I opened the door anxiously, and the living room was dark.

Aokiji took off his shoes, trotted upstairs, came to Qiong's door, and knocked carefully.

"Qiong?" Aokiji sounded a little embarrassed.

Aokiji didn't know whether Qiong would be worried about him. But based on his understanding, one thing is certain, his behavior of suddenly losing contact until night without saying hello will definitely make Qiong very angry.

Sure enough, there was no response from the door, only some vague sad tones could be heard intermittently.

"Qiong? Can I come in?" Aokiji knocked on the door again.

There was still no sound inside.

Aokiji pursed his lips, and was a little worried that something was wrong with Qiong. He took a deep breath, gently turned the doorknob, and pushed the door open.

In the dim room, only the fluorescent light on the computer screen faintly reflected Qiong's appearance. Her thin body was huddled in the arms of the toy bear, and she looked at Aokiji with an expressionless face. Her silver hair fell down her shoulders, like a lotus root. The arms and the white dress reflect each other, and I don't know which one is reflecting the moonlight.

Seeing Qiong not saying a word, just looking at himself quietly, Aokiji scratched his head in embarrassment, and only traces of a band-aid were touched on his bare head.

"That." Before Aokiji could think of how to explain why he came home so late, Qiong suddenly spoke.

"Did you fight again?" Qiong's voice was cold and calm. It was clearly a word of concern, but it sounded like a question.

Aokiji took two steps forward uneasily, squatted in front of Qiong, and glanced at the computer screen. He could only see a simple computer desktop with a bright starry sky as the desktop.

"Well." Aokiji was thinking about how to explain why he was fighting, but Qiong suddenly asked again: "Why didn't you answer my call?"

Although Qiong's small face was still very calm, and no other emotions could be seen, Aokiji always felt that if he didn't explain well, Qiong might really ignore him no longer.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Qiong seemed to be quiet and calm at this time, in fact, before Aokiji arrived home, he had been full of uneasiness and fear. She asked Teruhashi Komimi and learned that Aokiji had another child in school. trouble.

She didn't know the result for the time being. The only thing she knew was that Aokiji failed to return home on time, and even after hesitating for a long time, no one answered the phone call that was broadcast. How could she stay calm?

Aokiji took a deep breath and explained calmly: "Well, there are some bad people who come to trouble me, but it doesn't matter, I have solved everything. It's not that I didn't answer the phone on purpose, but I was fighting. At that time, it was broken by others. Now I only have the mobile phone card with me, and I have thrown away that mobile phone."

Qiong still didn't reply, only using his clear eyes to look at Aoki Si quietly.

Aokiji sighed and told the truth: "After fighting them, I fainted and was picked up by my friends. It was already this time when I opened my eyes. As soon as I woke up, I wanted to call you. But my phone is broken and I can’t remember the phone number.”

Qiong's thin lips opened slightly, trembled a few times, then pressed them tightly, swallowing what he wanted to say. He just stood up from the big bear's embrace, walked to Aoki Si, and stretched out his hand. The small hands carefully touched the wounds on Aoki's eyebrows and feet with slender fingers, stroking the band-aid and feeling the rustling texture.

"Does it hurt?" Qiong's brows wrinkled slightly, and his eyes gradually filled with mist, as hazy as the moon in the pool.

Aokiji was stunned and grinned: "Not at all."

Qiong didn't say anything, sighed, took back his hand, took a step back, turned his gaze away, and stared at the empty floor: "I'm hungry, Si."

Aokiji smiled more gently: "Okay, I'll cook."

Qiong didn't say anything, and there was an undetectable touch of pink on his face, which had never had much color.

Aokiji stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "In the future, I will remember Qiong's mobile phone number. Thank you for worrying about me."

Qiongkuo turned his head and stared at the computer desktop: "I didn't."

Aokiji just curled his lips and gently stroked her long silver hair noncommittally. He felt that the silver hair was smoother than fine silk. He suddenly issued an invitation: "Tomorrow is the weekend, do you want to come together?" Go shopping and go shopping?”

Qiong pursed his lips, his expression somewhat resistant.

"Let's go. It's boring for me to go alone. We'll set off in the afternoon and we can go eat delicious food in the evening."

Qiong's two small hands were quietly stirring in front of him, and he really didn't want to go out of the house, but looking at Aokiji's expectant eyes, he was just confused in his heart, but he couldn't say no.

Aokiji chuckled: "That's it, I'll go cook."

Qiong watched Aoki Si turn and leave, but he didn't come to a conclusion in his mind. In the end, he didn't know whether he was angry with Aoki Si or because he didn't have time to refuse, so he patted the big bear bitterly.

Staring at the faint moonlight outside the window, Qiong's expression was both shy and complaining, muttering to himself: "I'm not worried about you, idiot."

She was stunned for a while, then suddenly stood up and opened the closet.

Looking at the few clothes inside, which were much simpler than those of ordinary girls, she fell into distress: What clothes should I wear when going out?

At this time, Aokiji was in front of the refrigerator worrying about what to eat tonight, frowning slightly, feeling that his cell phone was broken, which really delayed a lot of things - he didn't know how Maeda Tora was doing. Director Matsuyama Iwa faced What do you think about your behavior of skipping work today? Oh, by the way, there are also attribute points and the use of props.

Sighing, Aokiji decided to save all these troublesome matters for tomorrow.

He was really a little tired today.


PS: The second update is at 12 noon.

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