Early the next morning, after making breakfast for Qiong, Aokiji wore a mask, a hat, and casual sportswear, and went to the mobile phone store. Under the salesman's lavish promotion, he randomly selected a smartphone.

The price was not expensive, because Aoki needed to bind his own mobile phone's SIM card, so he couldn't buy many mobile phone models bound to operators, so he simply picked an old model and bought it for more than 10,000 yen.

After installing his mobile phone card, the first thing Aokiji did was to find Tora Maeda's phone number from the address book bound to the SIM card.

The phone beeped twice, and a familiar voice sounded on the phone.

"Hello? Brother?" Maeda Tora's energetic voice made Aokiji breathe a sigh of relief. Although he had already expected that Maeda Tora would not be injured too seriously, he was still worried for a long time.

"How is your injury?" Aokiji said in a gentle tone as he walked on the street and looked at the crowded shops around him.

Maeda Tora's laughter was very generous: "Hahaha, don't worry, brother, my body is very strong and I'm fine now."

"Which hospital are you in? Let me go and see you." Aokiji thought that he was beaten because of himself, and he felt a little guilty. He thought about buying him some fruit basket or something, but he answered the phone. Maeda Tora refused repeatedly: "No, no, no, brother, please don't come see me."

Lying in the hospital with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his head wrapped like a mummy, Tora Maeda said to the cell phone with some embarrassment: "Brother, it's better not to come see me. I can go back to study in a day or two, no." What a big deal.”

"Why did you come to see me? You don't really think they can do anything to me, do you? Haha, hahahaha!" Maeda Tora laughed a little awkwardly. He just simply felt that he was a little shameless after being beaten so badly. See people. Before he was beaten, he boasted to Aokiji about how strong he was, and then he was rushed to the hospital in the blink of an eye. It was really embarrassing.

Maeda Tora hurriedly changed the subject: "I heard that my eldest brother sent Ishihara Kita to the hospital yesterday?"

Hearing the name Ishihara Kita, Aokiji's face turned cold: "Yeah. Others don't know, but Ishihara Kita is probably going to the hospital."

Although Aokiji was already a little dizzy at the end of yesterday's fight, he still knew how many blows he had dealt. At least Ishihara Keita was really beaten up without mercy. At least the bridge of his nose was constantly crooked, and his teeth had to be straightened in a dental hospital.

"Hahahaha, he is indeed the eldest brother!" Maeda Tora's voice sounded a little gloating on the phone: "I heard from a friend today that Ishihara Ryota went to get himself a gold tooth. Hahahaha, I don't know how many times it was. A front tooth."

Aokiji chuckled twice, without any proud look on his face. If he hadn't had a roly-poly sticker, all his injuries would have been healed after he woke up today. I'm afraid he would have had to stay in the hospital for a long time due to his injuries yesterday.

He didn't think it was an honorable thing.

"Okay, since there's nothing serious about you and you don't want me to go, then so be it. When I see you in class on Monday, be careful and don't be so stunned again. If they want to find me, tell them where I am. If it's not over, why should I get a beating for nothing?" Aokiji couldn't help but muttered a few words.

Maeda Tora said loudly and indignantly: "How could I betray my eldest brother!"

"Patient, please keep quiet." The nurse next to him was startled by Maeda Tora, but he saw him saying with great excitement: "Although I am not as strong as my elder brother, I am still a man! I will never betray my companions! "

It's really a good second grade. Aokiji felt that this guy's brain was not flexible enough, but he felt warm in his heart. He smiled and cursed: "You are reasonable, right? You are not allowed to make decisions on your own next time. Call me if you have anything." , do you understand what I mean?”

This brat should help you more in the future. Don't guess when you will be tricked.

Maeda Tora was stunned for a moment, then understood what Aokiji meant, and was immediately overjoyed: "Yes! Brother!"

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I have something to do. See you on Monday." Tsukasa Aoki hung up the phone. Tora Maeda on the other end of the phone shook his fist with great excitement, jumped up from the hospital bed and shouted YES , but suddenly there was a bang, and my head hurt. I quickly lay down again. Looking at the nurse who looked a little speechless, she showed a somewhat naive smile: "Sister nurse, it hurts. I feel it." I'm going to die. Can you help me take a look again?"

The nurse and other patients in the ward could only sigh speechlessly - you can jump from the hospital bed and hit the ceiling, how can you look like a dying person?

At this time, Aokiji dialed Songshanyan's number again.

After two beeps, a somewhat angry voice sounded on the other side of the phone: "You guys still know how to call me back?"

Well, no need to think about it, this guy must have called Aokiji a lot yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yan. I had something to do yesterday and was delayed. My phone was broken and I couldn't make calls. I just bought a phone today, so I'll apologize to you right away." Aokiji smiled, very skillfully. Apologize and admit your mistake.

Song Shanyan on the other side of the phone snorted angrily: "Did you get into a fight with someone yesterday?"

Um? How could he know? Aokiji's laughter faltered.

"I knew you had a lot of troubles! You said something was wrong. Your phone was broken. I guessed that you must be in trouble!" Seeing that he had guessed correctly, Songshanyan said angrily: "Do you know, if the current If you get injured, how much impact will it have on your training? Do you think you are very good at playing now? I know a lot of people who can play well, so why don’t I schedule a few actual training sessions for you?"

"No, no!" Aokiji quickly admitted his mistake. No matter what, Songshanyan did it for his own good. He just explained: "It's not that I want to cause trouble. Others bullied me, and I can't help it, right?" Don’t worry, brother, I will definitely go to training tomorrow.”

Song Shanyan responded angrily: "Tomorrow? Are you injured?"

"No, don't worry. I just promised my sister that I would go shopping with her this afternoon and have dinner with her in the evening. I will be fine tomorrow and I will definitely go to training." Aokiji replied with a wry smile.

Song Shanyan sighed helplessly: "I have always thought that you are quite mature and talented, that's why I value you so much. You should know what you can and cannot do, right?"

"Yes" Aokiji nodded.

"You know how much time is left before the competition and how far your own skills are. I don't want to grab your neck every day and ask you to come to my place to practice. If you are really serious about participating in this competition, you can do more by yourself. Snacks." Song Shanyan on the other end of the phone persuaded earnestly: "How many young people who want to box are calling me Brother Yan every day, but I ignored them and signed such a good contract for you. , don’t waste the opportunity yourself, you know? Not everyone can have such good training conditions."

Aokiji didn't think he was nagging, and just said obediently: "Yes, I know Brother Yan is really good to me."

is not that right? You can earn 5,000 yen per hour just from training. Even Neon's famous boxers can't even think of making that much money. It can be said that this is the only treatment in the world.

Most boxers spend money to support coaches and training teams. How can their own training team take the initiative to pay for boxers to train? The training environment that Aokiji enjoys now, if it were anyone else, spending tens of thousands of yen every day might not be enough, let alone making money.

"Hey, no more words." The sound of a lighter lighting up a cigarette came from Songshanyan: "Remember from now on, don't fight with people casually. If someone bullies you, just call me. Do you understand what I mean? Put your fists on the ring and use them hard, there are plenty of people in the octagon to fight with you, don't let me bully the kids outside."

Aokiji blinked, feeling quite surprised, but also feeling warm in his heart: "I understand, Brother Yan, thank you."

"Okay, then you make your own arrangements. Come early tomorrow, I'll be there all day. If you don't come tomorrow, or if I see you injured, just see how I deal with you!" Song Shanyan exhaled smoke and hung up. Telephone.

Aokiji put his phone back into his trouser pocket, put his hands in his pockets, and raised his lips slightly under the mask.

The people around me seem to be surprisingly warm.

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