What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 42 The calm before the rainstorm

Although Kita and Ishihara boasted a lot, making the people around him stunned, and the atmosphere of the people around them became as dignified as that of a battle general, but Aokiji was very calm. He should go to class, and he should go to class. There is nothing nervous about reading a book.

Anyway, the matter has been resolved, so Aokiji no longer worries about anything. Once he makes a decision, he doesn't think twice about it. Besides, I have died once. Once I am mentally prepared for a fight, I feel full of energy, and even a little excited with Aokiji - the last time I used the experience card to fight, it felt like I was acting in a movie and finished it in a daze. Strictly speaking, this is the first time Aokiji has had a serious confrontation with someone. Thinking about it carefully, it seems quite exciting.

It was impossible to panic. Anyway, the roly-poly sticker was still lying in the props library. As long as he was not killed within the duration, all injuries could be healed in twelve hours.

Even if a group of high school students get into a fight with a baseball bat, no one will be killed.

However, Maeda Tora was extremely nervous.

Aokiji had been watching him sitting on the chair all morning, shaking his legs wildly, his face flushed, as if his blood might rush to his head at any time.

"Jingle bell." The bell rang for the lunch break. Aokiji patted the shoulder of Maeda Tora, who was imagining something and was extremely excited, and said in a lazy tone: "Hey, don't be too excited. If they come to me, , just let them come to me. I will solve this matter by myself."

After hearing this, Maeda Tiger stood up suddenly with a very excited expression: "Boss, you don't have to worry about me. Although there is still a big gap between you and me, for ordinary people, one punch is enough for me. I will never embarrass you.”

Maeda Tora is very confident about Aoki Tsukasa. On the one hand, it is because of Aoki Tsukasa's image in his eyes, and on the other hand, it is because he was beaten by Aoki Tsukasa once.

It was because of being beaten once that Tora Maeda realized how big the gap between people could be. He still remembers how miserable he looked like a kindergarten kid being beaten by an adult in front of Aoki Tsukasa.

"I know, you can fight quite well." Aokiji patted his shoulder, and suddenly realized that the height gap between himself and the guy in front of him was not that big. He gestured and found that he seemed to be almost 1.8 meters tall. He was happy After that, he still advised: "But those people are enough for me. If there are still people who come to cause trouble in the future and I feel that I can't deal with it, I will definitely need you to help me. This time, just leave it to me alone." Okay, don’t rob it from me either.”

As he spoke, Aokiji's confident look infected Maeda Tora, making his eyes look more respectful, but he still said firmly: "Then I will go with you. If big brother can handle it, I will definitely not get involved. If they feel guilty, I will not let them go even if I risk my life."

"Okay." Aokiji smiled and looked at Teruhashi Koimi, who was not far behind Maeda Tora and was getting closer to him. His face changed slightly, and he turned his head and said, "Oh, lunch break. I also made an appointment with Busujima-senpai for sword practice, so I won’t talk about it anymore, bye.”

Before Maeda Tora and Teruhashi Kotomi could react, Aokiji slipped away from them and left the class. Teruhashi Kotomi couldn't even call out Aokiji's name, she just saw him. Aokiji's back disappeared around the corner.

"Eh? Shinmei-chan, why are you here?" Maeda Tora realized that Teruhashi Shinmei was standing behind him.

The corner of Teruhashi Shinmei's mouth twitched imperceptibly, and she showed a sunny smile: "Ah, I'm worried about whether Aoki-san will be in any trouble, and I want to treat him to a lunch and ask him what he plans to do. "

"You also know about this." Maeda Tiger scratched his head and chuckled: "You don't have to worry about Brother Aoki, he will definitely get rid of all those people."

"Well, do you know where Aoki-san went?" Teruhashi Komimi pursed her lips. Of course she also thinks Aoki is very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, there should be a limit. In her opinion, the first and third years of high school are completely different. There are two levels. Many of those high school seniors are no different from adults.

Maeda Tora looked at Teruhashi Sumimi's worried look and felt secretly disappointed. But then I thought again, after all, men like Brother Aoki are like beetles in the fields and fireflies in the night, so sharp, handsome, and powerful.

"The boss said he went to practice swordsmanship with Busujima-senpai." He told the whereabouts of Aokiji with a sad and heartbroken expression, and Maeda Tora felt very complicated in his heart.

When Teruhashi Komimi took one look at Maeda Tora's expression, she knew something was wrong in her heart. She knew that she seemed to be showing too much concern, and an alarm bell rang in her heart. She suddenly fell into a battle between heaven and man: As a naturally super beautiful girl, If you have a boyfriend, your charm will definitely be greatly reduced. What should you do?

No, why do I think of my boyfriend? Teruhashi Shinmei's face turned red, and her eyes were a little flustered: Could it be that I really like this bald man?

how could be? My future boyfriend not only needs to be as good-looking as the prince in the anime, but he also needs to have a loving father in his family. His father's love is like a mountain, there are mines in the mountains, and there are diamonds in the mines. He must also have a gentle and elegant personality, have a superhuman demeanor, be attentive and loving to himself, not only must be able to drive a Ferrari with one hand, but also be good at cooking, music and dancing. Only such a man can be worthy of himself!

Definitely, it's just concern. That's right, only a man like a prince is the other half of a perfect woman like himself!

Aokiji, Aokiji must be just too pitiful and he can't bear it! Yes, a perfect beautiful girl must have a kind heart. I am just enriching my inner self!

Teruhashi Shinmei tried her best to convince herself. When she came back to her senses, she saw Maeda Tora in front of her looking at her blankly. At this moment, she realized that her cheeks were hot. She must have been flushed without even thinking about it. The Maeda tiger in front of him was hiccupping and kept making strange noises.

"Don't worry, Oho, I won't follow suit, Oho, I'll just tell you." Tora Maeda covered his heart, his eyes almost turned pink, and his words couldn't be completed because of the continuous hiccup-like Ohho sound.

Teruhashi Shinmei hurriedly said seriously: "Tora Maeda-san, don't get me wrong, I just care about my classmates normally."

"Oh ho." Maeda Tora nodded numbly as if he was hypnotized: "Oh ho, I understand."

Feeling that something would happen to Maeda Tora if he stayed here any longer, Teruhashi Kotomi smiled slightly and said, "Then I'm going to have lunch. Maeda Tora must also have a good lunch."

"Oh ho." Maeda Tora nodded mechanically in a dull manner. It wasn't until Kotomi Teruhashi walked for a long time that he shivered in the classroom as if waking up from a dream, woke up, and rubbed his eyes in confusion.

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