What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 39 It doesn’t seem that difficult

Qiong was sitting at the dining table with a message from Summi Teruhashi on her phone. The message about Aokiji was not long, but she had read it over and over again several times.

"Why does Aokiji want to be a sparring partner?"

Qiong was puzzled and thinking about the question, frowning slightly, biting his white jade-like fingers for a long time without coming up with an answer.

Is it lack of money? Maybe it was a shortage, but if you were just short of money to buy things, there was no need to do the part-time job as a sparring partner that Teruhashi Shinmei said was being used as a living target. Although he earns less from other jobs, he is just a high school student, so what does he need so much money for? Is there something you really want? Or are you in a hurry for money?

Qiong didn't think about it. After all, they didn't get along for a long time. In her opinion, although Aoki Si was good to her, it was impossible for him to have such complicated feelings as her own. At most, I just feel sorry for myself.

Qiong thought mockingly to himself, tilted his head, and stared blankly at the half-box of chocolate bars in his hand. Normally, she could finish this box of chocolate bars in ten minutes, but she didn't know why she couldn't bear to finish the portion she had in her hand today.

Is there anything I can do to help him?

As for the situation at home, although Qiong knew something about it, he didn't know what it was. He just knew that he didn't have much money left.

If it was a matter of money, there seemed to be no way to help Aoki Tsukasa.

Qiong pursed his lips, his eyes wandered for a long time, and finally made up his mind: "Let's ask him when he comes back."

As for why she cared so much about Aoki Si, Qiong thought about it for a long time, and she could only figure out that it might be because of Aoki Si's gentle smile and the warm hands that once covered her head.

Although I usually just stay alone, I am already used to the feeling of loneliness and loneliness. But for some reason, when Qiong felt a touch of warmth from Aokiji that he hadn't felt for a long time, he suddenly felt reluctant to let go of that feeling.

It was not that no one wanted to take the initiative to get closer before, but the feeling Qiong felt was completely different.

Aokiji is different from others and special.

Qiong simply thought this way and defined this feeling.

"I'm back." As the door opened, Aoki's tired voice reached his ears. Qiong stood up from the dining table hesitantly. Before he could think of what to do, he saw Aoki with sweat on his face. Si was panting a little while looking at him with somewhat surprised eyes.

"Qiong? Why are you here?" Aokiji felt a little stupid after asking. This is someone's home, and love can be anywhere. It's just that Qiong seems to stay in front of the computer 24 hours a day and rarely leaves the house. He was indeed a little surprised when he saw Qiong when he came home.

Qiong pursed her lips, her long silver hair slightly covering her eyes, hiding her somewhat panicked sight, and asked in a low voice, "Nothing. What did you do at night?"

It was almost the first time that Aokiji heard Qiong say a complete question. He was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a smile: "It's nothing, I went to work part-time."

"Oh" Qiong put his hands behind his back, tangled his fingers in a place where Aokiji couldn't see: "What. Part-time job?"

Seeing her lowering her head but continuing to ask questions, Aokiji felt a little confused, but still simply replied: "Nothing, just boxing in a fight club."

"Well" Qiong didn't know how to express the question he wanted to ask in his heart. He opened and closed his mouth and hesitated for seven or eight seconds. It wasn't until Aokiji took off his shoes, simply wiped his sweat and walked in front of her that he mustered up the courage to ask. : "Are you short of money?"

Aokiji was really stunned this time. Why did Qiong suddenly care about this?

But I am very happy in my heart - after all, this is also a concern for myself. The little girl in front of me seems to be able to communicate better than I thought. It seems that her psychological problem is not serious. Could it be that I worried too much before? Already?

Uncle Kasugano said that it was difficult for her to open her heart to others, but it seemed that was not necessarily the case. Aokiji did not expect that this was actually due to his charm attribute, which was almost twice as high as that of ordinary people. With such a high charm attribute, even if he can't debut as an idol immediately, it won't make girls drool immediately after seeing it, and men will immediately kneel down and become their little brother after seeing it, but it is enough to give him a good favorability bonus when getting along with anyone. Well, at least, it is not difficult to make people feel like a spring breeze and very comfortable when getting along with them.

"No, I just want to make some pocket money. After all, I'm such an adult, so I can't let Uncle and Aunt Kasugano worry about me all the time. Why did you suddenly think of asking this question?" Aokiji didn't worry about anything in his heart. To put it bluntly, he makes money so that he can live independently without letting the Kasugano couple worry about him. On the other hand, he wants to help the Kasugano couple live a better life in return for the kindness of food and clothing. Oh, of course, I also want Qiong to have a better life in the future, at least before the medical skills are perfected, so that there will be no future problems in Qiong's medical insurance.

Telling Qiong about this kind of thing will only make her worry in vain and increase her psychological pressure. Aokiji's mental age is still in his twenties after all, so he still knows how to do things.

"Oh, it's nothing." Qiong tilted his head, and after giving a duplicitous response, he fell silent again.

Seeing Qiong in front of him with his head lowered, but secretly looking at himself from time to time, Aokiji smiled and stretched out his hand, placing it on her little head with soft silver hair: "But I'm very happy that you can care about me. !”

Qiong's body stiffened instinctively, and he secretly looked at Aoki Si. He felt that this guy's smile was really warm and pretty.

"Don't worry about me, as long as you can take care of yourself." Aokiji rubbed her hair, let go of his hand, looked at the chocolate bar in her hand, and warned: "Be sure to brush your teeth after eating. , otherwise the chocolate will damage your teeth at night. I will put water in the bathroom, and you will take a bath later. You are not allowed to stay up late at night. Staying up late is very taxing on the heart, you should know that, right? "

Tch. I'm not a child.

Qiong was a little unhappy with Aokiji's nagging behavior of treating her like a child, but he couldn't bear to say anything more, just hummed softly, turned around and walked back to his bedroom.

Aokiji cleaned the bathroom while humming a song, filled the bathtub with hot water, and smiled with satisfaction on his face - it seems that although there is still a long way to go before curing Qiong's physical problems, he can help It didn't seem that difficult for her to solve her psychological problems.

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