What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 45 Go to hell! Aokiji!

Behind the school gymnasium, because the gymnasium itself is remote, and there is only a small open space and walls behind the gymnasium, it has become one of the most remote places in the entire school.

In the past, only bad boys would come here to smoke after school. Of course, occasionally there would be fights here after school.

It was the first time for Aokiji to come back, but he always felt that he would become familiar with this place soon.

A group of people surrounded Aokiji in the center, leaving almost no gaps. When Aokiji in the center looked out, he could only see densely packed heads, as if there were figures everywhere, and the twenty or so people were just one in number. It seems like a small number, but in reality, it is completely different.

At least in Aokiji's visual sense, even if you tell him that there are a hundred people surrounding him, he won't find it strange.

The man with the slicked back lighted a cigarette and blew the smoke into Aokiji's face unceremoniously, with a sneer on his lips: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Brother Ryo, why are you talking nonsense to this kid?" Yasuda, the pilot, had an expression full of hatred, and he wished he could beat up Aokiji in front of him right now.

Ryota Ishihara, the man with the big back, gave Yasuda a cold look: "You seem to hate him, don't you?"

Cold sweat fell slightly on Yasuda's forehead, but he said with a smile: "He still pretends to be so in front of my elder brother. I just can't stand it."

"Ha" Ishihara Ryota sneered, and suddenly slapped Yasuda hard on the face, and the head of Yasuda's plane was scattered a lot: "You think I don't know what you think? You've been talking to me every day lately. You think I don’t know that you just want me to take care of this bald guy who keeps talking about you?"

"This bald man, I will make him die miserably today. But from now on, don't play tricks around me, got it?" Ryota Ishihara pinched the right hand that had been slapped, with a ferocious expression.

Yasuda lowered his head and covered his face, saying nothing.

Aokiji slowly took off his school uniform jacket, looked around, and saw that there seemed to be no place to put it. He sighed, rolled up his cuffs, and put the red roly-poly sticker in his trouser pocket on his forearm.

"Hahahaha." A bad boy saw the sticker and laughed out loud: "Hey, did you see it? This guy even put a sticker on himself. Has he graduated from elementary school?"

Aokiji slowly adjusted his cuffs, folded his school uniform jacket by the wall, and put it down. He turned his head, his expression fluctuated slightly due to excitement, and raised one corner of his mouth: "I only have three minutes, so I won't be with you anymore." .”

"Huh?" Before a delinquent boy could finish his words, Aokiji suddenly got up and kicked him in the chest, almost sending him flying out. Even so, his staggering body almost fell to the ground along with three or four delinquents.

"Beat him to death!" Yasuda shouted angrily and threw himself forward.

Ishihara Ryota calmly held a cigarette in his mouth and stood there without any intention of taking action.

"Brother, I'll go up and beat him first!" Ishihara was so excited that he rushed into the crowd surrounding Aokiji.

Thirty seconds, just beat him for thirty seconds, he probably won't die. Ishihara Ryota exhaled a puff of smoke. The dense crowd of bad boys in front of him completely obscured Aokiji's appearance, but he knew that Aokiji must be miserable now.

If you can fight again, if you open up your stance and fight while retreating, you might still have a chance. But when surrounded by so many people, he would lose his balance in a few casual movements. After lying down, he would only be beaten.

This is Ryota Ishihara’s experience gained from many years of fighting.

However, gradually, Ishihara Ryota felt something was wrong.

At this time, Aokiji felt that his face was full of fists and kicks, and the figure was shaking. He could hardly tell who he was hitting and who was hitting him.

The pain radiating from everywhere on his body was not particularly strong, but it was enough to make Aokiji even more angry.

A punch and a kick, Aokiji's blow was not fast, but very hard.

No matter who was punching or kicking him in front of him, Aokiji would just stare at the beating in front of him. He wouldn't change his target until the guy in front of him was knocked to the ground by him.

And the delinquent boys surrounding Aoki Si felt even more and more strange - no matter how they beat Aoki Si, Aoki Si seemed to have roots under his feet, and sometimes his body would fall down due to a heavy punch or heavy kick. , but the next moment, it would be like there was a rope pulling him, and he would stand up straight again like a human-shaped tumbler in a way that defies physical properties!

And this roly-poly is not the kind who just takes a beating, he is constantly fighting back, and the beating hurts!

Just look at the eyes of those bad boys gradually showing fear.

No matter who he is, don’t be afraid! The bald man in front of him had been beaten with blood all over his head, but he would not fall to the ground, and whether it was with fists or feet, as long as someone was hit by this bald man, it would be as miserable as being hit by a hammer.

Who wants to get beat up?

No one wants it!

Therefore, the encirclement gradually became looser.

Those bad boys didn't even dare to appear in front of Aoki Si. Even if they punched and kicked Aoki Si, they tried their best to get to his side and attack him from behind.

But is it useful?

Aokiji received a heavy kick on the head, and his vision was completely black. However, he smiled ferociously and ignored it. With one hand, he grabbed an unknown person's foot that was in front of him before he could move away, and moved towards him. Pulling forward, he slammed his right hand forward, and no matter where it hit his face, he let go - he knew that the guy who had been punched was already lying on the ground.

Does it hurt? Aokiji didn't feel any pain at this time.

Under the crazy burst of adrenaline, he could hardly feel any pain. Although his head was a little confused because he had withstood too many attacks, he still punched and kicked tirelessly, like shooting at a target in a boxing gym, knocking down the vague enemies in his field of vision one after another.

It wasn't until there seemed to be no one in front of him that Aokiji raised his bloody face, stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood line in front of his eyes, and the world became clear before his eyes again.

There were more than ten bad boys lying on the ground around him. The rest left Aokiji timidly. Although they pretended to have a ferocious expression, it was obvious that no one dared to rush in again. Aokiji's side.

"Hey" Aokiji's voice was a little hoarse. As the corners of his mouth raised, blood gurgled out from his cracked eyebrows and flowed down his face. He was like a devil but he didn't realize it: "Go on."

The cigarette in Ishihara Ryota's hand had already fallen to the ground without realizing it. He looked at Aoki Tsukasa with a solemn expression and his body tensed.

"You are so strong, kid." Ryota Ishihara licked the corner of his mouth, suppressing his nervousness, and clenched his fists: "But you must be at the end of your strength. How long can you hold on?"

Aoki Si spat out a mouthful of blood. Looking at the blood on the knuckle of his right hand that he punched without reservation, whether it was his own or someone else's blood, he said in a cold tone: "About a minute and a half."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" A hoarse shout came from behind Aokiji. Aokiji only had time to turn around slightly and saw Kita Ishihara's ferocious expression with his peripheral vision. The next moment, a sound came from the back of his head. He felt a sharp pain, and the dizziness almost made him feel that his eyes were completely dark and the stars were twinkling.

Kita Ishihara raised the wooden sword in his hand and looked at Aokiji, who was swaying in front of him with lifeless eyes, with a ferocious expression: "Go to hell!! Aokiji!!!"

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