What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 44 Maeda Tiger was beaten

The lunch break passed quickly. After finishing sparring with Busujima Saeko, Aokiji returned to the classroom. It wasn't until the teachers came to start class that he realized that there was one person missing in the class.

Maeda Tora's seat was empty.

Aokiji frowned slightly. Maeda Tora had never been late since he called him big brother. It was a bit strange that no one was there suddenly.

Then I thought about it, maybe he had to go to the toilet or some other reason. I would just ask him when he came back. Without thinking too much, he picked up the book and listened to the teacher's lecture.

But until school ended in the afternoon, Maeda Tora was nowhere to be seen, which made Aokiji a little strange - especially since he had sent Maeda Tora a text message a long time ago, but he didn't reply. I asked Teruhashi Shinmei, but she also said she didn’t know.

What happened?

Aokiji had a vague premonition, so he picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the class quickly, only to find a young man with mohawk hair standing in front of him. He said to him in a panic: "Boss Aoki, Tiger Something happened to me!"

Brother Tiger? Maeda Tiger! ?

Aokiji's expression changed: "What's going on?"

"I just learned that Brother Ishihara beat Brother Tiger during lunch break, and now Brother Tiger has been admitted to the hospital!" The words of the boy with a mohawk shocked Aokiji, anger flashed across his face, and his tone was a bit cold. : "How is he now?"

"I heard that he was unconscious when he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He seems to be still in the hospital now. I don't know the specific situation!" The boy with a mohawk looked nervous and uneasy: "Boss Aoki, if it doesn't work, You should just run home now, their purpose should be to find you."

Aokiji took a deep breath, his face returned to calm, and he said calmly: "Okay, what's your name?"

"My name is Matsusaka Daitake, and I used to hang out with Brother Tiger." Matsusaka Daitake looked behind him anxiously, with a somewhat fearful expression: "Let's go quickly. There are number 20 people on the Ishihara brothers' side, and it seems there are quite a few." Many senior students who are unhappy with you will also be added. No matter how good you are, you can't fight so many. Let's go first. We will consider this matter in the long run. When Brother Tiger comes back, we will look for our former brothers. , at least the numerical disadvantage is not that big.”

Seeing that Matsusaka Daitake didn't look fake, knowing that this person was probably trustworthy, Aoki took out his mobile phone: "First ask which hospital Maeda Tora is in, and then go and see him first. Your mobile phone number is How many?"

"My mobile phone number is..." Matsuzaka Daitake saw that Aokiji didn't want to leave, so he had no choice but to tell his mobile phone number, with an extremely anxious expression.

"I called you. You go and see Maeda Tora and send me a text message about his situation."

Aokiji's expression was a little cold: "I will handle this matter myself. You should be careful."

"Hey, isn't this Aokiji?" An extremely arrogant and provocative voice came from the other side of the corridor.

Aokiji saw Kita Ishihara with a ferocious smile on his face, followed by a man who looked somewhat similar to him and had a slicked back hair, walking towards him, followed by a crowd of people behind him. Aokiji patted Matsusaka Daitake on the shoulder and told him to leave quickly, and he walked towards Kita Ishihara without fear.

The corridor was not spacious to begin with, and Kita Ishihara and his group walked over arrogantly, completely blocking one side of the corridor. It looked like there were dozens of people, and it was impossible to count how many people there were.

Those ordinary students who hadn't had time after school hid in the class, looking at everything carefully from the cracks in the door and the windows, no one dared to say anything.

Aokiji walked up to Kita Ishihara without any fear, and the young man with the big back in front of Kita Ishihara looked at Aokiji with an indifferent expression, and said in a calm tone: "Are you Aokiji?"

"Did you beat Maeda Tora?" Aokiji frowned slightly in anger, pursed his lips tightly, and turned the corners of his mouth downwards. His ferocious aura was in no way lacking in the overwhelming number of people across from him.

The young man with the big back tilted his head and raised the corners of his mouth mockingly: "Ah, you are talking about that stupid big guy with a bald head."

"I didn't hit him." The young man with a big back stretched out a hand and pointed at Ishihara Ryota: "My brother seemed to play with him, but unfortunately, that guy was not very resistant to beatings. He just slapped him with a bamboo knife. Just passed out."

Aokiji was getting more and more angry in his heart, but he became calmer and calmer on the outside. Even his frowning brows relaxed a little, and said, "In other words, a group of you went to beat Maeda Tora, and you also used a bamboo sword?"

"Hey! You bald man, stop pretending like this!" A young man with an airplane head behind the big back suddenly yelled. He was Yasuda who used to hang out with Maeda Tora.

Kita Ishihara stared at Aoki Tsukasa expressionlessly, as if looking at a dead person: "You have found a good brother. Originally, I just wanted to ask him where you are, but he turned out to be quite loyal."

"It's just that you don't have to wink at all." Ishihara Kita sneered twice: "Since he said that if he wants to find you, he has to go through his level first, then I will satisfy him."

"." Aokiji didn't speak, just stared at Ishihara Kita. Ishihara Kita felt as if there was a poisonous snake crawling on his body, his pupils subconsciously expanded and contracted, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

But this aroused his anger even more: "Bald man, do you want to be beaten here, or do you want to change places?"

Aokiji took a deep breath and resisted the urge to beat them up here. His tone was full of murderous intent: "Where did you beat Maeda Tiger?"

The young man with the big back sneered and looked at Aokiji: "Interesting."

Two bad boys came out from behind them and wanted to grab Aokiji and leave. However, Aokiji just stared at them coldly and scared them to stay where they were. Then, Aokiji walked towards Ishihara Kita without saying a word. She stared at him rudely, almost face to face with the young man with a big back. He was so angry that he calmly said: "You guys lead the way."

The young man with the big back licked his lips, stared at Aoki Si with a cruel smile of unknown meaning, turned around and pushed aside the bad boy blocking the way behind him, and took the lead to lead the way for Aoki Si.

Kita Ishihara made a gesture of slitting Aoki Tsuka's throat, smiled disdainfully, and followed the young man away first, while the remaining delinquent boys vaguely surrounded Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji's face remained normal as he followed the two of them, putting his hands in his pockets. A very cute red roly-poly sticker suddenly appeared in his hand hidden in his trouser pocket. He glanced around indifferently and looked around as if he had run away alive. The delinquent boy's mouth curved into a cold arc.

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