When Aokiji opened his eyes, his head was still a little dazed.

In a daze, the unfamiliar ceiling appeared in front of him, making him almost think that he had traveled through time again.

After coming back to his senses, Aokiji let out a slight groan, endured the pain on his body, and sat up reluctantly.

"Where is this?" Looking around, Aokiji could only tell that he was lying in someone else's bedroom. The decoration of the bedroom was antique, the wooden desk and bookshelf did not look ordinary, and there was a The series has certificates, trophies, and medals about kendo, which tell Aokiji whose room this is. There is a figure of a female swordsman on the desk. She has a heroic appearance and a mature temperament. Her figure is tall and plump under the black coat. She looks somewhat similar to Busujima Saeko. Maybe it is that kind of heroic spirit that is rare in women.

Busujima-senpai’s bedroom? Secretary Aoki opened the quilt covering his body, but he smelled a scent that is unique to women. It was stronger than the scent of flowers, and more sultry than flowers. It didn't smell like perfume, but more like body fragrance?

With a slight blush on his face, Aokiji sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his temples. The dull pain in his head made him a little upset.

"Are you awake?" Busujima Saeko's slightly hoarse mature voice suddenly sounded not far away. Aokiji turned to look, and Busujima Saeko was looking at him in surprise while holding a cup of hot tea.

Aokiji showed a grateful smile: "As expected, it was Busujima-senpai who helped me. Thank you very much!"

If someone sees it and sends it to the hospital, the roly-poly sticker will heal the body within twelve hours, so it will not be looked at as a monster.

Aokiji was indeed very grateful to be taken home by Busujima Saeko - he didn't know how Busujima Saeko managed to keep him on the bed since he was so heavy.

Wait a minute, what time is it now! ?

Aokiji's expression suddenly changed. He wanted to reach out and touch his trouser pockets, but found that his school uniform had been taken off at some point. This touch only touched the loose boxer briefs, and only the tight white pants were left on his upper body. Vest.

Raising his head with a weird expression, Aokiji saw Busujima Saeko with an even weirder expression.

Busujima Saeko put the tea cup on the bedside table next to Aokiji, her cheeks were faintly red under her long purple hair: "Aoki-kun's clothes were all torn during the fight, and there were holes in his school uniform pants, and you were covered in it at that time. It's blood, so I can only take off your clothes first and then put you on. I'm sorry, I did this without your consent."

After thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate to lie on someone else's bed covered in blood, but when he thought about Busujima Saeko taking off his clothes when he was unconscious, Aokiji's head always collapsed. Various restricted scenes appeared, which rarely made him blush.

"Ah" Aokiji smiled awkwardly: "No, no, no, there's no need to say sorry. It's me who should say sorry. I'm sorry for bothering you, senior, for working so hard to bring me home."

He touched his face and saw that the injured area had been treated by someone. A band-aid was put on the place where a band-aid should be applied. The back of his head still felt like it was wrapped in gauze. Without even thinking about it, he knew that it was Busujima Saeko's help.

"Thank you so much, senior, for working so hard to treat my wound." Aokiji solemnly thanked him.

Busujima Saeko smiled bitterly and shook her head, sitting on the edge of the bed, probably less than one person away from Aoki Tsukasa.

"I came too late. By the time I got the news and arrived, you had already finished fighting. It's a shame Aoki-kun could do it. He knocked them all down by himself. To be honest, I'm still a little bit confused until now. I can’t believe it.” Busujima Saeko looked at Aoki Tsukasa with unabashed admiration: “Aoki-kun is indeed a powerful man.”

Maybe it was because the two of them were sitting too close, maybe it was because Busujima Saeko praised her so well, but Aokiji felt a little hot on his face. Considering the way he was dressed, he felt his heart beating a little fast. He quickly changed the subject: "It's my senior who got the award, I'm just lucky. Senior, where's my cell phone?"

Busujima Saeko didn't seem to notice that Aokiji was changing the subject. She frowned and responded: "Your phone seems to be broken."

"Ah?" Aokiji's eyes widened.

Busujima Saeko pointed at the edge of the water glass. Aokiji looked over and saw only the mobile phone that had been with him for several days. At this time, the screen had been completely shattered and the entire body was dented. Needless to say, You know, someone kicked me during the fight.

Aokiji frowned, with a worried expression: "Senior, what time is it now?"

Busujima Saeko looked at the two arms with very obvious muscle lines exposed by Aokiji's vest, and her eyes were a little dodgey: "It seems... it's almost eight o'clock."

"Huh?" Aokiji's face changed drastically, and he said hurriedly: "Senior, can you borrow your mobile phone? I need to make a call."

Busujima Saeko naturally would not refuse, but after hesitating for a moment, he took out his phone, unlocked it and handed it to Aoki Tsukasa.

Unexpectedly, Busujima Saeko's mobile phone case turned out to be in a girly cartoon pink style. There was a pattern of a girl holding a sword on the back of the mobile phone case, which seemed to be exactly what the girl on her desk looked like.

Aokiji began to recall Qiong's mobile phone number in his mind, but found that he couldn't remember clearly what the last few digits were. In this damn smartphone era, how many people can still remember mobile phone numbers!

It's over, it's over, will Qiong worry about me at home?

With a wry smile, he handed the unused mobile phone to Busujima Saeko. Aokiji sighed: "Forget it. I can't seem to remember the mobile phone number clearly."

Busujima Saeko smiled slightly, picked up the phone again, and said considerately: "Yes, it took me a long time to remember my own mobile phone number, and it is even harder to remember other people's mobile phone numbers. "

"Sorry, I have to go." Tsukasa Aoki looked at Busujima Saeko with an embarrassed expression: "I wonder if senior can bring my clothes?"

Busujima Saeko turned her face slightly, not letting Aokiji see the expression on her face at this time. She hesitated for a long time, then looked at Aokiji again and said: "The knees of your pants are completely rotten. I'll use The needlework has been mended, it has just been washed and has not dried yet. As for your shirt, the same is true. If you are worried that your family will be worried, ask a friend to explain it to you. Can't you leave tomorrow? Your injury seems to be quite serious. Looks like. Besides, tomorrow is the weekend and there are no classes to attend.”

"I" Aoki Si pursed his lips, his expression inevitably a little disappointed, but soon everything returned to normal: "I have no adults at home recently, and I only have a younger sister who needs my care. I didn't go back so late, so she must have not eaten. And I don’t feel at ease if I leave her alone at home. She must be worried about me."

"That's right." Busujima Saeko turned his head and stood up, not letting Aokiji see his expression, and said in a gentle tone: "Then I'll blow Aoki-kun's clothes with a hair dryer before going back. The weather If you get cold and go back wearing wet clothes, you will catch a cold."

Aokiji nodded with a wry smile: "Then I can only trouble my senior sister once more. I'm very sorry. I will definitely find an opportunity to repay the kindness this time."

"Aoki-kun is so polite." Busujima Saeko had almost walked out of the door, but suddenly stopped, turned to look at Aoki-san, and showed a bright smile: "If you feel you owe me anything, don't do it in the future. If you don’t call me Busujima-senpai anymore, call me Saeko, then you’ll be considered as having repaid me.”

Aokiji was stunned for a moment. Before he could understand what her words meant, she had already walked out of his sight.


Aokiji lowered his head with a complicated expression. After a long time, he let out a helpless and slightly sad sigh.

But when he raised his head again, his expression was as usual.

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