What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 43 Complex emotions (end of additional update)

"Bujima-senpai, why do you seem a little absent-minded today?" Aokiji panted, putting down the wooden sword in his hand and taking off his mask.

Busujima Saeko also took off her mask, and her beautiful and delicate face looked even more charming under her slightly sweaty purple hair. She pursed her lips and frowned: "I heard that Ishihara went to see you this morning. ?”

"Ah, yes." Aoki Si sat cross-legged opposite her, smiling slightly when she looked at her worriedly: "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Busujima Saeko was silent for a while. Danfeng, who used to be very energetic in the past, had a vague apology in his eyes: "In the final analysis, this matter has something to do with me. Originally, I planned to talk to Ishihara Kita directly, but On second thought, I still have to listen to what you want to do first. Although personally, I would rather avoid this turmoil. But no matter what, I will respect your decision."

Aokiji wiped the sweat from his face nonchalantly, twisted his neck, and said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, you can't avoid this kind of thing once but you can't avoid it a second time. Sometimes if you take a step back, it will actually encourage The aura of some people. I have already thought about how to deal with it, senior sister, don’t think too much. Since there is trouble, it is better to solve it once and for all, so as not to cause more trouble in the future. "

If you ask for help or something like that, those bad boys will inevitably lose unwillingly. It would be bad if you come to the door again with some illusions such as bad luck or poor condition.

Busujima Saeko looked at Aokiji's expression with sharp eyes for a few seconds. Seeing that he was not strong and tough, but really confident, his eyes softened and said, "Okay, let's just do this. It’s up to you to decide what to do.”

As if she felt that what she said seemed a bit too lenient, Busujima Saeko added another sentence: "Aoki-kun is a man I recognize, and I will give absolute trust to men I recognize. This matter Since Aoki-kun is sure of the matter, I won’t say more. I also believe that Aoki-kun has his own way to solve this matter."

Maintaining a man's dignity is a woman's reserve.

A good woman will respect a man's consciousness.

Busujima Saeko looked at Aokiji's still smiling face, feeling a little hopeful in her heart.

Let me see how Mr. Aoki will solve this matter.

Aokiji didn't know what Busujima Saeko was thinking, but he felt that Busujima Saeko in front of him really knew the general situation and knew how to measure. His words and words did not sound like a little girl in high school, and there was no emphasis on him in his words. The slightest cover-up made him feel a little embarrassed on the one hand, but also felt quite accomplished on the other hand--after all, Aokiji is also a man. Being recognized and respected by a beautiful girl will inevitably feel this way. .

"Haha, then I will definitely not let down Busujima-senpai's trust." When Aokiji said this, he suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "I just don't know if Ishihara Kita will come again after this incident. It’s the kendo club.”

"Although he has practiced swordsmanship for a long time and has a solid foundation, he is arrogant, arrogant and narrow-minded. In my opinion, such a person's swordsmanship is only third-rate at its limit." Busujima Saeko said seriously. : "Kendo is not only a physical and technical competition. The higher the level, the higher the requirements for one's own talent and mentality. His talent is mediocre, and he is unlikely to achieve much even if he studies hard, not to mention his mental skills when practicing swordsmanship. No, I already feel that my swordsmanship skills are good, and I never want to work hard."

"If he gives up the way of the sword after this incident, it will only prove that his ability is no more than this." Busujima Saeko judged Ishihara Kitarai. Although his words were objective, there was still some contempt.

Seeing the heroic and extraordinary appearance of Busujima Saeko in front of him, Aokiji suddenly felt as if his heart was beating a few times faster. He suppressed the unfamiliar feeling in his heart and suddenly said seriously: "Then what? What kind of person am I in Busujima-senpai’s eyes?”

Busujima Saeko was stunned for a moment, looking into Aokiji's eyes. There was only softness between his sharp-edged brows just now. He chuckled twice, tapped his knees a few times with his fingers inconspicuously, and pursed his lips. After thinking for a while, I finally came up with a plausible answer.

"Aoki-kun. In my eyes, you are a very mysterious man." Saeko Busujima smiled slightly, a complex emotion flashed through his narrow Danfeng eyes, but he did not explain much.

Although he is not very old, he feels very mature. He may seem difficult to get along with, but he is surprisingly gentle. It's just that I always feel that there are some unknown facts hidden under that face that always smiles at acquaintances.

Aoki-kun is a man who likes to hide his true self - he is really a curious man. Busujima Saeko can always see a few traces of herself in Aokiji, which is why she is unwilling to do more analysis. Because no matter what, it always feels like he is analyzing himself, and for Busujima Saeko, the so-called real self makes Busujima Saeko very disgusted.

The look of disappointment in her eyes flashed away, and everything seemed to be normal.

Aokiji blinked, his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't ask any more questions. He just laughed and said, "There's nothing mysterious about me. It seems Busujima-senpai is too embarrassed to tell me all my shortcomings in person."

Busujima Saeko and Aokiji chuckled a few times together, but they both made a tacit agreement not to talk about this matter again, and soon fell into silence. The two rested for a while, and Aokiji stood up and said with a smile: "One more round?"

"Okay." Busushima Saeko put on a mask to cover her face. The expression under the mask was complicated.


Author: Recently, a lot of people seem to be saying in the book review section that the plot is a bit watery, the progress is a bit slow, etc.

I thought about it, and I don’t comment on those who say I am watery. I think the boundary of water is very blurry and not easy to determine, but the plot may not advance that fast. Mainly in the process of shaping the characters, I mostly use dialogue and psychological description to shape the characters and advance the plot. Judging from the plot line, the progress is indeed not fast enough, but I think this book itself is a daily book. Books, how to enrich the daily life of the protagonist and make every day more interesting is what I should do. But no matter what, from my point of view, it is indeed delayed on the specific plot line. I will try to correct it and correct it. Advance the story with richer plots as soon as possible.

If you have any uncomfortable reading, you are very welcome to leave a comment in the comment area of ​​the book in Qidian (try not to post about this chapter, I can only see it with my mobile phone, and I can see it with my mobile phone but cannot reply). Of course, please Please be merciful and don't say anything too hurtful. I may not reply to every comment, but I can guarantee that I have read them all and not a single one has been missed.

As a new author, at least in my mind, I still have a lot to improve on in terms of writing experience and storytelling. I only hope that readers can give me more support, view this book with more tolerance, and give me room for improvement. I would be very grateful. I will repay everyone's support with better articles and better stories. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations and become a favorite author.

Thank you again for your love for this book. Welcome to join the Q group for discussions and reminders (although QAQ is already very good at urging me). The number is in the previous notification.

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