"Is Qiong ready?" Standing at the door of Qiong's room, Aokiji glanced helplessly at the time on his phone.

I had asked Qiong to prepare since around two o'clock in the afternoon. Unexpectedly, it was almost three o'clock and I still didn't see Qiong come out of the room. I don’t know what Qiong is preparing in the room.

"...Almost." Qiong's cold voice came from the room.

Aokiji sighed and planned to go back to his room to read for a while. However, before he could turn around, Qiong's door was opened with a bang.

At this time, Qiong was wearing a white floral long-sleeved dress, her silver hair was tied into cute twin tails, a black lace hairband was the highlight, and the white stockings vaguely visible under the skirt wrapped her straight and slender legs. The legs, coupled with her cute and innocent face, are as dazzling as a little angel.

Aokiji admired sincerely: "Qiong is really beautiful!"

Qiong pursed his lips. Although his expression didn't change much, the corners of his mouth still secretly curved a little.

"Then let's go!" Aokiji wanted to reach out and rub her head, but he didn't want to ruin the hairstyle she had managed to do, so he had to put his hand down again, smiled at her and nodded: "Is there anything in particular that I want to go to this afternoon? A place?"

Qiong lowered his head and followed Aokiji down the stairs step by step. He sat at the entrance of the entrance and put on small black leather shoes. After thinking for a long time, he replied in a weak voice: "No."

Aokiji smiled helplessly, put on his old sneakers, stood up, and said softly: "Then I will watch and make plans this afternoon."

"Yes." Qiong watched Aoki Si open the door, followed behind Aoki Si, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the door.

The sunshine outside the door is so dazzling

Qiong narrowed her eyes slightly, her white skin reflected the sunlight, and her whole person looked like a cute porcelain doll. She had forgotten the last time she took the initiative to go out.

Putting his hands behind his back somewhat uneasily, Qiong followed Aokiji closely, his watery eyes secretly looking at the pedestrians around him with some fear.

Seeing her look, Aokiji sighed inwardly, took the initiative to reach out his hand, and smiled softly at Qiong: "Qiong, don't be afraid."

Qiong looked at Aokiji's outstretched hand and was stunned. His eyes turned a few times in a panic, and he timidly stretched out his hand.

Aokiji reached forward with his big hand, grabbed her cold little hand in his, and led her slowly down the street.

Qiong said nothing, staring down at his shoes. At some point, he and Aoki Si kept the same pace.

"Taxi!" Aokiji waved to stop the taxi, opened the door for Qiong, and sat in the back seat with her: "Please go to the entrance of the shopping plaza in the city center."

"Okay." The taxi driver looked at the discordant pairing of the bald man and the weak girl in the rearview mirror and did not dare to say anything.

Aokiji didn't look at the fearful look in the taxi driver's eyes. He was used to it anyway. He just smiled and looked at Qiong's peaceful side face staring at the scenery outside the car window. He made up his mind: He must let Qiong have a good time today!

I just don’t know what Qiong likes.

Aokiji touched his still bulging wallet and made up his mind not to save money today.

With a turbulence, the vehicle stopped and stopped, and finally stopped at the destination set by Aokiji.

After paying the fare, Aokiji got out of the car first and extended his hand to Qiong again.

Qiong looked at the bustling crowd in the shopping mall and held Aoki Si's hand tightly, his silent little face full of uneasiness.

Si Aoki looked at her and said softly: "Okay, Qiong, don't be afraid. I'm here, relax."

Qiong's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. He just lowered his head and tightly grasped Aoki Si's palm, his whole body almost pressed against Aoki Si's body.

Seeing Qiong's expression, Aokiji felt a little distressed.

But no matter what, psychological illness is far from being solved overnight. Today Qiong is willing to walk out of the room, which means he has made a lot of determination.

All Aokiji could do was try his best to cheer up his mood. He pretended to be happy and said with a smile: "Qiong, look over there!"

Qiong raised his head. Not far away, two salesmen in doll costumes had their hands filled with flyers. They were constantly being cute to the crowds coming and going. They looked very cute.

"There's a marshmallow seller over there. Do you want some, Qiong?" Aoki pointed to a food cart selling colorful marshmallows around the noisy square, and looked at Qiong.

Qiong nodded timidly.

Aoki held her hand and came to the cart. He looked at the boss who was shouting and looked at Qiong with a smile: "What color do you want?"

Qiong looked at Aoki Tsukasa and pointed with one finger at the rainbow-colored marshmallows stuck on the cart as a sample.

Aokiji quickly said to the boss: "Please bring me this rainbow-colored marshmallow."

"Okay!" Perhaps because Aoki Si always had a warm smile on his face when he was with Qiong, the owner of the marshmallow seller spoke politely to Aoki Si familiarly: "Is this sir's sister? Look. It looks so cute! Hahaha, I wish my daughter could be this beautiful when she grows up."

Aokiji squeezed Qiong's hand and responded with a smile: "Yes, I really feel that I have accumulated virtue in my previous life, so that I can have such a lovely sister in this life."

Qiong's face turned slightly red as he approached Aoki Si, almost hiding behind Aoki Si.

The boss looked at this scene and sighed with envy: "It would be great if my son and daughter were as close as the two of us. That bastard in my family is tired of not only taking his sister out to go shopping, but also running errands to buy snacks for his sister. "

"Your child is just young. I was like that when I was a child. When you grow up, you will know the value of your relatives. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Aokiji smiled and took the rainbow marshmallow handed over by the boss. Gave it to Qiong.

Qiong looked at the beautiful marshmallows that looked like colorful clouds and didn't know where to start. After hesitating for a long time, he took a small bite from the corner, which was so sweet that his teeth were tired.

"Si" she called out Aoki Si's name in a low voice.

After Si Aoki paid the money, he looked down and saw Qiong carefully placing the marshmallows in front of his eyes: "Si Ye."

Aokiji smiled and lowered his head.

The two of them held hands, eating marshmallows one by one, and walked slowly in the busy shopping mall. In addition to Aokiji who kept chattering about looking for topics, Qiong gradually responded more and more.

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