What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 427 In front of Ping An City

After returning home, Busujima Saeko came to the entrance as soon as she heard the sound of the door opening. Looking at Aokiji's tired face, she asked with concern: "How is it? Has that gentleman been rescued?"

"Well, the doctor said the problem is not serious." Aokiji took off his shoes, and Busujima Saeko bent down and put his shoes on the shoe rack. He didn't even have time to refuse, so he had to smile bitterly afterwards: "You don't have to do this. The status quo.”

Busujima Saeko just smiled: "This is what a wife should do."

The word "wife" was a bit heavy, so she said it another way: "It's not a big deal. Okay, the water has been put in the bathroom. Si can just go take a shower. Just throw the old clothes into the basket and the new ones will be fine." I'll leave the clothes at the bathroom door."

She served Aoki Si like she was serving her master. Aoki Si couldn't say that this was not good. No one else would feel comfortable like this, but he still frowned with some distress and said: "You will spoil me like this."

But Busujima Saeko smiled nonchalantly: "Isn't everyone like this?"

This is probably what women in the Showa era were like.

Aokiji gently touched her cheek, kissed her lightly, and said, "Then I'm going to take a shower."

Busujima Saeko nodded and went to the kitchen. Not long after, the sound of boiling water could be heard.

Aoki Si took a comfortable bath in the bathtub. When she came out, she had already made tea and asked Aoki Si to sit and drink tea. She went to clean the bathroom again before sitting next to Aoki Si.

"Where's Qiong?" Aokiji was a little surprised that he didn't see Qiong coming downstairs today.

Busujima Saeko said with a smile: "The child went out to play all afternoon. He was very tired when he came back. After taking a bath, he said he wanted to lie down for a while. He must have fallen asleep now."

When Aoki Tsukasa heard this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and reveal a few evil smiles, but Busujima Saeko stood up unexpectedly and smiled softly: "I am also a little tired today, Tsukasa hurry back. Please rest in your room, I’ve also tidied up your room.”

Aokiji showed a somewhat pitiful expression, but she just smiled softly, as if she didn't understand anything except that her cheeks were getting redder and redder.

In the end, he was defeated first and said in a somewhat depressed tone: "Then I'll go back and rest."

Busujima Saeko couldn't see his disappointed look, so she could only sigh and kissed him gently on the face: "I'm really tired today, and I still want to practice sword practice tomorrow morning."

"I understand." Aokiji touched her cheek, made out with her for a moment, and then returned to his room obediently.

After finally suppressing his throbbing heart and falling asleep, he once again entered the special dream training room of Feiten Yukenryu.

He had been on the road before, and according to the news he got from the villagers, it was probably only a day's journey from Ping'an City.

The autumn wind is rustling, and it is the autumn dirt road. Yellow dust is billowing. On a black horse, a woman in white is sitting. The woman is wearing a bamboo hat with gauze on her head. Her face behind the veil cannot be clearly seen, but she can be seen from an occasional startled glance. It can be seen from her delicate white chin that she is a rare beauty.

Beside her, a man who also wore a hat, a brown warrior uniform, and a long sword on his waist held the reins of the horse and walked slowly.

Murase Tamao whispered: "Want to take a rest?"

Aokiji raised his head and looked at the sun: "Let's walk for a while and rest in the village near the city."

"Yes." Murase Tamao suggested taking a rest not because of himself, but because Aokiji had not stopped for a long time since he was on his way in the morning.

Aokiji really didn't want anything to go wrong. The journey took too long. If he had to do it all over again due to any accident, he would probably go crazy with depression.

Time waits for me! He really wants to let his sword skills break through LV7 as soon as possible and see what the new skills are.

By now, the gods have become one of his trump cards. Swordsmanship that is similar to it probably won't give him any rubbish skills.

If the results are good this time, he may very well be able to directly upgrade Kendo to LV7.

"There is someone in front." Murase Tamao suddenly spoke nervously.

Aokiji looked up. Not far away, a pair of pedestrians who looked like a father and daughter were driving an ox cart slowly.

Although Aokiji was leading the horse, he was not walking slowly. The ox cart was moving very slowly because it was carrying a large amount of luggage. This is why he was able to catch up to the ox cart from behind.

Seeing the bullock cart, Aokiji's eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickened his pace and led the horse closer to the ox cart.

The man on the bullock cart was about forty or fifty years old, short and skinny, and the girl was also a little ragged. The clothes she was wearing had traces of sewing everywhere, and her face was a little dirty. She was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Seeing Aokiji approaching with a sword on his waist and leading a black horse, the man stopped the cart in a panic: "Here, sir, what can I do?"

Aokiji's face under the bamboo hat was a little more tired from the rush. He looked down at the man and said calmly: "Nothing, I just want to know if you are going to Ping An City too."

"Yes, yes." The man swallowed.

He saw Aokiji's face.

Aokiji raised his lips: "Why don't we go together?"

Although the "good" man was somewhat reluctant, he still drove the bullock cart again.

He glanced at Murase Tamao on the saddle. After just one glance, he lowered his head in shame and whispered an invitation: "If you don't mind, you can sit on the bullock cart."

Aokiji looked at Murase Tamao: "Would you like to sit on the bullock cart for a while?"

Riding a horse is not an easy job - it's okay to sit for a while, but if you sit for a long time, Murase Tamao's pampered ass will be too much.

Murase Tamao hesitated for a moment: "What about Saitama-kun?"

Aokiji discussed with her, and the two of them temporarily used pseudonyms to travel together. When meeting outsiders, he would be called Saitama, and Murase Tamao would be called Yoko.

"I'm going to rest on horseback." After Aokiji finished speaking, she nodded slightly: "Then I'll go sit on the bullock cart for a while."

The little girl who was sitting on the oxcart in the open space for the ceremony hurriedly stood up and shrank her small body to the edge of the ceremony, leaving an open space.

She was still barefoot, and her feet were dirty and black, with a few spots of dried blood on them.

Aokiji only glanced at it, withdrew his gaze, helped Murase Tamao sit on the bullock cart, and got on the horse himself.

Murase Tamao sat next to the girl. Seeing that she was far away from him timidly, not daring to approach, he didn't know what to say. He just sat quietly beside the bullock cart and moved his body a little.

Aokiji was riding a horse and looked a bit taller. From the perspective of the man sitting on the bullock cart, this guy was as powerful and terrifying as a demon in the world.

"It's difficult to go directly to Ping An City today. It's better to go to the nearby village to take a rest." There will naturally be no refutation of Aokiji's suggestion.

The group of people successfully arrived at the village near Ping An City before sunset.

Different from the villages I have seen before, the villages here look much better. Not only are they surrounded by fences, but there are also wine shops and inns in the village. The men and women look relaxed. At sunset, you can still see a few people. A group of men gathered around the wine shop, drinking heavily and playing dice. There were also a lot of copper coins on the table.

When outsiders like Aokiji came in, they all just looked at him curiously, but no one even took precautions. The scene was completely different from what they had seen before.

Aokiji took the initiative to knock on the door of a house, and at the cost of a small amount of money, he received a night's rest and food and hot water.

Then, he called the owner of the bullock cart to invite him.


PS: I just woke up tonight, and my computer was occupied by my friends. It was a little late when they finished typing the game. There may only be one update today, and I will make up for it with three updates tomorrow.

After sending them off in a few days, I will fix the update time and use the saved manuscript to publish, so there will be no such surprises. There are currently no manuscripts saved for Orz.

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