What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 41 Actually panicked

Unexpectedly, Kita Ishihara did not directly say that the boy came with me to the rooftop. Instead, he looked at Aokiji coldly and said in a tone of suppressed anger: "I was careless last time. This time, I want to compete with a serious swordsman."

"Oh" Aokiji touched his head. His family knew about him, and he was very close to breaking through the fourth level of kendo. This all relied on Busujima Saeko's generous teachings, but it was also because he had fought Busujima Saeko a lot. Then I realized that I was really lucky to win last time. I heard that Kita Ishihara was the second strongest in the kendo club behind Busujima Saeko, so Aokiji really didn't have much confidence that he could win.

"But why should I fight you?" Aokiji shrugged, pretending to be confused: "I have only learned kendo for a few days, why does Ishihara-senpai always want to compete with me?"

Ishihara Kita frowned, staring at Aokiji with cold eyes, and said in a bad tone: "You know, today my brother said that he wanted to talk to you directly, but I refused. Because I think that kendo matters should be dealt with by kendo It's the best thing to come and solve it. If we have another fight with my brother, I will tell him that he won't be entangled with a first-year person. But if you refuse... Huh!"

"You should be aware of the rumors in school these days. I don't value much, but I can't lose face. Either you compete with me and it will only end if you fall to the ground and can't get up." Kendo competition." Kita Ishihara looked at Aokiji fiercely: "Or I will use other methods to get my face back."

Hey, this guy is quite responsible!

Aokiji felt that the fierce guy in front of him seemed to be a bit more manly than he thought. He did not directly ask his brother to deal with him, but instead tried to get up wherever he fell - of course it was not because he felt that Aokiji's swordsmanship was not strong enough. , but it’s still much better than what Aokiji thought of the chicken intestines.


If you lose the kendo match, the quest to gain fame will definitely be affected.

And if you win with props, it is inevitable that this person will get angry and ask someone to beat him. Without props, it will be difficult for a good man to defeat four people. In the current situation, the most you can do is one versus two or three. More than a dozen people had to be beaten badly. It is estimated that Maeda Tora is the only one around who can help, but the two of them are definitely not enough.

So the best choice is to anger him, ask him to call everyone, and then make the matter bigger. One person can beat them all with the help of props in front of him. A group of them can't beat him, and they still can't be convinced. ? And since I am just over a dozen people, I am already respectable enough, and my reputation will naturally come with it.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of the profession of delinquent, Aokiji really doesn't like fighting. But Aokiji wants to maximize the reward for completing the mission. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could directly draw some props to Qiong and cure the disease? ?

As a result, Aokiji smiled calmly, but suddenly looked at Kita Ishihara with a cold face, and said word by word: "Don't deal with those things that are there. Call your brother and come to me to play with me head-on." . As long as I have time, I don’t mind exercising with you. Also, remember, next time you come to another class, you have to knock on the door first and get permission before coming in."

Walking up to Kita Ishihara, he raised his head slightly. Although he was a little shorter than him, Aokiji was full of momentum. His eyes, which were usually a little listless, were as sharp as an eagle that had seen its target. He looked at Kita Ishihara and said, "If you want to cause trouble, don't make so many excuses. I don't like fighting or causing trouble, but if you want to cause trouble for me, just come."

"This time, don't let your guard down." Aokiji said with a mocking look on his face, "I'm very poor. Please buy insurance this time for medical expenses."

Ishihara Kita was so angry that he almost instinctively reached out and pushed the bald man in front of him, giving him a black nose and a swollen face.

But the next moment, he stopped his hand. Aokiji's cold gaze made him feel like he was standing naked on the ice and snow, and the cold air caused goosebumps to appear on his skin instantly.

This guy is so fierce!

Kita Ishihara stood there, looking at Aokiji, and was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Kotomi Teruhashi, who had just received the news, was running towards the class in a hurry. She had just gone to the teacher's office to sort out some documents, but someone told her that senior Kita Ishihara seemed to be looking for trouble for Aoki Tsukasa, so she While she was shocked, she was only filled with worry.

Almost putting the document into the hands of the confused teacher, Teruhashi Komimi lost her composure in a rare move.

She hurriedly pushed through the crowd and ran to the door of her class. The onlookers made way for her, and she saw what was happening - Aoki Si put his hands in his pockets and stared at someone who looked taller than herself. The young Kita Ishihara has cold eyes, a tall and straight figure, and a rainbow of momentum. It seems that Aokiji has overwhelmed Kita Ishihara.

Aoki Tsukasa's usually fierce-looking face now looked like those gangsters he had seen in movies, as if the hand in his trouser pocket was about to pull out a gun at any time.

But Kotomi Teruhashi felt that while Aoki Tsukasa was a bit scary, he also had a very shocking and domineering aura that made his whole body look taller and taller. He was really cool and cool! Even the gangsters in the movie who are followed by countless gangsters are not as courageous as him! Even compared to that, Teruhashi Shinmei thought about the so-called generals and emperors in ancient novels and biographies, and they were just such terrifying auras.

Oh. Oh ho?

Teruhashi Komimi covered her mouth and suppressed the exclamation she almost made.

How could it be possible? I actually... Teruhashi Sumimi completely forgot that she originally wanted to stop this fight. Standing in the crowd, looking at Aokiji's cold and extraordinary face, she was completely frozen in place.

Aokiji raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer. He had no idea that his charm attributes were once again in full effect. He just finished the line he wanted to say in his heart: "If you think about it, come to me again. Now, please don't disturb my study." "

Ishihara Kita felt ashamed because of his sudden cowardice. He immediately snorted coldly and pretended to be vicious and said loudly: "Okay, since you like to seek death, don't blame me for bullying Xiao Aokiji. I am a bit I admire you."

After saying that, he snorted angrily, turned around and left.

It’s not that I’m afraid of this kid, it’s just that he has a pretty strong kid (Tora Maeda) next to him, and it would definitely be more embarrassing to have a conflict with him now. I just strategically retreated and waited for someone to give him a good beating, and all the dignity came back. If I had a conflict with him now, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for me if I hadn't fought before? From this point of view, it is only right to leave with your own grace first! Yes, that’s it!

Consoling himself, Ishihara Kita walked out of the class with a dark face.

Seeing him turn around and leave, Aokiji calmly sat back in his seat, picked up a pen, and looked at the paper in front of him as if he was solving the problem seriously, but his heart was very uneasy: Damn it, I thought he was going to do it just now Let's do it, dear, is pretending to be so exciting? It's really hard to fight! !

Maeda Tora looked at Aokiji and stared at him with the eyes of a pilgrim. There was an uproar in his heart: The boss is indeed the boss. His momentum just now was too strong! It's amazing how calm you can be when facing such an opponent!

He is indeed the man I am willing to follow! !

Maeda Tora looked excited, and Teruhashi Koimi, who was standing at the door, also had a flushed face: So. So handsome. Aoki-kun.

The classmates who were watching and the stranger students ABCD who were watching the fun in the corridor: This bald guy is so awesome! Not even the second-year seniors are afraid of him, no, rather, even the second-year seniors are a little afraid of him! Is this guy really just an ordinary high school student?

Aokiji stared at the paper in front of him, looking at the test questions with an expressionless face, and the hand holding the pen shook imperceptibly.

My name is Aokiji, and I was actually panicking just now.

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