What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 40 Trouble is coming! (Recommended votes will add more updates!)

School the next day.

"Boss" Maeda Tora frowned and walked to Aokiji.

Aoki Tsukasa was staring at the paper the teacher had just handed out in front of him, working hard, and when he saw the serious and worried expression on Maeda Tora's face, he raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong, what happened?"

"Boss, you know Kita Ishihara, right?" Maeda Tora said. Seeing Aokiji nodded, he continued to explain: "He came to school today."

"Oh?" Aokiji then realized that the unlucky guy seemed to have been recovering in the hospital these days.

"I'm not worried that the boss can't beat him, but..." Maeda Tora scratched his head, and it took him a while to organize his words: "I heard that this person is quite small-minded. It doesn't matter if he is the only one. The key is that he still has a The older brother in the third grade is called Ishihara Ryota. Ishihara Ryota is more troublesome. He is a well-known delinquent in our school. He has many people under his command and knows many people outside. Generally speaking, he He may not come to trouble us, but my eldest brother has been so popular recently, and I might be worried about him."

"Too much limelight?" Aokiji chuckled speechlessly: "Except for fighting with you, I haven't done anything."

Maeda Tora laughed awkwardly and explained: "Of course I know that my eldest brother is a low-key person, but others are always talking nonsense outside, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"What did they say?" Aokiji was quite curious about his image in school to be honest.

"Well, they said that when you came to the kendo club, you beat up the second-year Ishihara Kita. The purpose was to compete with the third-year high school Ryota Ishihara for the school boss. Another theory is that you did this to compete with the second-year student. Busujima-senpai, they said you like senpai." Maeda Tora hesitated for a moment, then continued: "There are also rumors that I don't know where they came from, saying that boss, you have a Yakuza background (Yakuza = black) behind you, and your parents are both It’s Yakuza, and he even taught our class’s male Panasonic teacher a lesson several times.”

Damn it! ?

Aokiji looked confused and his eyes widened: "Me? Where the hell did I come from a Yakuza background! And that Kita Ishihara, he was obviously the one who made trouble for me, so why did I take the initiative to beat him up? ?I have never thought about such a troublesome thing as the boss of the school! And Busujima-senpai, I just practice swordsmanship with her. Although I don’t hate Busujima-senpai, I don’t like her, right? And That Panasonic male teacher, I haven’t said a word to him, where can I deal with him?”

"I don't know about that." Maeda Tora also looked embarrassed: "I explained it to them and asked others not to spread it casually, but the result didn't seem to be very good. I heard that Kita Ishihara just arrived at school today. I was called away by Ryota Ishihara. I was afraid that they might come to trouble you after school. If they are anxious, they might not wait until school is over."

Aokiji slapped his forehead speechlessly, lay on the table, and said with great melancholy: "Oh."

How should I fix this? Aokiji frowned. He never expected that someone would come to trouble him again not long after he settled down.

But when the soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the soil will be flooded. There is no way for him to avoid this conflict-unless he takes the initiative to ask Ishihara to give up.

Damn it, even if Aokiji has this idea, the system that has been silent for a long time will probably not agree to it even to death.

[Trigger mission: rise to fame]

[Rise to fame: To be a bad boy, you need fame and deterrence, not obscurity. If you want to be an outstanding bad boy, you must not only be able to fight, but also be famous. Beat the people who come to make trouble until they are convinced, and let your name spread throughout the campus. Mission completion conditions: 1. Beat the opponent until he is convinced. 2. After the incident is completed, it will become famous within the school. Mission reward: Instant prop reward X1, free attribute points X3. There will be random rewards based on task completion. 】

Aokiji sighed and covered his head in distress.

With his foundation in swordsmanship and mixed martial arts, he doesn't dare to fight now. The key is how to win over those people? Do you want to make yourself famous?

It might be possible if one person beat everyone on the opposite side, but he really couldn't beat him! He doesn’t have an experience card so he can play ten more sessions!

Aokiji's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered that he seemed to have a prop that he had never used.

[Roly-poly sticker: At first glance, this is a roly-poly sticker that doesn’t look much different from the little girl’s sticker on her pencil case, but when you put it on your body, you become a roly-poly that cannot be knocked down. Effect: After use, the ability to resist blows is tripled, and it is impossible to be knocked to the ground. The damage suffered during the period will be healed within 12 hours after the end of use. Please note: if people are killed, they will die. Do you understand this truth? Duration: three minutes. 】

Under the system prompt, Aokiji saw the props he had not used yet, and secretly had some thoughts in his mind: It seemed that it was not impossible to complete.

"Where is Aokiji?" Suddenly, a somewhat arrogant shout came from the back door of the class.

Aokiji looked back and saw that it was Kita Ishihara who still had gauze on his head.

At this time, he pushed aside Aoki Si's classmate who was shivering by the door with one hand, and strode towards Aoki Si with an arrogant attitude. The people around him were too angry to speak, and looked at Kita Ishihara with fearful eyes. No one dared to speak louder, including the students from other classes who were outside the corridor to watch the excitement, and they all remained quiet and cautious. Looking at all this. The originally noisy after class time was actually as orderly as class time.

Maeda Tora's expression changed drastically, he stood up and was about to speak for Aokiji, but Aokiji held him down first, looked at Kita Ishihara with a calm expression, and said, "Why is Ishihara-senpai here looking for me? "

When Keita Ishihara saw Aoki Tsukasa, the anger flashed in his eyes. He walked into the class with a sneer, stared at Aoki Tsukasa, and said one sentence at a time: "Last time, I lost to you, and I was very dissatisfied."

"Sword competition with me again!" Kita Ishihara said this unexpectedly.

If I can get 2,000 votes tomorrow, I will continue to add more updates!

Yeah, two thousand recommendation votes is a milestone! Aren’t you all excited? Spoiler: If I don’t update it, it seems that you will be stuck by me. Well, I have already written it, I didn’t mean it, that’s it. See you tomorrow! ( # ^.^ # )!

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