when signing the contract, so we can only shamelessly ask for votes. Only with good data can we hope to get recommendations. After signing the contract, we have to Only with everyone's support can we have the opportunity to get other recommendation opportunities.

Shaanyan continues to ask for your support. As long as everyone likes this book, I will work hard to finish it. It may be difficult, but I believe that with everyone working together, I can do it.

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