What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 428 Finale (including remarks)

Aokiji successfully used the cover of the owner of the oxcart to take Murase Tamao into the city, and took a short rest in the city before finding someone she trusted.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the inn to rest, I was prompted to end the first act.

Aokiji received the reward, and as expected, his kendo reached level seven.

Acquired a new skill [Sword Reading].

[Sword Reading: You can read the opponent's next thoughts through the opponent's movements and counterattack. Duration: 3 minutes, cooldown: one hour. 】

Aokiji exited the dreamland, and it was already morning.

He took out his wooden sword and went to the courtyard outside the living room with Busujima Saeko.

There is no greenery in the courtyard in winter, just like the blue sky without any debris.

Busujima Saeko was wearing kendo uniform, and she was holding the same wooden sword in her hand. She was just like the day Aokiji saw her for the first time, with a bare face, but extremely beautiful.

She looked at Aoki Si with some curiosity: "Why did you ask me to come to sword practice so early in the morning? Si looks a little tired."

Aokiji just raised the corners of his lips: "These are all small things, come on, let's try."

He assumed a sword-holding stance.

Busujima Saeko narrowed her eyes and tied her purple hair into a ponytail on the back of her head, looking very charming.

"I'm coming." She warned and stepped forward suddenly.

The wooden sword drew a curved afterimage in the air, but Aokiji stopped it in front of him accurately, with an understatement, as easy and natural as drinking water.

A trace of surprise flashed in Busujima Saeko's eyes.

But immediately, she became a little serious, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared: "Be careful."

Her movements actually became a little faster on this basis.

Aokiji had a faint smile on his lips - she had become stronger.

But, he also became stronger.

He started reading swordsmanship from the very beginning.

In his eyes, every action of Busujima Saeko was broken down into tiny details.

The changes in the muscles, the shaking of the sword tip, the rotation of the wrist, the direction in which the wooden sword struck, whether it was a feint attack or a heavy blow, a test or a deception, everything became extremely clear.

Aokiji even held the sword with one hand and could resist all attacks from Busujima Saeko with only five percent of his usual strength.

The more Busujima Saeko fought, the more confused and surprised he became. The Aokiji in front of him became taller and taller, even somewhat similar to his invincible father in his memory.

Until the duration of Aokiji's sword reading was about to end, he suddenly exerted force. The tip of the sword wrapped around Busujima Saeko's wooden sword, and actually rolled it away.

It landed at my feet, throwing up a trace of dust.

She looked at her hands blankly and raised her head in disbelief.

Aokiji just raised his wooden sword and looked at her with a smile: "I think I know a way to help Saeko improve quickly."

"Good morning." Suddenly Qiong's voice came from above his head. Aokiji looked up and saw Qiong lazily lying on the window edge by the window on the second floor. His silver hair was scattered along his face and on his white arms, which made him feel a little dazed. I remembered the timid and cold look when I first met her.

But all this disappeared as she smiled sweetly.

She looked at Aokiji: "I can do it too, can we practice together?"

Aokiji's detection eye checked her body data.

[Health value: 63↑. 】

Before she knew it, there was almost no need to worry about her illness.

"Yes." Aokiji agreed.

He knelt down, picked up the wooden sword for Busujima Saeko, and handed it to her hand: "Our enemy is much more difficult than I was just now. It's not good to lose the fighting spirit now."

Busujima Saeko smiled bitterly: "Toshio's strength is probably far inferior to that of Siro Ren now. Is it really possible for him to improve so quickly?"

"No, our enemy is not Toshio." Aokiji handed the wooden sword to her hand.

Busujima Saeko looked a little overwhelmed.

"After we defeat Busujima Toshio, we will go find your father." Aokiji said with an extremely firm expression: "Take back what he took away from you."

He patted his heart heavily: "This is your man's promise."

A smile gradually reappeared on Busujima Saeko's face, and she smiled softly: "If it's Tsukasa, I actually think it's not impossible."

Aokiji raised his head, looked at the sky, and murmured to himself: "I can definitely do it."

I can definitely make everyone happy.


Finishing line————

Ten years later.

In a high-end villa in Tokyo.

Si Aoki, who has thick black medium-long hair, is sitting in front of the table. On the table is a sumptuous dinner.

The muscular Tora Maeda sat aside, shouting at the twenty-seventh sequel of "Jakusho" played on the TV. He still had the familiar bald head, but with a few more tattoos on his neck. His appearance - it's not that he became a Yakuza, those tattoos represent his glory.

He became a mixed martial arts fighter and successfully landed on the UFC stage, winning Asia's second intercontinental championship.

Asia's first intercontinental champion came from China five years ago, but last year, he was finally surpassed by Tora Maeda.

On the side, Miao Fujiwara, who had short hair and gold-rimmed glasses, gently coaxed the little girl in his arms. He didn't care that his straight suit was wrinkled by the little girl, and just smiled happily.

He was successfully admitted to Dongda University and became an outstanding manager of a financial company. Although according to his words, he was just a high-end social worker, he also gained his own love and had his own car and house. , although the days of repaying the loan will still be several decades later, but at least, it is considered happy.

I heard that he plans to get married next summer.

No way, who allowed him to even have a child?

"Si, eat the watermelon first." Qiong's voice came from behind Aoki Si's head.

Her time seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Although the childishness on her face had faded a lot, she still had that small and cute look. She placed the watermelon in front of Aokiji and sat beside him.

"Saeko's craftsmanship is as good as ever." Matsuyama Iwa, whose stubble was half gray, held his chin and sat carelessly at the table, sighing as he looked at Busujima Saeko who was busy in the kitchen.

Busujima Saeko's age seemed to have been fixed in that winter. She was still as charming and plump. When she heard the compliment, she just smiled lightly: "Aren't you jealous, Miss Alice?"

Alice is a blond and blue-eyed foreign beauty sitting next to Songshan Rock.

"Haha, she can't understand Japanese." Matsuyama Yan smiled, but Alice suddenly glanced at him coldly: "Yes."

Song Shanyan's smile faltered: "You"

"Last month, I signed up for a Japanese class, you know that, right." Her Japanese was very awkward, but her meaning was very clear.

Seeing the desperate expression on Song Shanyan's face, Aokiji laughed: "I never thought that Brother Yan would be a strict henpecker."

Songshanyan stiffened his lips: "This is called respect!"

"Respect, do you understand!" Song Shanyan's words were interrupted by the doorbell.

Aokiji stood up and opened the door.

Matsusaka Daitake held Matsuko's hand and smiled brightly at the door: "Boss, we are here!"

"Thank you, it must have been hard coming from Osaka for Christmas." Aokiji greeted.

Matsusaka Daitake just shrugged: "Anyway, there are people watching my barbecue restaurant. It doesn't matter whether I go there or not every day."

He opened a barbecue restaurant, which was small in scale but had a good reputation. Now he has a car and a house. He and Songzi also held a wedding last year. Unfortunately, they haven't given birth to a child yet.

According to him, he wanted to be free for another two years and enjoy the world of two people.

Just as Aokiji welcomed them into the house and sat down, there was another knock on the door.

Before sitting down, Aokiji turned around and opened the door. At the door, a girl wearing a cap, big sunglasses and a mask was smiling at him.

Aokiji was a little surprised: "Xinmei?"

Teruhashi Shinmei took off her hat, revealing her impeccable smile and smooth blue hair: "I'm here, Tsukasa."

"Today is the busiest day for artists. I thought you didn't have time. Come in quickly." Aokiji patted the snow on her shoulder for her.

Teruhashi Shinmei just looked at him, her eyes still showed the same admiration as ten years ago, but now she was able to express her feelings calmly than before: "If it is the invitation of Tsukasa, I will show my feelings anytime." We all have time."

Aokiji smiled and asked her to take a seat.

She greeted everyone familiarly.

Occasionally, when she looked at Aoki Si, her eyes were still a little disappointed, but soon she became inspired again - she had never taken the upper hand in the battle to pursue Aoki Si.

However, she never gave up.

Because, since Aokiji can accept Qiong and Busujima Saeko, why can't he have one more person?

Seeing Aokiji's evasive eyes, she firmly believed that one day she would watch until the end of the night.

"Everyone is here." Saeko Busujima was observing the situation in the kitchen: "Come on, Tsukasa, help me bring the soup."

Aokiji quickly went to help arrange the dishes.

After everyone was seated, Maeda Tora said with some regret: "It's a pity that Sakuragi and the others can't come today."

"Sakuragi is playing Christmas Day in the NBA, so there's no way he can spare time." Tsukasa Aoki smiled and raised his phone: "Okay, it's not easy for us to get together."

Everyone posed for photos in tacit understanding.

"In the next ten years, we will also party together!"

Aokiji's words caused a burst of laughter, and the photo was frozen.


PS: Yes, the story ends here. Anyway, I still need to explain something to you.

For example, why did it end so irresponsibly?

In fact, the reason is not complicated.

Just because I don't know how to continue.

The updates day after day seem to be only 4,000 words, but they require more and more of my time.

I still remember the very first day when I published the first chapter of this book, thinking that as long as there were 300 legitimate readers, I would insist on writing it until it was completed.

Later, more and more people read this book and fell in love with it. I thought this was an unexpected surprise and the beginning of happiness, but I didn't expect that what started was a torture that kept me awake all night.

In the beginning, writing made me very happy. There are only more and more updates. There is rarely a delay in updating, or in other words, many times updates are added as soon as the mood is good.

Until I got sprayed for the first time.

It’s not that I haven’t been trolled before. In the book review area, many people said that the protagonist is Japanese, so I, the author, am also a little Japanese. Some people said that the protagonist must be so aggrieved that the author must also lack love. I probably just brushed it off and never replied. I sprayed it and deleted the post.

But what really changed me was the plot at the beginning of Chapter 200. To be honest, I didn't really feel anything was wrong at that time. I wrote the entire plot with great enthusiasm and almost no pause.

But the result shocked me greatly. I thought that the well-designed plot that I had prepared for a long time turned into a huge poisonous point. Since then, I have been confused.

The comment area was almost slaughtered, with dozens and hundreds of replies, all of which were complaining about me feeding shit to everyone.

I was confused.

After revising and adding updates, I finally got through that crisis.

But that time, the straight-line results had completely stopped rising.

Moreover, because of the revised outline, the direction of the entire story suddenly changed.

I started to feel helpless and didn’t dare to write anymore.

Then, the plot that I thought about carefully was constantly criticized, which made me less and less confident. I always wanted to satisfy everyone, but the results kept changing, writing, and getting worse.

Until the collapse.

I never wanted to say that I failed at writing, but until today, I really have to admit it.


can i write? I can still write. With this way of writing, I can continue writing for a long, long time, and I can still earn a lot of money every month. At least, it will not be a problem for me to get through this year. Other authors advised me that I should open two books and write the old book slowly. Making money is the most important thing.

But I really don’t want to write anymore.

After the first update last night, I was thinking about the next plot, but the more I thought about it, the more painful and entangled I became.

It's boring, boring, or in other words, it has strayed away from everything I wanted to write in the first place.

A book that could have been very interesting and enjoyable for everyone to read had changed when I became emotional and failed to restrain the plot.

I don’t want to force myself to continue writing anymore. Am I suffering a loss if I continue writing? No, I think it is irresponsible to the readers. Everyone is looking forward to my story and hoping that I can write a better plot, but is what I am writing now really what I want to write? no. How fun can it be to squeeze something out like toothpaste every time? I tried to write a few interesting plots, but the result was that I couldn't think of a word.

My brain is blank, and I can only fill the gap with other plots. I'm sorry, I don't want to do this anymore.

I admit that I am definitely not the kind of person who is extremely diligent, but I ask myself, have I worked hard? Have I made progress?

The answer is: yes.

From the time I started writing this book, I have never stopped reading it for a single day, whether I had a fever, a cold, took a train, various accidents, depression, breakup, or drunkenness. Ever since I was little, apart from playing games, this is probably the longest time I have persisted.

I have not saved the manuscript, and the hard work I put in to do these things cannot be easily explained. Of course, I know that there are many people who work harder and harder than me. I am somewhat subjective, but after all, this is my feeling. For me, I really worked hard.

Many people suggested that I take a break. You just need to settle down, but I think that’s it.

This book may have ended long ago.

So, in this difficult day, I wrote the ending with great difficulty.

The ending was planned from the beginning, and it was no different from my original plan. This may be the only thing that didn't break down for me.

It's just a pity that some of the emotions were not conveyed, and some of the laughter stopped abruptly.

Tsukasa Aoki’s story continues, but I can’t convey it to you better.

I selfishly ended this story.

This is also the first time in my life that I have written an ending to a story.

Maybe you can't believe it, but the fact is that when I wrote the end, my eyes were red.

For myself, this was a failure.

A surrender-like failure.

But I'm really tired.

I haven’t thought about the new book yet.

In other words, I don’t have confidence.

But it should still be open, and it won’t take too long. After all, I still want to live, I still want it to be my career, and I still want to continue writing, and continue writing, until I can’t write anymore.

That’s it for the first book.

I'm sorry for the readers who support me, I can't even imagine their shock and disappointment when they see this.

I'm sorry to the editor who supported me. He gave me a lot of help, but I ended up in a mess.

Sorry for myself.

Sorry Aokiji.

If we can meet again, I hope that I will not disappoint you again.


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