What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 46 A miserable victory (more updates for no reason)

Aokiji's eyes were filled with double images, and he could hardly see who it was. If the roly-poly sticker hadn't worked, he would have fallen to the ground.

Ishihara's expression was too excited and ferocious, and he gradually became frightened.

"Why don't you fall down!" He held up the wooden knife tremblingly and stepped back unconsciously.

Aokiji, whose face was covered in blood and whose facial features could barely be seen, was bent over, his hands hanging down weakly, almost hanging on the ground. His body was shaking, as if he would fall to the ground at any time, but his legs were as strong as if they had taken root. Supporting his body, he still stood on the ground.

It was like a puppet being forced to stand in place.

This scene simply refreshed everyone's worldview, and even made them wonder, is the guy in front of them really a human?

How can anyone reach this point, where they seem to have passed out, and still stand without falling? Everyone can see how much damage that knife caused to Aokiji. Aokiji has obviously lost consciousness!

But why is he still standing?

Why doesn't he fall down yet?

While they were dazed because of fear, Aokiji's consciousness gradually regained consciousness. He was like Iori Yagami in the arcade game. He bent over, raised his head, and showed a crazy smile: "Do you know Could your knife kill someone?"

Smile because of anger.

Perhaps this group of young children didn't know the consequences of such an attack on the back of the head, but Aokiji knew that if the roly-poly sticker hadn't tripled his resistance to blows, this blow to the back of the head would have , might really beat him to death!

Even if he doesn't die, concussion and extremely serious sequelae are absolutely inevitable.

Precisely because he knew this, Aokiji was extremely angry.

Even if he took action before, he would never hit places such as temples that could cause serious trouble. Even by hitting the liver area of ​​the abdomen, he avoided a location that could have serious consequences.

But Kita Ishihara's attack completely angered him.

"When fighting, you have to know the severity!" Aokiji's stomach turned, and he felt like vomiting. He knew that this was because he was concussed by the knife.

However, he stared at Kita Ishihara, and with the help of the roly-poly sticker, he staggered towards him.

"Don't come here!" Ishihara Kita could hardly hold the wooden sword tightly in his hand, and staggered back.

Ishihara Ryota watched this scene, gritted his teeth, and kicked Aokiji fiercely from behind.

This guy can't bear it anymore! Fall down!

However, unexpectedly, this kick indeed made Aoki Si move forward, almost falling to the ground in the next step, but Aoki Si still did not fall to the ground.

"Ahhhhh!" Roared angrily, Aokiji used almost all his strength, and with the momentum of the kick behind him, he hit Ishihara Ryota's body.

"Bang!" The dull sound of boxing reached everyone's ears.

Aokiji punched Ishihara Kita's body up like a shrimp.

Grasping Kita Ishihara's long hair, Aokiji asked him to look at him, cracking the corners of his mouth, and the blood in his mouth even sprayed on Kita Ishihara's face: "If you fight, fight, you damn thing." It’s so important!”

Rarely, Aokiji no longer had all the worries in an adult's mind. He grabbed his hair and pulled him down, then kneed Kita Ishihara in the face without mercy.

Ishihara Kita's nose bone was crooked by this blow, and nosebleeds gushed out like a fountain. His whole body was knocked backwards by the knee, and he lost consciousness in an instant. He fell back and staggered two steps. Lying on the ground, his body twitched slightly.

Aokiji angrily yelled at Kita Ishihara who fell to the ground: "Remember it for me!"

"Seeking death!" Ishihara Ryota felt only fear and anger in his heart. He strode forward and punched Aokiji in the face.

Aokiji was hit by this punch and his whole body tilted to his side. The angle between his body and the ground was almost less than 60 degrees. But the next moment, he bounced up like a taut spring and regained his standing. At the same time, another punch was returned to Ryota Ishihara.

Ishihara Ryota thought Aokiji was going to fall to the ground and had no reaction to the punch. He didn't understand what happened until the fists hit his face.

How can it be?

Before he could understand the question mark in his heart, Ishihara Ryota was hit hard by a punch and took two steps back.

"You are as despicable as your brother, you brat." Aokiji grinned, blood slowly dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his whole body swayed slightly, relying on his elbows to support his knees to maintain balance.

Ishihara Ryota covered his mouth. The severe pain made his eyes widen. He recovered and spat out a mouthful of blood, only to find that one of his front teeth flew out along with the blood.

"Damn it." He cursed vaguely, but saw Aokiji staggering towards him again.

"Do it!" Ishihara Ryota looked around, and there were seven or eight bad boys watching from the side. He was timid and did not dare to step forward. He roared angrily, but found that those people were not moving at all, with panic on their faces. It completely reveals their mentality.

"Trash!" Ryota Ishihara cursed angrily, looking at Aokiji who was getting closer and closer to him, but the fear in his heart became more and more.

"Aokiji!" Ryota Ishihara roared and waved his right fist.

Aokiji said nothing, tightened his neck slightly, and also waved his right fist.

The two of them were hit in the face by each other's fists almost at the same time.

Ryota Ishihara only felt Aokiji's fist hit his face, and the next moment, his head was in a trance.

It is possible for an untrained ordinary person, no matter how good they are to fight, to be hit on the chin by a swinging punch from a person of Aokiji's level, causing dizziness or even shock on the spot. Fortunately, Ishihara Ryota had a strong body and often fought. This punch only made him stagger back a few steps, shook his head, and his vision became clear again.

And what about Aokiji?

His head just shook slightly, his body didn't even sway a few times, and even the corners of his mouth that were raised upwards for some reason didn't change.

"Death!" Ishihara Ryota punched again.

Aokiji just shook his head slightly, and the punch grazed his nose and flew away. Then, Aokiji's right fist hit Ishihara Ryota in the face again.

Ishihara Ryota ate twice in a row, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. He completely lost control of his body as if he was drunk. He swayed two steps left and right, then sat down on the ground, holding the floor with one hand and covering it with the other. Cover the mouth and nose.

Aokiji raised his head in a daze and looked around, but there was no one around him.

The few remaining bad boys had already escaped without knowing when.

"Have you finished the beating?" Aokiji laughed miserably, looking at the wailing delinquents around him and staring at Ryota Ishihara who was still sitting on the ground and had not recovered, his voice was slightly trembling: "Hey, big back head."

Ishihara Ryota's eyes were still dazed and he didn't come back to his senses, but he just tilted his head slightly.

"Remember to call an ambulance for your brother, and remember, I won." Aokiji grinned. The wound at the corner of his mouth made him take a breath of air. He held on to the back wall of the gymnasium and walked away step by step. .

When Ishihara Ryota came to his senses from the ground, he sat upright against the wall, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, touched the empty space between his front teeth, and laughed miserably: "This bald man."

"So strong." Ishihara Ryota turned around to look. His younger brother was still lying on the ground, covering his face and hunched over. He was bleeding. He endured the pain and headache and crawled on the ground toward Ishihara. Tai, worriedly shouted: "Hey! Tai, cheer up!"

He noticed that there was still unstoppable blood flowing out from behind Kita Ishihara's hand covering his face. He patted Kita Ishihara's face a little, but found that he just made a humming sound and could not speak at all. , Ryota Ishihara took out his mobile phone in panic: "Hello? I need an ambulance."

At this time, Aokiji had been walking for an unknown amount of time, holding on to the wall, when a somewhat familiar voice finally came to his ears.

[The use time of the roly-poly sticker has expired and it has entered the recovery stage. The injuries will be healed within twelve hours. 】

This voice completely eliminated the anger and excitement in his mind, and the adrenaline also disappeared. Aokiji felt pain everywhere in his body, and his head felt like someone was stirring it wildly with a wooden stick. His eyes were dark, and he relaxed. I just felt that all the strength in my body had disappeared.


Aoki Si lay weakly on the ground.

"Aoki-kun? I'll take you to the hospital!" Busujima Saeko's voice seemed to be heard in his ears.

Aokiji's consciousness had already begun to slip into a trance: "Don't go to the hospital and just lie down somewhere for a while. I'm fine. Trust me. Don't go to the hospital. Promise me."

Busujima Saeko's voice seemed to be heard in his ears, but also sounded from afar: ".I promise you."

"I have lived up to your trust, haha." Aokiji said the last sentence in a joking tone while half asleep, then completely lost consciousness and passed out.

Busujima Saeko held Aokiji's head in her arms, looking at him unconscious, her brows furrowed, and her brows were gradually filled with anger. She took a deep breath, gently laid Aokiji down on the ground, and strode towards the back of the gymnasium with the wooden sword she carried with her.

When she turned the corner and saw a group of delinquents lying on the ground behind the gymnasium, the angry expression on her face suddenly stopped and turned into shock.

Behind the gymnasium, some of the delinquent boys were covering their faces, some were holding their stomachs, rolling on the ground and wailing. Painful moans were heard one after another, and the ground was covered with blood. It was simply a hell on earth.

And when Busujima Saeko saw the culprit Ishihara Ryota squatting on the ground and still calling the ambulance, and Ishihara Kita lying on the ground covering his face and bleeding, Busujima Saeko silently turned around again. The excited look in his eyes gradually faded away, and he returned to his usual cold and calm demeanor. He returned to Aokiji, picked him up gently and seemingly effortlessly, and walked slowly outside the school.

This extra update is a good sign for Bo. I can definitely pass the application to sign QAQ today, right?

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